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Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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This is so deranged it's almost disturbing, it almost sounds like hes over acting at parts and trying to make his voice sound groggy, was he going for gritty realism? This just sounds like the rantings of a mad man
3 hours ago
5 hours ago
What is with the constant scratching and touching of his face as well as the shifting eyes? Doesn't this remind you of the those chinese/japanese movies where the voices never matched. F**kin' hell and insanely funny. "Hey...its Godzillwah...!
5 hours ago
rofl HAHAHAHAHH now we know where brad got the idea from... nah what am I saying, he wouldn't be cool enough to watch venture bros
5 hours ago
Great stuff Pies!
5 hours ago
ilikepies added a video
Henry Killenger finally meets with Brad Johnson, flanked by Tony and Besimi
6 hours ago
LOL brad wants to ban this guy so hard....
6 hours ago
umm what the fuck is wrong with you brad, do you have any idea how insane you look. How many fucking DAYS ago was it you were talking about "ohh hey lets concentrate on the real world we're here in the 3D we need to take responsibility and see wh...
6 hours ago
im pretty sure charging people money for the right to get information from a "multi dimensional entity willing to assist humanity" counts as fraud when the supposed "medium" for said multi dimensioanl entity can't even ask his magical spaceship fl...
9 hours ago
Brad Idiotfuckwit..I mean jonhson's latest take on this matter "I just thought it was an interesting experience whether real or not. Obviously I'm getting to people who oppose what I do, and I couldn't be happier. Just shows we're making impact."...
10 hours ago
wtf is this shit? A rational explanation being offered for something that is otherwise being touted by brad as his greatest achievement and proof of his importance? And by Tony of all people? Burn the traitor! burn the witch! burn everything!!!
17 hours ago
Druanna and Not Brad: Ghosthunters comin this summer on syfyy
18 hours ago
copied from the latest reply on this thread before its likely removed or until someone does that better screencapping thing that i can't do Reply by The Great Cornholio 32 minutes ago *at a secret board meeting in an undisclosed maximum security ...
Gee i was totally confirmed that a dark agent of the jewlluminati psychicly attacked brads phone by ANYA. I mean when you think of "psychic credibility" dont you just automatically think of Anya McAnya
doo doo dee dooo...
ilikepies added a video
Didn't you JUST SAY in your last video that none of this shit was gonna happen, that we had to wait for the 2010 critical mass 5 year span of vagueness? You called yourself mr professional researcher in your last video and yet you constantly come ...

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At 8:31pm on May 1, 2009, LeavingSOE said…

Thank you for posting the Hitchens videos! :)
At 12:12am on March 17, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
In case you want to respond...
At 8:29pm on March 16, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
your post on SOE is full of non sensical fail and i'd be happy to respond to it hear because the one account i thought i still had at SOE has been pre emptively banned before I ever got a chance to post as it..ever...what was that you are saying about how "this is about everyone being together"

I still have an account and am still formulating a response. Let me know if you have any input.
At 3:43pm on February 24, 2009, Linda said…
THANKS for accepting me as your friend... truth, truth & nothing but the truth ;-)

I think your right... with the new rule it is becomming that word I dispice :-( ... really sad!!
At 6:24pm on February 12, 2009, H.R. Pufnstuf said…
Pies, I appreciate you. I respect your :P
At 5:16pm on February 12, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Pies, I know you're heart is in the right place. Hope you're out getting some fresh air. I'll be doing the same here in a bit.
At 12:57am on February 10, 2009, PrincessHeart said…
Evaaaa <3
At 2:39pm on February 6, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome, ilikepies! Thanks for keeping it real!
At 12:40pm on February 6, 2009, iDom said…
You know I love you… lol Muah!


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