this makes me want to say so how do you love yourself now brad, since loving yourself makes it easier to love others, and it seems that the fat has increase,does that mean a decrease in self esteem?
Haha Pies, you beat me to it. I got the screenshot:
Umm, yeah KerBrad, you're like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie if they were beaten for 100 years with the ugly stick, supersized by forcefeeding McDonalds everyday, and stung by an entire hornet's nest.
who needs industrial grade vomit inducing medication when you have comments like these from brad..
Uh, actually Vaddix. Kerry's in Victoria. LOL.
But thanks for your comment nonetheless. Hope you're well.
Thanks everyone else for your comments. Kerry and I feel like the lightworker version of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with all this gossip on us. LOL. j/k.
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