Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

I was looking around for a good reference on cold reading skills to enhance my reading abilities in poker and found this document which seems to cover all the major aspects of the craft. When you're sitting at a poker table a major part of the game is all about reading what your opponents are broadcasting with their table talk, betting patterns and general play.

Another large part of the game is all about what you broadcast out to them; To novice players it might seem strange that betting patterns and general chit-chat are so important, but pros come to the table with huge memory banks, and constantly cross-reference every move you make to devise strategies and pick spots to exploit weaknesses in your play. If you don't have perfect control over your actions the sharks will pick up your "tells".

A "tell" in poker can be as simple as scratching your nose when you have the the best hand, or as complex as the pro knowing that 3 rounds ago you raised a similar amount from the same table position and based on the hand you showed down at the end, he can put you on a range of starting hand requirements from that position and set a trap. A pro can also start to chat with you, or even look at you for a few seconds, and based on very subtle signs will read you as strong or weak, and be able to fold a big hand where he should have called your bet and paid you off.

I also think that taking our basic "gut instinct" people reading abilities to a more conscious and articulated intellectual level can be an important skill, whether you use it in games like poker or everyday life. For those who have never read about cold reading, you'll find that it's really simplistic and basic. But a seasoned master of these techniques can be very impressive and produce effects that will amaze people into believing that he is a powerful wizard.

And come on, who here doesn't want to be a powerful wizard?


Here is the pdf doc:

Tradecraft Cold Reading.pdf


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