Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Saviors of Earth Quote Of The Week:

"Leave the out of alignment 'balls of clay' AS 'balls of clay.'"
~Adronis Channeling.

Tags: adronis, balls, lol


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OMG i almost wet myself.

In other words, stuff everyone else who doesnt think like us - fudge all that unconditional love crap ... We have The Word from Adronis! Remember! Leave your balls alone!

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How the HELL are these words of wisdom? "Words of a dumbass" would be more appropriate here.

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Let's pretend nothing bad is happening. Happy thoughts happy thoughts. How did it work out for you Brad?

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what the fuck only some retarded idiot like brad comes up with some quote like that and think its some worthy deep philosophical idea. I thought everyone was like "oh soe is no longer like that no leaders no followers no more featured videos" yet here is brad putting up his ridiculously stupid line from his fake channeling as the quote of the week. Can no one see that he has never and will never change? No matter what new angle or scam hes trying he's always the same egomaniacal delusional dipshit with severe delusions of grandeur.

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Say what you will, but hasn't it occurred to you guys that SOE might just need explicit instructions to leave said misaligned, lopsided balls alone? Just let'em hang, all is as it should be. Namaste.

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Hello Dear Ones. In light of what has been told to you by the being known as ParadigmShift we have come here to tell you the exact same thing but even better and more shinier. We come here today to tell you that this is not about boxers or briefs but to move past the duality and go full commando. Yes, you must freeball. Love and Light to you all.

P.S. - Whatever Brad says is true because I'm Brad from the future so I can tell you he's always right.

ParadigmShift said:
Say what you will, but hasn't it occurred to you guys that SOE might just need explicit instructions to leave said misaligned, lopsided balls alone? Just let'em hang, all is as it should be. Namaste.

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Yeah I vote for this to be SoSoE front page top quote of... indefinitely?

Mo-Dean said:
Pies, your paragraph should be laminated and hanged up high for everyone to see when they come in here. Brilliant!!!!!

ilikepies said:
what the fuck only some retarded idiot like brad comes up with some quote like that and think its some worthy deep philosophical idea. I thought everyone was like "oh soe is no longer like that no leaders no followers no more featured videos" yet here is brad putting up his ridiculously stupid line from his fake channeling as the quote of the week. Can no one see that he has never and will never change? No matter what new angle or scam hes trying he's always the same egomaniacal delusional dipshit with severe delusions of grandeur.

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SOSOE Quote of the Century :p

Jesus Cries said:
Yeah I vote for this to be SoSoE front page top quote of... indefinitely?

Mo-Dean said:
Pies, your paragraph should be laminated and hanged up high for everyone to see when they come in here. Brilliant!!!!!

ilikepies said:
what the fuck only some retarded idiot like brad comes up with some quote like that and think its some worthy deep philosophical idea. I thought everyone was like "oh soe is no longer like that no leaders no followers no more featured videos" yet here is brad putting up his ridiculously stupid line from his fake channeling as the quote of the week. Can no one see that he has never and will never change? No matter what new angle or scam hes trying he's always the same egomaniacal delusional dipshit with severe delusions of grandeur.

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