Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Some more examples of Brads struggles with all his past failures in the form of press releases made in the classic style of "Brad pretending to be some objective reporter interviewing brad Johnson when its really just brad Johnson writing everything"

the dawn of the next great comic book company which has never made a single comic book:

this next ones great "grayshot: the next answer to cloverfield?" I didnt know there was a first answer to cloverfield:

Whats this? for only 3 dollars fans can experience some sort of vague "interactive experience" with a comic book that was never even made, how did this genious business plan NOT get off the ground?:

And finally what I assume to be one last ditch effort to suck every last bone marrow of recognition and potential riches and fame as his fun ride on the coattails of cloverfields viral success comes to an end and he needs to search for something elses coattails to grab on to..maybe some sort of prediction...


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pies, what are you? a stand up comedian or something??? If your not, I think you should be...

And your absolutely right... this man has had way to many jobs and titles... specially for his age!! ... tells me that IF he indeed had SOME of these jobs, he wasnt any good at either of em :-P

ilikepies said:
I just realized in one press release he refers to one of his jobs as "youtube analyst".. what the hell is that, and how many jobs and titles does this guy have hes like some hilariously incompetent con man. Isnt a youtube analyst just someone who watches a lot of youtube

"Governor, a serial killer is broadcasting kills on youtube, the only way we can stop him is if we can analyze the youtube videos to catch him"


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