Back in July, ilikepies noticed a new user on who was immediately friended by Brad. We figured she would be Brad's next victim and sure enough Brad started up with advances or what we can now define as grooming. It was decided that we should contact Meg and provide information about Brad so she knew what she was getting into. Meg had and has NO affiliation with SOSOE and did not know of it's existence until I pointed it out. She was already on for her own purpose which will be revealed in her emails. The following is a record of our email exchanges. I have edited out her full name, my account details, and a few sentences that might give my account away. I added her as a friend on and was immediately banned without even emailing her. This is how protective Brad is when it comes to women he wants to groom. I did what I thought was best and invited Meg over to SOE so I could email her.
thats super extra disturbing that he banned you for being a potential threat to his attempts to brainwash another girl. Brads like fuckin Alan Rickman in sweeney todd, pure fucking evil