Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Following the decreed of a new rule on Saviors Of Earth, I believe it is necessary to point out what "Light & Love" currently finds its roots in, in the SOE dick-tionary.

Saviors of Earth has a strong anti-duality policy.

Duality (dualitas) comes from Latin: dualis — from duo (two).
A strong anti-duality policy thus denotes a clear will for one-sided, exclusive idealism, which is also clearly expressed in the countless teachings glorifying the self:

[ from the last channeling session: “Five Souls of Arcturian Inner Self Channeling - Feb. 21st" by Brad Johnson ]:

“ I matter. I matter.
I am here for ME.
I am SOURCE. ”

Please note: Fascism is a radical authoritarian nationalist ideology focused on solving (read: Saving) economic, political, and social problems that its supporters (read: Lightworkers) see as causing national decline or decadence (read: Duality).
In the current context: this accurately describes Saviors of Earth.

Chat, Blog articles, forum posts and comment posts based on personal political agendas influencing criticism based upon this website, the network creator, administration staff and SoE members is strictly prohibited.

A political agenda clearly describes a program of things to be done or problems to be addressed relating to the government or public affairs of a country, or to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group.

In the current context: any chat, blog article, forum post and comment that aims at discussing things to be done, problems to be addressed/corrected or ideas (in other words — personal thinking) in the realm of SOE is strictly prohibited. NO critics allowed.

Please note: Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government (read SOE Creator and Admin Team) and the fascist movement (read Saviors Of Earth).

SoE will no longer tolerate this creation of duality between such parties. Creation of such content aforementioned will result in the content being immediately deleted from Saviors of Earth and the offender will be given one warning. Failure to comply with this warning and any attempts to re-apply the content in question will result in the offender becoming permanently banned from Saviors of Earth.

Group thinking is favored rather than individual’s. Any post denoting any individual thinking that doesn’t praise, glorify, honor the one-sided, exclusive idealism of SOE shall be censored.
Any attempt at having one’s opinion re-posted shall imply banning (read: excommunication).

Please note: Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective nation (read: SOE) or race (read: Lightworkers).

Saviors of Earth is based on a light and love relationship, and we wish to keep it that way to avoid personal conflicts with members, staff and the website in general.
Positivity is key.
Criticism based on topics posted is acceptable as long as it is respectable without any form of negativity towards the author of the post or article.

In clear, constructive quality is announced as key, critics are accepted as long as they do not disapprove, denounce, condemn, give bad press to both the article and its author.

In brief: critics are acceptable as long as they praise, worship, glorify, honor, give thanks to the article and its author. Which makes no sense at all.

The rule should read: Praise is the only acceptable form of comment or writing.


SOE has now clearly become an unhealthy, unsafe psychologically destructive CULT whose attribute fits:

1. A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that
may have originally sustained the group lose power.

2. A process [is in use] call[ed] coercive persuasion or thought reform.

3. Sexual, and other exploitation, forthcoming economical of group members by the leader and the
ruling team.

With a leader publishing such rules as the one just discussed, it is safe to say that rooted in a clear inferiority complex by its leader (numerous past failures at any attempt to gain fame and fortune), the ideological roots of the SOE cult, like nazism, draws from 19th century idealism as well as an uncanny similarity to “breeding upwards toward the goal of an Übermensch (“superhuman”)”.

Indeed, hammering the followers with stances such as “You Are Gods” and looping promises of Ascension — the latter being clearly reminiscent of other known UFO cults —, only highlights the controversial unsafe grounds of this cult’s foundations.

There seems to be a typical mindset within most destructive cults.
This is often characterized by black and white thinking, a low tolerance of ambiguity and a relentlessly judgmental attitude.

Members of such a group often think in "we, they" opposing terms regarding those outside their group.
This mindset frequently produces feelings of superiority and/or spiritual elitism, claims of supposed "persecution" and unreasonable fears.
These fears typically concern the outside world and the consequences of disagreeing with the group.

Most often destructive cults, groups and/or leaders are able to shape a mindset based upon control of communication, association, and information through hyperactivity and/or isolation.
This in turn provides the basis for further control of behavior, emotions and thinking, which has been called "mind control." This is frequently a gradual step-by-step process that includes facets of psychological persuasion and the principles of influence.

Information is controlled in many cults by creating strict rules and/or guidelines and often even restricting associations with anyone who might express independent ideas, doubts or negative feelings about the group.
The group and its leader(s) thus may become much like a filter, supposedly needed to help eliminate the "negativity" and “duality” of the outside world.

