Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Holy shit!

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well, that was fast!!!!!... I'm sorry, but being a mom myself, I would not let her near the kids any day soon... when she left she had NO PROBLEM leaving them behind, so who's to say she wont do that again??... what if she falls for another "Brad" (I think she has enough of the situation with him LOL)... those kids are already scared for life... its not the first time she left kids behind from what I understood... I'm sorry, but I do NOT think this woman is fit to be a mother... I know for sure I would do anything and everything in my power to keep the distance between her and the kids as big as possible... BUT its not up to us, is it dear people of SoSoE?... if only..................................

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Oh Braddy boy your "soulmate" has publically humiliated you in your own forum. Are you going to ban her from both SOE and from your own apartment by any chance?

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LOL, the blog just got featured:

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I take it that old sleazebag got real boring real soon with his empty promises of abundance of wealth and happiness. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA not at the least surprising either.

And I agree with Linda, don't let this crazy bitch who fell for his shit near the kids now. She don't deserve it to be a mother.

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So, like, what's the point of this blog post? Sounds like someone is laying the groundwork for a coming decision. I mean, we all self-sabotage to some degree, but this just seems horribly obvious.

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bullshit shes using her kids again just like brad did, her whole magical soulmate abundance perfect life shit didnt work out OBVIOUSLY so now the kids who she so readily left behind are suddenly so important to her just because she dosent want to live in a fucking cardboard box with brad the useless poor hobo

and now thanks to assholes like Tony who consider rape to be a happy joy dance Brad has carte blance to go back to trying to pick up other young girls and convince them with his physic powers they need to be together

How's abundance working for you again Brad?

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chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure chemtrails disclosure

What did you guys say?

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hmm I wonder if Brad will even reply to this, maybe he's gone back to his basement and left kerry homeless on the street and now shes posting this to request help

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Maybe he'll try to snake his back to his wife. Claim it was a mid life crisis or something :P

ilikepies said:
hmm I wonder if Brad will even reply to this, maybe he's gone back to his basement and left kerry homeless on the street and now shes posting this to request help

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god and all the replies are just like one sentence "ok sweety love to you and your family with light namaste forever" I mean thats exactley how everyone responds to this situation, no open discussions or questions to see how her situation is ok or if she needs help or if she could expand on what happened, no people discussing the perhaps odd bunch of occurences that led brad to lead this lady away with her family with a lot of big ass promises that all turned out to not come true and telling her they were soul mates and he could channel their love and other horse shit and maybe if there's something that needs to be discussed here now that we have a lady who abandonded her family and now she "wants" to get back to word on that she is planning almost seems as if now because of what she's done she CAN'T go back to their family...yes there are ALOT of things to discuss here..but what do we get

"super peace ok love to the alienz and namaste forever to your sweet ray of family love joy"

gimme a C, gimme a U, gimme an L......

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In all honesty, I only had a one-liner reply to this (see "Holy shit!" above). If I had not been banned, I'm still not sure I would have anything to say over there. It's not like she was a stranger to this site. And saying, "See, we warned you that Brad's behavior, including his interaction with [erm, predation on?] female SOE [erm, cult?] members, is strikingly similar to cult leaders of past. We warned you not to be fooled into leaving your children. Even the almighty Tony has warned you with cryptic messages of no leaders, no followers, flow, and discern. See?!?" Yeah, maybe I would have, and it would have been deleted in a flash.

And if you're one the folks left on SOE, you had to have either been oblivious to the whole situation, making you a poor candidate for commenting anything more than what the members there are commenting, or you are compliant [silence is compliance, no?] with the NO-PERSONAL-ATTACKS! rule.

ilikepies said:
god and all the replies are just like one sentence "ok sweety love to you and your family with light namaste forever" I mean thats exactley how everyone responds to this situation, no open discussions or questions to see how her situation is ok or if she needs help or if she could expand on what happened, no people discussing the perhaps odd bunch of occurences that led brad to lead this lady away with her family with a lot of big ass promises that all turned out to not come true and telling her they were soul mates and he could channel their love and other horse shit and maybe if there's something that needs to be discussed here now that we have a lady who abandonded her family and now she "wants" to get back to word on that she is planning almost seems as if now because of what she's done she CAN'T go back to their family...yes there are ALOT of things to discuss here..but what do we get

"super peace ok love to the alienz and namaste forever to your sweet ray of family love joy"

gimme a C, gimme a U, gimme an L......

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