Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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They see me rollin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
My music so loud
I'm swangin
They hopin that they gon catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty

Mo-Dean said:
Not to mention he is leaving his own NEWBORN CHILD behind....what a despicable project of a man.

ilikepies said:
hmm im not hip to all the intracasies of how gettin a visa to the UK works but wouldnt you need to have least a job offer...or be enrolled in a school or something? I don't think Brads excuse that he's awakened and therefore allowed to resist "slavery" will be much help...If they are indeed trying to stay together and go to UK i doubt kerrys family will be very pleased with having that worthless heap brad bumming around

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the battle is lost, Brad has just uploaded a new profile picture so sexy no woman or man could possibly hope to resist becoming a member of his new age sex harem

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LOL! He has the crazy cult eye thing going on:

ilikepies said:
the battle is lost, Brad has just uploaded a new profile picture so sexy no woman or man could possibly hope to resist becoming a member of his new age sex harem

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Could be separated at birth LOL :P

Mo-Dean said:
You are getting veeeery sleeeepy......*YaaAAAWwwnnn..*

Mo-Dean said:
DeusEx said:
LOL! He has the crazy cult eye thing going on:

ilikepies said:
the battle is lost, Brad has just uploaded a new profile picture so sexy no woman or man could possibly hope to resist becoming a member of his new age sex harem

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** standing ovation for Jesus ** that was just PERFECT

Jesus Cries said:
lol where is ma golden cookie then!

but hey wait a second, i think that post by "brad johnson" can easily be perceived as an attack on brad johnson on another forum. Let's all sit back and watch if tony or brad johnson is dumb enough to ban brad johnson from SOE XD

I laugh how they cant ban me because they dont know my username there HAHA!

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Many internets and cookies for you for that Jesus :D Nice one!

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lol thanks for the internets cookies guys. I'm just doing my internets job.

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It's pretty funny that Brad can't even bring himself to call the UK embassy and find out the facts from the people that can actually provide assistance. Instead he signs up on forums probably because he couldn't find a relevant youtube video.

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I was thinking the exact same thing, he probably dosent want to go have to deal with anyone in an official capacity because he might not be able to tell lies like "i have a good job" and he thinks he can just get some magical internet advice that will fix everything.

My guess is Brad will probably be left in victoria cause who'd want to let that douchebag into their country (seriously who wants to let him in? please get him out of my town) and kerry will have to go back home and they might BOTH be left totally destitute and homeless because of this childish soulmate astral love bullshit they pulled....has Brads new born son even turned 1 year old yet? what disgusting human beings, they seriously deserve to be shot

DeusEx said:
It's pretty funny that Brad can't even bring himself to call the UK embassy and find out the facts from the people that can actually provide assistance. Instead he signs up on forums probably because he couldn't find a relevant youtube video.

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Hell one things for certain. If he dares step foot on the soil of the UK I'll resurrect the dead corpse of Winston Churchill to once again protect this country from his might (or should I say severe lack of). On a legal side of things I really cannot see this working out unless he's bending the law or utilising some kind of loophole.

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Why don't you get out of town before Family beat the crap out of you...and by the way Brad barf face....owes tons of money including the Taxman...beware!!!! He is as crazy as a shithouse mouse...delusional space cadet..who lived off either his wife or the government for the last 8 years....bless you my child..and upyours brad...

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Whoa damn, you know Brad personally?

moses applegate said:
Why don't you get out of town before Family beat the crap out of you...and by the way Brad barf face....owes tons of money including the Taxman...beware!!!! He is as crazy as a shithouse mouse...delusional space cadet..who lived off either his wife or the government for the last 8 years....bless you my child..and upyours brad...

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