Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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ParadigmShift said:
I dunno about you guys but I only see Druanna's post up there right now


Are you referring to the Google Earth thing? On my end (and checking on two different computers) It shows three reviews. My one, Deus's and the painfully obvious fake one.

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Hmm, still shows up for me. It must take a few hours to replicate the data to all the google servers or it's a conspiracy!!!!

ParadigmShift said:
I dunno about you guys but I only see Druanna's post up there right now


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Lol it appears as if Brad thought by removing his Google Maps advert and then putting it back on again would get rid of the negative reviews. Nice try Brad but that's not going to help you either. Not only that but you've yet again shot yourself in the foot by proving that your trying to hide something that was painfully obvious to begin with. Notice that he "business" now appears in Google Maps twice. Both of which of course have the negative reviews intact.

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Nice find, James. That is really hilarious. He looks even worse now because his shill review is there :P
Also, how did I guess Avalonia's reviews would look like this:

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This is great, really it is. Brad, I hope you're reading this, because no amount of cover-ups or hiding facts will do us or anyone else away! Just when you think the harsh truth is hidden, it comes back to bite you in the behind!

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