Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

heres the link

A message to Brad

I just think how can people be so gullible to fall for the things you say and do? I mean when i saw you "channel" the first thing that came to mind was "bad acting". The fact that you just keep airing your dirty laundry and say that what you are doing is for your personal spiritual growth is proof of the falseness you have within. Those who keep buying into this are new on SOS or just in need of physiological help therefore hang to you're every word because they haven't found the answers themselves that already are within.
I know that times are tough and people want to make a living but to take advantage by being deceitful and manipulative it's low, unethical, and inhumane and I'm choosing my words kindly.

Brad you give out dis info your a Cult leader wanna be a repeater . You don't even know who your true self is because you live to deceive. I know the truth hurts so feel free to ban me I will not be surprise.


Tags: a, brad, message, to



LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on March 30, 2009 at 10:13am
Sanctid's reply:

"i don't understand why everyone feels they need to post these negitave "messages" to brad, he has never once claimed to be or even tried to be a "leader" he is the creator of the site and puts on info that pretains to himself and his beliefs much like everyone else does.. i think if u have somethingn to say to brad then just send him a direct message. not that i condone the negativity at all, but at least if its a private message, then the rest of us don't have to be subjected to this negativity."

I would direct Sanctid here to all the evidence that Brad has put himself forward as more than just the site creator (in fact, more than even a leader), but it would only be deleted.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on March 30, 2009 at 11:27am
And as usual Brads hallowed disciples strike to his defense AGAIN shoving the evidence under the rug to protect their poor excuse of a community. If this is any indication to how gullible they really are they must be complete push overs in reality...........
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 30, 2009 at 11:34am
there's enough solid proof out there that shows that even though brad would say stuff like "I'm not a leader personal truth blah" He did indeed think of himself as or wanted other to think of him as a "celebrity" and he did knowingly lie and manipulate and use the fact that some idiots were believing him when he was all like "im the fastest accelerator ever" and he was actually trying to get girls to believe that he could tell that they were soul mates and they needed to be together and of course things like the time I was defending his poor wife from Brads public exorcism of her and he used his powers "to tell everyone that I was dark and evil and his higher self advised banning me and so on"

The morons at SOE can chant the catch phrase "Brad said he no leader" all they want is doesn't change the fact that Brad has done horrible immoral egotistical things that we have a ridiculous amount of proof for. If Brad wants people to stop being "negative" towards him he needs to come out with an HONEST post where he admits all his talk of research and knowledge and alien downloads and channeling advice and healing powers was what we all knew it bullshit
james_uk Comment by james_uk on March 30, 2009 at 12:04pm
Aww bless. They deleted the post to protect their hallowed fraud from being exposed. I wonder why........../sarcasm. I have a copy of the page saved if anyone wants it.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 30, 2009 at 12:15pm
James, do you mind pasting the image? Thanks :)
james_uk Comment by james_uk on March 30, 2009 at 1:19pm

Tab Comment by Tab on March 30, 2009 at 6:43pm
Candy ummm yaaa...we're gonna have to go ahead and give you a demerit black star for this. Next duality offense we're gonna have to go ahead and give you a written warning...mmmk?...
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 31, 2009 at 12:24pm
My response on the SOE Moderators/Administrators - Please state reasons for deleting posts/blog/etc

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 31, 2009 at 12:38pm

Billy Basilis asks Candy nicely to delete her newest blog:

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