Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Indigo Bliss - No longer a featured member (Moderator/Administrator) of SOE

So the only SOE Moderator/Administrator that showed neutrality and concern has been removed. Looks like SOE is in full lockdown. Indigo, as always, I welcome you here to share your story.



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Updated with Tony's post:

Thanks for the update, Tony.

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Hey everybody. I apologize for my timely absence lately. Everything is good and well. I have been undergoing many changes in my personal life the past 4 weeks, including the new job, things at home, etc. I did want to make clear, that none of this has to do with an "SoE lockdown", my beliefs, or anything of the sort. I emailed Tony recently to apologize and fill him in on why I have not been present, as then he suggested I be unfeatured until I am able to fully come back. This was only done, between only me and Tony, because of exactly what Tony posted above, as I agree as well. Very shortly I will be offering my full return. I thank you for the concern Deus, but not to worry, it was only out of respect for all of the members that Tony made the suggestion and decision. Thanks as always, and all the best. IB

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Hi Indigo! I missed you by a few minutes on chat as my PC crashed...Windows LOL. It was just a bit unexpected to see you missing from the featured members list so that's why I created this original post then updated it once Tony provided the information. Tony has deleted his account here and as most (if not all) of the members here on SOSOE are banned from SOE, we have no way of communication. It's good to hear from you and I hope all the changes are for the better. Thanks for keeping us in the loop as we do have concern and care for these things :)

Indigo Bliss said:
Hey everybody. I apologize for my timely absence lately. Everything is good and well. I have been undergoing many changes in my personal life the past 4 weeks, including the new job, things at home, etc. I did want to make clear, that none of this has to do with an "SoE lockdown", my beliefs, or anything of the sort. I emailed Tony recently to apologize and fill him in on why I have not been present, as then he suggested I be unfeatured until I am able to fully come back. This was only done, between only me and Tony, because of exactly what Tony posted above, as I agree as well. Very shortly I will be offering my full return. I thank you for the concern Deus, but not to worry, it was only out of respect for all of the members that Tony made the suggestion and decision. Thanks as always, and all the best. IB

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