Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
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- I'd like to suggest that the originator should have the freedom to post whatever content he wants, but he should also assume some responsibility for the content he chooses to post. Do you agree with that, Tony? If not, where do you see the lines being drawn between the judgment of the person dispersing information and the discretion of the people reading this information...?
I think we need two scenario's here;
1 - reposted content
Should someone who posts blossom, mark h., casper or any other source hold some responsibility for the content?
No, i don't think so. Maybe it would be appropiate to preceed every post with the discernment statement from the new-member section or at least credit given/link made available to the source along with a reminder that the content is made available at member discretion and discernment. It would be asking to much for the "postee" to take responsibility for the content, they simply wish to make the information available based on their (rightful/wrongful) assumption that other members may benefit from it.
2 - peronalised posts
IMHO these fall under the same category as if they were posted by blossom, mark. H, Casper etc etc. The fact that we think we know the person makes them no different from the formentioned persons. Do we really know the postee? I suggest we don't, therefor the same discernment statement would apply here. No post by any member has any more truth/falsehood to it that that of any source on the internet. It is up to me as an individual to decide how i receive this information and continue to verify it further or dismiss it in its entirety.
So in short the line between judgment and discretion is no mans land and has to remain so for your own safety. Take your own responsibility and self protection seriously in these matters. I suggest not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
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