When people are busy with group activities there may be little if any meaningful time away from the group, except for work, school or sleep. Group members are thus often cut off and isolated from any outside frame of reference or objective feedback. They become constrained through their largely exclusive associations within the group, this may also include being substantially removed from family and friends.
All these factors can create a kind of vacuum regarding any meaningful critical analysis. And then the group and/or its leadership fills that vacuum with its own perspective and agenda.

Essentially, coercive persuasion relies largely upon thought reform techniques and may also utilize unreasonable fear to compel people to change.
Through such a process many can be changed without their knowledge and/or informed consent. This is done in a rigid way that frequently precludes any meaningful exchange of ideas, is fairly one-sided and seems to have little respect for differences.

Many dictators have historically been labeled as "megalomaniacs" and "psychopaths."
They are not unlike destructive cult leaders, who often have messianic pretensions and delusions about world influence.
Movements such as Nazism, Stalinism and Maoist China can be seen as cults. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were all charismatic leaders who increasingly became an object of worship. These leaders also employed obvious thought reform techniques and exploited their followers.

In the United States during the "Red Scare" of the 50s there was a mindset that came be known as "McCarthyism." During that bleak era of American history Senator Joseph McCarthy dominated and profoundly influenced the thinking of a nation. This mindset produced overwhelming intimidation, information control, propaganda and unreasonable fear.



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excellent anology Dom. A+

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Very nicely done. You beat me to it and deserve a cookie :D

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Wonderfully written Dom, I think I speak for everyone here when I can have me if you want me

Its not like Jim Jones or Heavens gate guy advertised "hey come to our hot new cult we might commit suicide one day"

Cults always start as some guy all "oh believe me if you want, im just telling the truth and I just want to help you, we're just a group of people trying to save the world we're just a group dedicated to ascension blah blah"

The thing that has always worried me is not that eventually these people will successfully lie down on their beds and float up to 6th density through sheer will, what has worried me is that fact that this is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. This thing, this heaven, this savior of their all their lives all these people are waiting for is not going to happen, and I am very worried that one day these people, and especially someone as emotionally insane as Brad, just won't be able to take it anymore. Perhaps Brad will come out with a new channeling that states that the darkness has been reawakened from its slumber in their crystal jail and now the earth has been brought back down to 3rd density and only the people who can have the power to ascend will be able to escape while the mindless skeptics will be left to suffer in 3rd density hell. Maybe its just a tight knit group of people on ventrilo saying stuff like "well lets keep this on the down low guys we don't want people to think we're committing suicide here, people just don't understand that making yourself die is not suicide at all but ascending"

Brads gone back on his words, his teachings, and done ridiculously crazy things before, there's no reason to think an eventual suicide type thing won't happen one day. But even without the whole suicide thing, this is still a dangerous group that encourages people to step away from their lives, give up on any hopes and dreams they had in the real world, spend all their time at their computer meditating, just keep on hoping for the "big thing" to happen. Now that Brad has gone full out hitler mode and will delete anything with a scrap of criticism or argument against what he does and what he tells people who knows how many people will continue to be screwed over by this egotistical jackass

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Clinton, I don't know if I'm the only one but when you write something I have to read it over and over to understand what you're saying. Maybe the reason we don't see eye to eye is because of misunderstandings? I decided to try to understand this post fully, here's what I got from it, the parts with >>> are my interpretations:

clinton meduim of light said:
Yeah I see your point IDOM. But all the people that start there own ning have a comunity as thats what it is about.

>>>I see your point Dom, but allow me to explain why I disagree. Ning is all about community.

clinton meduim of light said:
Every person that plays in the information has willingly done so. So with that understanding we all willingly took part in something If we dislike or like the information given out.

>>>Every user who participates in distributing, reading, commenting, etc on the information available does it out of choice, whether they agree or disagree with the information itself.

clinton meduim of light said:
It is always our choice to stay and play with the information or look past it and carry on with learing in a new energy or collective consciousness where the information is slightly different and we can play more in new information.

>>>You can also choose to disregard the information or investigate it further, together with as group with different ideas.

clinton meduim of light said:
So all is energies and we choose to whyere we wish to play and what collective consciousness we wish to take sides on.

>>>All is energy and we choose where to get our information from and choose which groups we agree with.

clinton meduim of light said:
So in the end of the day all comes down to personal truth and personal desire to carry on playing in a certain collective to play out the energy till it no longer serves anymore.

