Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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It means it's all 100% legit and is guaranteed to catapult you face first into the love and light.

ParadigmShift said:
Can someone please explain to me what all of that fancy lawyer speak means?

TheTabarnac said:
The Disclaimer is just lovely

"Psychic Readings
All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person's personal life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that we do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. We or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall be liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control"

I love how they sneak that in at the end of the sentence there

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Don't go there D I had a rough proberty.


DeusEx said:
I can't because "All rights to channellings and info are proberty of"

ParadigmShift said:
Can someone please explain to me what all of that fancy lawyer speak means?

TheTabarnac said:
The Disclaimer is just lovely

"Psychic Readings
All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person's personal life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that we do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. We or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall be liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control"

I love how they sneak that in at the end of the sentence there

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Don't worry, deflowering is free ;)

TheTabarnac said:
Don't go there D I had a rough proberty.


DeusEx said:
I can't because "All rights to channellings and info are proberty of"

ParadigmShift said:
Can someone please explain to me what all of that fancy lawyer speak means?

TheTabarnac said:
The Disclaimer is just lovely

"Psychic Readings
All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person's personal life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that we do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. We or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall be liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control"

I love how they sneak that in at the end of the sentence there

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It means that, like a high paid escort service, happy endings are guaranteed.

ParadigmShift said:
Can someone please explain to me what all of that fancy lawyer speak means?

TheTabarnac said:
The Disclaimer is just lovely

"Psychic Readings
All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person's personal life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that we do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. We or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall be liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control"

I love how they sneak that in at the end of the sentence there

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it's funny that he would add that to sound all professional when he's probably violating the copyright associated with his background image =p

DeusEx said:
I can't because "All rights to channellings and info are proberty of"

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Talking about sound, did you listen to the "introsduction"?

ParadigmShift said:
it's funny that he would add that to sound all professional when he's probably violating the copyright associated with his background image =p

DeusEx said:
I can't because "All rights to channellings and info are proberty of"

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Euphorica can introsduce me anytime ;)

edit: looks like her name changed to Uephorica :\ now THAT'S authenticity.

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yah sorry Clinton even though your not as much of an asshole piece of shit as Brad your lying and playing make believe with these changelings and readings just as Brad is so I hope no ones stupid enough to give you 150 just so you can tell them a bunch of vague shit about how they are unlimited love aliens and one with everything and all that shit. I hope you fail....and you probably will.... best of luck to you and hopefully you find a way of making money that isnt a pointless and potentially harmful scam

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Christ all mighty 150$ for nothing more than a scientifically unproven fantasy game that supposedly makes an impact in your life? Brad really has corrupted your views and has made you hungry for money just like him. The lust and power for money is capable of corrupting even what appears to be the nicest souls in this world it really does. I'm going to give you a reading for the sum of 0$ thats powered by the 1000 souls of pure unadulterated logic...... Hmmmmmmmmmmm your new website will make you fuck all and will eventually crumble like EOS (ring any bells?) have a nice day now.

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This makes me sick :-S

Reply to This cute. Looks like Clinton or Nicklas keep an eye on our site as the spelling and grammatical errors we pointed out are now fixed. Hi guys! Why don't you say hello?

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they havent changed the biggest fucking error though

Deodean and Uephorica channelled by Clinton Doherty, offers you the opportunity to access their state of being and receive some insight into your life. All the readings will be emailed directly to you. We ask you to ask 3 questions about anything you like from either Deodean or Uephorica. A general reading will be sent, which will be guidance from them and the three questions will be answered by the light being you wished to give the question to.

All funds will be raised towards travelling, teaching, advertising and helping others.

Readings will cost $150 / reading
Reading will be shipped to your Paypal Email address within three days

WOWWWWWW so you dont even have to go through the pressure of doing a live reading, you can take your time bullshitting people how clever

I hope Clinton is reading this site because i'd like to say "FUCK YOU" to that scamming girlie voiced south african huckster and remind him that dishonestly scamming people out of money wont count as good karma, the universe is not so easily fooled dickshit, have fun failing

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