hey guys, i do have to say, that including a picture of his daughter is a little much. I'm not commenting on the picture as a whole and nor will I. I just dont think someone's child should be involved in this manner, and that goes for anybodys. Ju...
MWHAHAHAHAHA… The Official Royal Press Conference of Chelley..!
Not even able to drag her royal fingers on the keyboard to here, needing Indigo Bliss (no offense to you, dear) as a messenger. Very theatrical. Not Windsor-like, but nearly Napoleon...
Funny how the SOE people feel they can come here to SOSOE and hold us to a standard of truth and correctness with proper evidence for everything we say but when we go over there and try to do the same thing we're banned and made outcasts
I assume this statement is in regards to my blog posting. I'd appreciate if Chelley, instead of making grand statements such as this or fake accounts such as bust3d (I'm pretty sure it is her given what was written), to come here and address ...
I had to join this website after I was referred to this post. I have and still do respect this group's beliefs as I do SOE. Whether I agree or not with the beliefs of the group has no concern on how I accept each and everyone of you, which is the ...