Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
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You see, Hitler and his Nazi group had their personal truths, and you see what happened there!
Fact of the matter is, you can't talk a delusional person out of self-justification! And denial will always catch up, since it automatically creates a FORCE of energy within an individuals' life. When something is resisted or denied, it persists and even grows stronger, till it is quite the angry 300 lb gorilla in the room. And then, all of the RESULTS of one's Karmas (action) come to fruition.
Can we clearly define "personal truth"?
personal truth as defined by LSOE with the help of google's define command:
a fact that has been verified (truth) that is particular to a given individual (personal)
I eat apple pie, and that's my personal truth. You can verify it, and it is particular to me. But I don't think that's what is meant by "personal truth" in the new age arena. "The idea of personal truth boils down to an affirmation that people are entitled to their own beliefs."
I would take it further and say that on SOE it is an affirmation that people are entitled to their beliefs and they should not challenge them or test them if they "resonate" with the belief. Additionally, on SOE, it means that nobody else should challenge the belief or ask for proof. Personal truths are, in the SOE context, beliefs proposed to be true with personal resonating as the proof. No scientific proof required!
For the purposes of the remaining questions, I will use this latter definition, for it fits in the context much better than my concatenated dictionary definition.
What's the difference between "faith" and "personal truth"
In my opinion, there is a big difference between "faith" and "personal truth." Faith means to believe or have trust in something without proof. It is much different when a person says "I have faith that..." versus "I know that..." And personal truth is always accompanied with "I know that..." Don't mistake me, someone people say, "I have faith that... because I know that..." But those individuals are abusing the word faith.
How does "personal truth" fit in with the SOE-type worldview?
I have some thoughts on this, but I'm afraid they might be offensive. Let me just say that I find that SOE is a yes-man environment (smack me if I'm wrong), and slapping the "personal truth" sticker on everything is conducive to that environment. Personal evolution in the real world, evolving as a human being, is a bitch and is full of challenging your beliefs and having your beliefs challenged. It's work and it's change and it's painful.
What is the logical function of this notion?
Logical function? Not so sure if there is one. The function, in my opinion, is to protect one's ego. It's a way to say something, feel important about what you say, and ignore the criticism. It's a defense mechanism, in my honest opinion.
In what circumstances is "personal truth" used and how?
I think I covered this in my previous answers, so I won't elaborate anymore at this point in time.
Is it possible to negate the idea of "personal truth" without hitting the "faith" impasse?
I think the only negation of "personal truth" is that "truth" is verifiable. Verify or else call it "faith."
It is looking to convenient. I ask you this my friend, if ships did appeared on Apr. 10, how would be given the credit? Yes, Blossom Goddchild. Surely she not given credit for nothing happen but take credit if yes! I am in aggreeance with BunyfuFu, we must look beyond imaginizing our desire inside our heads to meat extra terrestrials. They are deceitful, not of their word. We have only ourselfs to believe, for we are divine! is needing of no one else!!!!
hopeful is understanding, sorry my english is not good I am try hard to learning =)
Here are some quotes taken from Blossom's blog concerning the events or non-events of April 10th 2009. To me it seems pretty clear that "personal truth" is used to cover her ass: How can you simultaneously be a channel for evolved beings from outer space and "know no more" than anyone else? I find it hilarious that the humility kicks in very much after the outrageous declarations and never as a disclaimer before the fact.
Is truth not an unequivocal state of something being not untrue? And if you view things from a positional standpoint of degrees of truth and not oppositional black and white truth/untruth, then wouldn't it be more intellectually honest to clarify this or come up with another word that is more representative of the reality that you're espousing? Sure joining "personal" to "truth" might create this effect, but seeing as the latter word is still used in the phrase, it still carries with it the baggage and significant traits of "truth" being used alone. As we have seen so far it seems to cause confusion and serves only as a means of absolving oneself from any responsibility.
Quotes from Blossom's blog:
"Apr 6, 2009
New channelling.
Hi everyone. Just to let you know that a channelling came through this evening (April 6th). It is not my usual time to put channellings up, so just wanted to let everyone know it is there. Thanks.
Only a few more sleeps until The Global Visualistaion. Thanks so much for everyone who is participating. Let us enjoy the Love that we are giving out to our space family. I KNOW THEY WILL FEEL IT. And yes, in all Truth I know no more than you, but have your cameras at the ready ... I'm sure you have all thought of that anyway... just in case!!
thank you to everyone for your ongoing support.
In Love light Laughter and Golden Rays
Blossom. xxxxxxx"
"Apr 9, 2009
Happy Easter!
Hello everyone.
I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Easter and to remind you of the Global Visual Affect that is taking place on Good Friday at 9pm Brisbane Queensland time. ... 11am GMT.
Hopefully there will be literally thousands of us sending out a 'Welcome' from our hearts to our space family 'somewhere out there'.
Many feel that the Light display that The Federation have recently spoken of, will take place on this day. Personally, I feel that may not be the case , and that it may take place when we least expect it. In my Truth I know no more than anyone else.
I think the main point in all of this, is to let The Federation FEEL our LOVE and SEE our LIGHT... and then maybe ... just maybe ... one day soon , we will see theirs!
Above all ... enjoy the fact that many souls on earth are sending out Love ... at the same time ... that in itself, shall raise the vibration of the planet yet again!!!
Thanks to everyone for participating in this visualistion. We KNOW it will do so much good!
Happy days ahead!
Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays. and a very BIG THANK YOU!
"In all truth" VS "In my truth" hmmmmmmm....
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