Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Whatever you do, don't read the disclaimer :P

ilikepies said:
they havent changed the biggest fucking error though

Deodean and Uephorica channelled by Clinton Doherty, offers you the opportunity to access their state of being and receive some insight into your life. All the readings will be emailed directly to you. We ask you to ask 3 questions about anything you like from either Deodean or Uephorica. A general reading will be sent, which will be guidance from them and the three questions will be answered by the light being you wished to give the question to.

All funds will be raised towards travelling, teaching, advertising and helping others.

Readings will cost $150 / reading
Reading will be shipped to your Paypal Email address within three days

WOWWWWWW so you dont even have to go through the pressure of doing a live reading, you can take your time bullshitting people how clever

I hope Clinton is reading this site because i'd like to say "FUCK YOU" to that scamming girlie voiced south african huckster and remind him that dishonestly scamming people out of money wont count as good karma, the universe is not so easily fooled dickshit, have fun failing

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Clinton WTF!!! You whore

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You think Brad paid Clinton $150 for his services?

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Oh Clinton I thought you were above this now. How fucking stupid of me. Oh well live and learn I know I wont make the same mistake twice.

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Don't worry James...Clinton has served his purpose

james_uk said:
Oh Clinton I thought you were above this now. How fucking stupid of me. Oh well live and learn I know I wont make the same mistake twice.

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I was invited by Clinton and accepted the invite... there's only 6 members so far including myself... there's Clinton, Nicklas, Zeropoint, Anne and somebody I'm not talking to... need I say more? LOL... we will see !!

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@ Linda Invited to what


Can we please agree now that Clinton is a dipshit dyslexic wannabe space wizard? I mean I like him as much as the next guy/girl when he comes on here to spit on Brad or other cook SOEers, but other than that he's just a little pretend channeler that can barely string a sentence together.

I wish him no harm, but people should see him for what he is once and for all; a new-age quack space wizard Bashar wannabe, which in itself is really bad (aspiring to be a fraud space wizard retard).

So Clinton thank you. Thank you so much for providing ammo and getting dirt on brad for us. You have been extremely useful in this respect. Your Karma is way fucked now by the way.

Good luck with that.

Linda said:
I was invited by Clinton and accepted the invite... there's only 6 members so far including myself... there's Clinton, Nicklas, Zeropoint, Anne and somebody I'm not talking to... need I say more? LOL... we will see !!

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@ Tab: Invited to euphoricadeoden - A New Dawn ...

There ya go ;-)

And for the most part I agree with you ... I'm sure Clinton's karma will bite him in the ass one day ... but that's not our problem :-)

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Guestbooks are fun

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oh wow clinton responds with "HAHAHAHAHAHAAA" how ingenious that changes everything and instantly gets him off the hook for being a scamming lying fraud piece of shit because he's just so fun lovin

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LOL @ the guest book entries :P

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