Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

  • Male
  • San Diego, CA
  • United States

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rofl HAHAHAHAHH now we know where brad got the idea from... nah what am I saying, he wouldn't be cool enough to watch venture bros
5 hours ago
:P hmm I was gonna post a comparison of an elohim baby and a carefully chosen screencap of Druanna, but really this video doesn't have anything in it that would provoke me to post it.
13 hours ago
yes, but will they do a segment on possessed nutcrackers?
13 hours ago
"So I ask, what is the new age position on knowingly deceiving people, knowingly lying to people in attempts to obtain their money (you know that evil monetary system money), telling people you are qualified to give them advice about serious issue...
on Saturday
Oh where are my manners: welcome to any new SOSOE members, and sorry for the derail. I guess sometimes it can't be helped around here.
on Friday
Tony...if you went any lower I'd have to scrape your ass off the floor with a spatula. What do you see in common between these SOE users: Kerry, Clinton, Antonella, Twilight Child, Indigo Bliss, and You? For one, as a group you guys were a big pa...
on Friday
Do they bite?
on Thursday
he he, that's cute :3 So how's trying to be clever and witty working out for you?
on Wednesday
lol that guy is the MAN
August 4
Chaleb, those garbled noises you hear in the video isn't the sound quality--that's actually Druana's singing :P
August 4
I vote that SOE sends Tony to teach these guys about chemtrails.
August 3
Reminds me of New Age communities like SOE where they believe something is owed to them but stolen by someone (Illuminati, shadow governments, etc) and just sit and stare at the skies waiting for deliverance or tell stories to each other. At least...
August 3
See, if Brad had made these kinds of froofy new age videos from the start, and hadn't showcased his disastrous life on the internet, I would have lost interest in criticizing him pretty quickly. I mean you could look at the negatives, that the vid...
August 3
This was pretty cool. Reminds me of "God is American". You can find it here:
August 2
ParadigmShift added a video
Kind of silly but I thought it was interesting. Make your own associations :P
August 2
Well I'll give it to Deus that he kicked it off kind of douchebag-style, but in the end he was able to do something that would require a sense of honor. My hat's off to Tony for that.
August 2

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Haven't we all been in this situation?

Every once in a while I'm tempted to tell Mrs. Farmers of the world to to forcibly insert the lifeline exercise card into their anus. Continue

Posted on April 1, 2009 at 1:33am — 4 Comments

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At 2:27pm on February 6, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome, ParadigmShift! :)


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