>>>At the end of the day it comes down to personal truth* and personal desire to stay in the same place until you can't get any more useful information out of it.

clinton meduim of light said:
That is why I am here and thats why I am playing its cause I am like minded to allot of the individuals or not like minded and my desires to push certain information that I vibrate with consciousley.

>>>The reason I'm interacting with information here is because there are people who tend to think or not think as I do, and I want to promote the information I agree with.

clinton meduim of light said:
At the end of the day there is always right or wrong ok duality. But there is also unity to strive like mindedly for a certain goal.

>>>Right and wrong exists, but sometimes people just share similar ideas and want to get together to reach a goal anyway.

clinton meduim of light said:
If the desire becomes destructive instead of constructive then you know you are apart of a destructive collective which again is fine untill you wish to play in the collective no more and either go to a new collective consciosness to play in constructive or destructive collectives again.

>>>It's ok if you want to be a member of a group that discredits the ideas of another group, and you can decide to stop being a member and join another group that either tries to promote or discredit an idea,

clinton meduim of light said:
So with this I feel that the only way is uniting what we dislkie and forming unity between difference. The problem comes in when there is too much collective consciousness on one side of the spectrum holding back expression of the other collective.

>>>I think the way to reach agreements is to overcome disagreements and reach common ground in spite of them. The problem comes when there are too many people who either agree or disagree, and one side loses their ability to express themselves.

clinton meduim of light said:
Then duality sets in and fighting of whats right or wrong comes to play again.

>>>This is when opposing ideas set in and fighting occurs again.

Is this basically right?

Because if it is, what are you addressing? Are you in any way referring to any points that Dom made in his article, or the points made by any of the users made here? Because to me it seems like you're trying to shower us with obvious truisms without saying anything of value, nor does it show that you're actually giving thoughtful consideration to anything anyone says around here. Again, I'm giving this the benefit of doubt and maybe I'm missing some greater underlying message that might have been missed out of misunderstanding, so please let me know.

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As a sidenote, I'd like to add:

Offering truisms to someone to win them over to your point of view is an old persuasion technique to get people to agree with you without actually making any points of substance. It's a psychological way of getting someone to agree with the truisms themselves rather than your actual point of view. I'm not saying you're doing this consciously, I"m just saying this is what you appear to be doing instead of what you should really be doing, Which is considering people's points and responding to them thoughtfully as other people here have done for you. It's a 2-way street, if only one party is doing it it's not really productive dialogue.

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Really nicely done, Para.

Many of the arguments being used by SOE members are fallacies such as appeals to emotion, wishful thinking, and association fallacies. It's a minefield :P

ParadigmShift said:
As a sidenote, I'd like to add:

Offering truisms to someone to win them over to your point of view is an old persuasion technique to get people to agree with you without actually making any points of substance. It's a psychological way of getting someone to agree with the truisms themselves rather than your actual point of view. I'm not saying you're doing this consciously, I"m just saying this is what you appear to be doing instead of what you should really be doing, Which is considering people's points and responding to them thoughtfully as other people here have done for you. It's a 2-way street, if only one party is doing it it's not really productive dialogue.

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Care to elaborate?

clinton meduim of light said:
Well I like to look at things from other perspectives...

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When I saw this the other day, this deeply disturbed me. It has a DARK energy about it, very imposing, heirarchical and condascending.

Bascially it's SPIRITUAL DISCRIMINATION. Condeming those who might seek to question established 'spiritual' beliefs.

Isn't it odd though, being spiritual MEANS question everything.

Like all this crap about the 4 suns an Planet X, of those 2 things I've seen no evidence so far.

And this 'second sun' thing, I knew that was dodgy from the start but the 'Arcuturian Selves' totally supported it. We'll see March 20th, could be Brad's own 10-14. anyone?

Anyone can come and say whatever the fuck they want on my ning as well! as long as it[s truth, 'anti duality' or not.

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You may want to reconsider going back in. The change in SOE is quite apparent to all that have been watching. The anti-duality rule just exacerbated the effect. Delusional followers need to be prevalent in order to keep the community going.

Steve said:
I think its sufficient to say Brad's involvement in SOE has diminished to the point that I would consider going back.
However, not as long as this rule is in place.
God I feel like i'm stuck in LOST, "I need to get back to the Island!"
People on SOE are getting seriously deluded, divided, cagey and fearful. I want to help them, but I can't do much within the confines of a 'no-duality' rule.

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