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Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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August 3
August 2
Haha that was awesome! :P
August 2
August 2
August 2
teddycool added a blog post
August 2
Meh. I have this happen to me nearly 5 times a month, no biggy. Nothing to worry about.
July 21
I get this all the time. It started kind of late in life, like 16-17 and happens regularly since then. Alot of the time it's just like that, not being able to move-the body still asleep but you're conscious, but I also feel like I know exactly why...
July 21
I'm a Lucid Dreamer myself and have experienced sleep paralysis twice since I started researching it back in late 2006. Both of which would fall under the catergorynof WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream). I should also add that in both cases was compl...
July 20
Yup it happens all the time. A good way to provoke it if you're curious is to set your alarm for the middle of the night, get up and wake up a bit and then go back to sleep. But it's mostly dream-like aaaagh I can't move! AAAGH! A ewifjo wake up.
July 20
Sleep paralysis is actually a blessing in disguise. You can go into LDs or false awakening straight from sleep paralysis so I wish I'd get them more often. If you're too scared, the best way for me to snap out of it back when I didn't know the LD ...
July 20
I think I might have experienced this once before but after a few seconds I was able to calm myself down and realize what was happening. I'd imagine if one was freaking out they might start seeing aliens or something :P
July 20
yah apparently its just a matter of you being awake but your body still thinking your asleep, apparently the best thing to do if your concious and experiencing sleep paralysis is to try and conciously fall back into the dream state and start lucid...
July 20
teddycool added a blog post
A few nights ago when I woke up from a dream, I was unable to move my body and cound't evem say a word, as if I was paralize. As i was laying i still hear my the sounds from my dreams, but then 10 secs later I got control of my body. After this te...
July 20
Brad is probably aiming for the people who feel that achieving such spiritual exercise is a hard task to do own their own, so they have to consider help from teachers or gurus in order to achieve their goals. That is a misconception. The teaching ...
July 19
Thanks for the links, Teddy. I'll check out the videos later on today. I think Candy has posted stuff about this before so let's see what these videos add.
July 19

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Teddycool's Blog


Alex Jones becomes a super sayian

Posted on August 2, 2009 at 6:41pm — 5 Comments


Sleep Paralysis

A few nights ago when I woke up from a dream, I was unable to move my body and cound't evem say a word, as if I was paralize. As i was laying i still hear my the sounds from my dreams, but then 10 secs later I got control of my body. After this terrifying phenomenom, i thought about through the day, i thought it felt like an out of body experience.I began to search it up, hoping that i would get some anwsers. I then checked a video called sleep paralysis and found what i was looking for. anyways… Continue

Posted on July 20, 2009 at 6:54pm — 7 Comments


Conficker Virus on April Fool's Day?

For people who may not be aware there are reports of a conficker virus or worm set to awaken and seriously cause a havok on millions of pcs on April 1st 2009. The 1st of April will be when it becomes active and spread worldwide.
Anyone out there making any bets as to whether this will be real or a scaremongering hoax?


Posted on March 31, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments


Strange Dream

I thought of keeping this moment to myself as a personal thing. but this moment was so strange I just feel the need to share it regardless of how nonsense or childish it may be. It was not long ago when I thought to myself that I wanted to experience lucid dreaming to experience the possibilities, and since thought is a tool of manifestation and operates in the present. I had many thoughts of past life times and moments, and how it would be a pleasure to experience and relive them. It surprising… Continue

Posted on March 15, 2009 at 9:02pm — 3 Comments


Message I was going to post on SoE

This is a message to Brad and was suppose to be posted on SoE to see. But I changed my mind because I didn't want to have alot of members on SoE reacting and and going crazy. I just don't want to start breaking relationships with people on SoE. So I decided to post my message here, so Brad can check it himself. Let's hope no one creates a new account on SoE and post this message there.

Hey Brad,

We all have something in common, which is the perpetual quest for truth and love and understanding.… Continue

Posted on February 24, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

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At 2:57pm on February 9, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome, teddycool. Sorry I missed you in chat. :)


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