Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

I really have to commend her for her bravery in coming out and telling the truth about Brad on SOE. Kerry, I'm glad you're back home with your kids and family. I know this has been a hard lesson for you and everyone involved but you've learned so much from this experience and now you can focus on the right things. I can't believe that have banned her from SOE to stop the story from coming out. Kerry, feel free to add whatever you want to say here.


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I have to say Kerry I may have had doubts on weather you could finally come clean and come back to reality but I truly have to give you a standing ovation for standing up to this tyrant. Thanks so much. Gotta love Brads carefully worded love and light cult manipulation.

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SOE - i thought it was a site for nice people into the lightworker stuff, after some time it turned into some sort of online mexican soap-opera... all this is absolutely insane! :|

@ ilikepies: well i must admit i had quite a good laugh with your brad & social worker interview - that was hilarious!

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Helarious!! Love it!! I don't care who you are..thats funny! haha

ilikepies said:
Social Worker: Ok Mr Johnson so I see here you've been living off your wife and government handouts for the past 8 years what had you been doing during all of that time?
Brad Johnson: Well I was a professional webpeneur independant filmmaker, perhaps you've heard of spritesapiens?
Social Worker: Sorry I haven't... so how do you plan to be able to provide for your 2 children?
Brad Johnson: Well seen as how the children are pure beings of light i don't worry about them too much but I think the best thing I can do is free myself from the legalized slavery of a job and use the knowledge that I create my own reality to become one with positivity and manifest the timeline into which abundance and wealth will flow to me, then I'll be able to provide for them lots just you wait
Social Worker: so as I understand it your plan is to...magically think money into existance and thats how you plan to support your children who you apparently love?
Brad Johnson: thats such a 2d way of thinking about things, thats using something like your logical mind to think something is impossible, you must think like a child, throw logic out the window, thats how I plan to be a good parent, so do I get back the right to have visitations with my children?
Social Worker: we're gonna have to get back to you on that...for now may i suggest putting in an application at McDonalds?
Brad Johsnon: how dare you try to enslave me, your creating duality! your banned! ban her tony!
Social Worker: umm...there's no one named Tony here and your actually in my office.... and I think I'm gonna call security to have you escorted out because I don't like having crazy people in my office
Brad Johnson: would you change your mind if the 5 souls of arcturian self sing you a song?
Social Worker: get the fuck out

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