Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

We started talking about this on chat yesterday and I wanted to discuss this more. I believe that reality is separate from what perception and belief. What do you guys think?


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I feel that perception and belief forms your reality.

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Very good little Padawan :-P

Yet, reality is defined by which that exist. But then, a hologram exist, one can see it. Yet it's not real.

Skywalker said:
Reality is that which arises independently. A tree falling in a forest.
Experience or Perception is the subject of a situational 'agent' experiencing that reality through observation captured by any of the five senses. The tree fell next to me and I can see it.

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Who can define Truth?

Skywalker said:
Truth + Perception = Experience
Experience + Belief = Personal Reality

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H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Who can define Truth?

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Have you looked at the Phenomenology of the Mind by Hegel?

Skywalker, you would really like the Parable of the Cave

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Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.

I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions bringing me strife and loneliness.

To others my reality is horrific because their beliefs have skewed their perception of the world. For some people my being a single, unmarried mother is the worst kind of person. I am "used" and "dirty". To these people, who believe that women are only of value as breeders and housemakers I have sinned and need to be "saved". They see only hardship in my future because of my foolish actions.

So there it is... EXACT same realities with two entirely different perceptions on it.

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Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.

I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions bringing me strife and loneliness.

To others my reality is horrific because their beliefs have skewed their perception of the world. For some people my being a single, unmarried mother is the worst kind of person. I am "used" and "dirty". To these people, who believe that women are only of value as breeders and housemakers I have sinned and need to be "saved". They see only hardship in my future because of my foolish actions.

So there it is... EXACT same realities with two entirely different perceptions on it.

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oops sorry about the double post there!!

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No problem. I was going to delete it for you, but I didn't want to be accused of censorship lol.

Apocolypstick said:
oops sorry about the double post there!!

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Nice quote, Patrick.

Patrick said:
"REALITY is that which even when you stop believing in it, DOESN'T GO AWAY."

Philip K. Dick

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Brad J. Johnson

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Danny said:

Brad J. Johnson

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