Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


A Blog That I posted on the other site, I'm sure they'll take it down though!

I'll skip the nice stuff and head for what we're all not talking about here!
Posted by Avan on March 24, 2009 at 5:07am
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Ok, so I know this is Brad's site and all and I risk running a ban, that's fine. It's time to cut the crap though. You can agree with me or not, personally I don't care. I think Brad is very troubled, mixed up, and very confused. I also think he has the potential to mislead others. I'm putting it out there. Yes I know it's a travesty to do so on his own site, but maybe this will help him if anything else. I think what he charges for, all his other business endeavors, and all his antics have to come to a stop. Ok I'm not even talking about the "pseudo suicide" bullshit. Screw that. Let's keep on topic here shall we. You can flame me all you like, again I don't care. At least I have the guts to stick up for what I believe in.

I met Brad on I thought ok whatever. I never paid much attention to him, very rarely ever talked to the guy. Then I find out about this place through my friend Adam. Which at first we came on and there were some others on here that I don't get along with. We won't name names, they know who they are, they're the same trouble makers on LW. Did I cause trouble on LW, hahaha well that's up for debate there, I didn't succumb or give into their close minded thinking. So yes I bucked the system, I got banned, so be it, just shows me more narrow mindedness. Anyhow, one night while on with my dear friend Aelius, she decided to have fun with Brad. So she took Brad down into a private room with me and told Brad all this crap that wasn't true. I just sat on the other end and listened. Brad threw in that his poor wife was suffering from post partum depression. That's normal kids! Really normal. Then he threw in that the Child Protective services had been called in on them a few times. Something about his wife hitting their daughter and what not. Aelius and I were really shocked. I have to ask what is his responsibility in all of this. No child abuse is never warranted nor cool, but imagine you just had a child and your husband is cheating on you, having a child is hard enough without adding infidelity to the mix. It really is. Been there, done that. Didn't abuse my children though and never have and I doubt she did either.

Now forward to modern day here. There's all this talk about suicide, then another website goes up. Then all this revealing stuff, which btw kids is true, they've got all the evidence to back it up from what I have seen. Then you got all this commotion about Brad cheating on his wife with not one but several girls at once. One thing I've learned in all my 33 years of living, ie seeing my mom go through this, I went through it and countless other friends and family members, is that once a serial cheat, always a serial cheat and what's worse is that this guy is supposedly "spiritual" which he might be but he's on the wrong end of the spectrum. I have to question Kerry's integrity here. Then again I just feel bad for her. I don't know her, don't dislike her, but come on Kerry. All the evidence is staring you right in the face and you have children and a husband at home. Which I don't know anything about him, but even if he is the worst pile of bile ever you can do much much much better here. Please wake up girlfriend and smell the etheric coffee. Even if you have to be on your own, which I am technically and I have two kids and I'm damn happier that way, then so be it. Brad needs a lot of counseling, he needs to get his life together, and he needs to own up to all his mistakes. All of them.

I know it sounds like I'm picking on Brad. I really have nothing against the guy other than all his endeavors that he is falsifying on this website and many others. You all can sit with your thumb up your asses like monkey see, monkey do, but I'm not going to. I refuse to. My dear Brad it's time to grow up my good man. It's take to lie in your bed that you made and it's time to start acting like a father and if you can't be with your wife, let's face it sometimes we can't be with our marriage partners for fear we might strangle them, then do it the right way. Go through the lawyers and the courts, if you value Kerry then you need to work on you first and let her work on her, there are kids involved here. The rest of you that support this type of bullshit are nothing more than co-conspirators. Imagine how you would feel if you were his wife. Just step back and put yourself in others shoes before you cheer someone on like that. Not only is it not spiritual, it's really morbid and disgusting. You are essentially turning a blind eye and or helping this guy to cheat and lie. Sure love him, send him love, be his friend, but do it the right way. I've said all I need to say. I don't think I was too harsh.

Tags: brad, depression, help, infidelity, kerry, lies



james_uk Comment by james_uk on March 24, 2009 at 6:45am
Thanks for posting this. Found the original on SOE and do find it rather ironic why they continually remain in denial as usual.
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 24, 2009 at 8:12am
wow Serenitywhisper if this is true then brad johnson is the lowest life charleton EVER.
Serenitywhisper Comment by Serenitywhisper on March 24, 2009 at 8:44am
Well well kiddies. We have just learned that he actually *HIT* his wife Cara, in front of their two children, before leaving. God what a train wreck!
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 24, 2009 at 9:39am
Yah I can't wait till Brad goes crazy and kills his whole family and announces on SOE that it's time for everyone to begin "the cleansing" and to kill themselves and everyone around them before he sticks his head in a blender while crying.

Than everyone on SOE will be like "well how could we have known Brad was a crazy person"
Tab Comment by Tab on March 24, 2009 at 10:02am
If you have ways to back up some of these allegations it would be best. Last thing I would want is to make this guy a martyr. Also doesn't seem to be any comments yet, other than a retort post by some other guy.
Serenitywhisper Comment by Serenitywhisper on March 24, 2009 at 10:09am
Oh forget that guy. He's just being a baby. He wants attention and I won't give it to him =D simple as that. Well you can get on their Ventrilo for one thing. They're all talking about it and it's not pretty. So try there. Talk to Clinton as Clinton is in a very generous and sharing mood today and he's not too happy. So there you have it folks. Also speak to Nicole, as she is one of Brad's very best friend's and has been for 12 years and she is the one that said he had hit his wife. So yeah go from there.
Serenitywhisper Comment by Serenitywhisper on March 24, 2009 at 10:35am
Hey it's no trouble at all. Like I thought, I just got banned at SoE. Woohoo. I knew it was coming. Roflmao. Hhahahahahahaha.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 24, 2009 at 10:44am
is Brad just gonna sit back too scared to even try posting anything about his life or his bullshit ascension powers but he's still gonna come on banning and deleting the comments of people...what an astronomical douche.

Are the people on SOE really so stupid they can't look at that "dropping the baggage" post and realize Brad actually went through the motions of a 12 year old baby running away from home with his
"Im leaving my wife and kids and living on the street because its free and beautiful"
"I care about my kids and need to spend time with my kids it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm too much of a pussy to have spent 1 night actually homeless"

Seriously its the fault of these morons that Brad actually thinks he still has some chance to save face, stop being idiots and let this douche hit rock bottom so he'll move on to something else
iDom Comment by iDom on March 24, 2009 at 11:24am

Mind you Mo, it DOES make a difference, simply because if there was no BJ posting the "shitload of BS" and acting all censorship all the time, you wouldn't even have to worry about those "people who are too mentally or emotionally disturbed".

And now… I'm gonna re-post the whole following to it. lol

Serenitywhisper Comment by Serenitywhisper on March 24, 2009 at 11:42am
Such a shame they took your post down iDom. I knew that they would. Fucking asshats!

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