Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Hi Folks,

Lousy blog title, I know, but what can you do...

Been lurking the last couple of weeks as I am preparing a 4000 word article that will appear in a Dutch newspaper (for obvious reasons, I cannot say which newspaper here). The article will focus on the phenomenon of internet cults and consist of naming a bunch of them, stating why to stay far away from them. In the case of SOE these reasons are: deception, misinformation, lies, hypocrisy, fascism, and a complete lack of responsibility to its members – some of them obviously mentally instable and in need of help. In other words, SOE is a textbook example of a cult that has become the very thing it says it is against. One of the reasons my editor-in-chief gave the article the thumbs up when I pitched it, is last week’s attempted attack on the Dutch Royal family, which took the life of seven bystanders. The assassin was a socially inept, unemployed hermit who lost touch with reality. A similar thing could be said of several SOE-members (just read SOE’s ‘introduce yourself’ section which is full of stories by people who are obviously confused, lost, and desperately looking for meaning and a ‘sense of belonging’). Some of these people could very easily become a danger to themselves and/or others (especially when more spectacular “prophecies” fail to come true) and need help instead of being allowed to keep their inner time bombs ticking. We are currently in talks to also produce public announcement “infomercials” for television; these thirty second clips will urge people who feel down on their luck to seek help through regular and reliable channels, instead of putting all their hope in seedy communities like SOE that will only further remove them from reality and a fulfilling, socially active life (though, of course, SOE won’t be named).

I see that Tony has opened a “talk to SOE-admins” group. What a waste of time as Tony’s contemptuous, hypocrite answers consist, per usual, of repeating the same things over and over again (he sure has a fondness for statistics). There is no use whatsoever to debate with Tony as, in spite of what he says, it is so very, very clear that he is Brad’s attack dog, always seeing to it that his Master’s reputation shall not be tarnished, no matter how respectful the criticism is presented. But whenever Brad himself steps “out of line” (like when he openly ridiculed Kerry’s husband), SOE-members turn the chat into a foulmouthed orgy, or when SOE-members rounded up on their old pal PufnStuf using profane language and even wishing him dead, Tony conveniently is and was M.I.A.

There is no reason whatsoever to engage in debate with Tony, for he is now a New Word Order fascist. No clear or honest answer will come from Tony as he is playing a perverted and corrupted political game… his answers to your sincere and concerned questions are not necessarily meant to convince you, but first and foremost to convince HIMSELF that, goshdarnit, SoE IS a site of love and light (remember how the SOE member who came down with swine flu got ignored and shunned by the others? O-oh, reality comes crashing in, let's look the other way and post more blogs about illuminati and chemtrails!) Tony will do everything he can as an admin to keep his own allusions alive. I hope more and more SOE-members will start asking critical questions and start to realize that Brad is running bullshit central. When more and more of them start to speak up and express their justifiable concerns, Tony will no longer be able to sweep it all under the rug.

P.S. it makes complete sense that Besimi has been accepted as a member of SOE's admin group. After all he's one of those die hard SOE-ers who'll swallow every crazy thing Brad feeds them and cheerfully ask for seconds. I'm sure it also helped that, like Brad, Besimi is someone who largerly ignores his children and wife because daddy is busy saving the earth by spending every spare minute chatting and posting on SOE...



Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on May 8, 2009 at 8:07pm
Well said Ben, well said...
Tab Comment by Tab on May 8, 2009 at 8:12pm
Indeed, very good post Ben. I hope that we can get the opportunity to read your article privately.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on May 8, 2009 at 8:16pm
Thanks for posting, Ben. I echo Tab's request, but I understand if privacy and/or language issues prevent the opportunity.
Ben Comment by Ben on May 8, 2009 at 8:25pm
the article will be in Dutch; one of my colleagues has already expressed interest to translate it to English for the "international market". I cannot say the name of the newspaper out loud here, as the walls have ears and my employers might object to me being a SoSoe member. But when the translated article becomes available I will sent you all (well, almost all of you, if you catch my drift) the link to the paper's digital edition. Might take a month or so, though.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on May 8, 2009 at 8:49pm
Understandable, Ben. Best of luck on your article, and I really "resonate" with what you wrote here today. :P
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on May 8, 2009 at 10:36pm
Great news, Ben :)
Linda Comment by Linda on May 9, 2009 at 2:23am
Ben, can you send me a mail with the name of the paper plz?... and do you know when it will be printed?... I would LOVE to get my hands on your article :-)... I am in no way involved with anything that has to do with the newspaper world :-))


BIG GAY AL Comment by BIG GAY AL on May 12, 2009 at 5:13pm
Ben, I couldn't have said it better myself.. I have been a vocal advocate against Brads ongoing activities, in Canada where we live, brad is aware of the many laws he is breaking.

But good for you for articulating the truth and good common sense.
PrincessHeart Comment by PrincessHeart on May 14, 2009 at 4:08am
That sounds like a sweet article :p
Sometimes I wish I had the drive to document what I've seen XD
I've been lurking internet cults since my friend introduced me to furries in around 2000... dunno why it's so fascinating.. I guess it's amazing what the internet has shown us. That there are some very similar and recurring insecurities that would have been kept secret in past generations without this anonymity.. and not only can people be open about them, but can convince each other and themselves that it's normal.

Also the need to be 'special' is something I see many forms of in communities yet always the same.

Another is people are holding onto fantasy, imagination and make believe much longer than anyone has ever admitted out loud, into adulthood even. You see it everywhere on the internet, people who think they are vampires, and that digimon are real o_O.

I still don't understand why I'm so obsessed with this phenomenon XD
I think it may be present to an extent in most everyone.. which is why people cling to belief in the supernatural and such.

I want to know why people are so desperate I guess.. some people become so distressed when something is disproven. I had some screenshots from I wish I could have given you Ben, but I think if you go there you'll find more of the same. A lot of "Why are you doing this? you ruin everything for people! You're ruining everything that gives me happiness' etc. All they do is debunk psychic acts and 'ghost pictures'.

Wonder if we'll ever get to the real bottom of why people feel the world sucks if these things don't exist?
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on May 14, 2009 at 12:50pm
LOL, what an introduction to internet cults...furries. I would think that would be the first and last for most people :P I've often wondered the same as you. What brings people to have a need to believe in these things? At first I believed it might be innate, but looking at these internet cults, it's a whole new ballgame. These people have cut themselves off from the real world and perhaps that is why they are more vulnerable to these schemes. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this.

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