Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Open letter/request to Mr. Brad Johnson

Dear Sir

It has been apparent of late that you have been down on your luck and seeing hard times, and in turn this has greatly affected the quality of your videos, overall content and production value thereof. The most dire consequence of this is that we here at SOSOE have seen our overall entertainment value drastically diminish, leaving very little but scraps to grab at and ridicule in the way that only we can.

I personally am very concerned with the direction all this is going seeing as if no change of the current status of things occurs, we will be left with sub-par elements to crap all over like the remote viewing and crop circle garbage you have been interested in. Our only wish is to remain limber and in shape as trolls and you are not keeping up your end of the bargain by providing us quality new-age drivel to ridicule.

In the spirit of bringing a remedy to this situation I have prepared some recommendations that you could adopt which would relieve some of the pressure temporarily to give you a chance to gain strength and be back up to providing us with the quality entertainment that we all know you are born to provide. In no particular order I would ask that you do the following:

1-Make an outstanding prediction

You have been pussyfooting around energy waves or whatever and feelings that disclosure will come soon. ENOUGH! Please make a real prediction with some specifics such as a date an hour and why not the minute and seconds that it will happen. And include yourself in it! Don’t say the aliens will want to engage in dialogue with our political leaders...Say that they will come to you and that you will lead humanity into the the new future. I would advise a late date in August, perhaps around the 25th, which leaves you plenty of time to report dark energies of the Illuminati around the 20th and would give you a window for battle with dark psychics in astral somewhere around the 24th. You can then confidently report victory on the 25th but at the price of Disclosure not happening as predicted.

2-Change the look of your living quarters and studio

This has been quite disappointing as well in recent videos: your living room just isn’t funny enough to keep us going on jokes and there is ample space to add key items. I would highly advise you to add a picture of a Unicorn with like a pair of dolphins vaulting over it to the back wall and add some lava-lamps around yourself. Hell if you can spare a little more on décor grab some of those garbage lighted fake crystals Bashar uses. Place the lamps or crystals on either side of yourself for max effect. Keep the fuzzy camera work and the Bob Barker mic though...those are great and quite funny.

3-Change your attire

I didn’t get the memo Brad that “sad bastard basement dweller” was the new “in” look for new-age quacks. You gotta get a bit more creative with your getup to make it somewhat interesting for us to look at. Here are two simple solutions that would go a long way towards improving this situation:

i- Wear a jumpsuit. They are one-size fits all, they are easy to clean and will really give you that war and fuzzy cult togetherness feeling when everyone of your devotees is wearing one. When your cash flow situation improves you can even have a logo printed on them or a title. I think it would be awesome to see "7D Jewawan Godhead Master of All Youtube" over the image of a cobra accross your back.

ii- Grow a Mullet. Seriously. This would be beyond awesome and I would be ready to financially contribute to the creation and upkeep of said Mullet and I'm sure others would as well. We could start some sort of fund where we could pay you an allowance for products and trimmings. Just the combo of the jumpsuit Bob Barker mic and mullet would be so full of win that this alone would provide steady lulz until you can get back on your feet and come up with some higher grade preposterous bullshit for us to ridicule.

4-Get a new soulmate

It's been too long now Brad. I mean the last time you were with a soulmate was way back like 2 weeks ago, so I think it's time to line up the next one. Here are some suggestions that would really amuse us:

i- Druanna Brad my friend stay away from this woman. This high-maintenance attention whore has a wrath, I would imagine, that I could not humanly wish on my worst enemy. But if you do hook up with her remember that she's really insecure about her ginormous arse.

ii- Lilbunnyfufu The tension between you guys was totally hawt. She's a watcher from a secret council, you're a space wizard channeler. But I can't imagine you enduring being called out on all your bullshit for very long.

iii- Tony Although I suspect there's already something brewing there, I think you choosing Tony would make him a very happy little zealot inquisitor. You guys could write a coffee table book on contrails together.

iii- Bessimi If it doesn't work out with Tony then this would be a good choice. And it would show that you do not discriminate against mouth breathers.

iv- JessicaMystic Now I've watched of few of this chick's videos and I can already tell this girl is nucking futz. She's totally delusional just like you like them and believes in the craziest bullshit. She also seems damaged in some way so you know that she'll be freaky in the astral sack.

So these are my recommendations and would sincerely ask that you consider these, dear sir, and us as well brave trolls that want nothing less but the best new-age bullshit to destroy off the face of this planet.

Do it for us Brad.

namaste dear friend


PS- Just the mullet would be great.



DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 12, 2009 at 1:45pm
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 12, 2009 at 1:46pm
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on June 12, 2009 at 1:48pm
+6 : +1 for me, +5 for the Arcturians
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 12, 2009 at 3:56pm
sigh...even the people on SOE who totally believe all this magical crop circle bullshit must at least be getting the sense that Brad's focus lately is not about some sort of explanation or truth or theory about crop circles or aliens or anything but rather to showcase his dimwitted attempts at making it look like hes predicting all of these things. As always Brad cares little about the people on his site, he cares little about truth or the pursuit thereof. What he cares about is himself, what he cares about is putting a big bandaid on his pathetic existance as a worthless failure, he wants to indulge in desire i'm sure he's had his whole life to feel special and important, to stand above the rest of the world. I assume we've all seen his latest posting where he pathetically and egotistically tells everyone how he made some prediction about more crop circles in the next 5 days and now apparently theres this new one that proves everything and oh that one crop circle that was proved fake is apparently the ONLY one that is manmade and bla blah blah. It never ceases to amaze me how simple minded brad is that he dosent see how obvious he makes his true intention and desires when he makes posts like that. Even more obvious is his latest facebook posting

"ust got hit with another third eye vision of another crop circle that will be forming. This one apparently will have more circles in it I'm getting. No date shown, but should be coming soon. My guess is within the next five days. And it feels like it's planned for the UK area as well and we should be seeing another one in Europe within the coming couple of weeks. That's all for now."

So it seems now with this wave of crop circles happening brad is obsessed with continually building up his bullshit third eye powers, and to make sure that he gets another one right he predicts that in "the next couple of weeks" there will be a crop circle with "lots of circles"

A crop circle consisting of lots of circles?? WOW thats unheard of

Its so obvious this is an intentional tactic by Brad and he will continue taking credit for every little thing he can by putting out these ridiculously broad predictions and ignoring all that hes wrong about. I think its very likely that Brad is at a very dark place in the real world now, these attempts to pathetically give himself psychic credibility are just so fucking sad and so fucking dumb and so fucking obvious. I literally can't believe this is a 30 year old man who once had a wife and kids. Brad, if your reading this, you are the very fucking pinnacle of UNEVOLVED.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 12, 2009 at 4:07pm
Brad's just showing his passion as he always has because you know how passionate he was about crop circles...
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 12, 2009 at 7:58pm
here was the initial "premonition" as "announced" on his facebook

Just got a third eye feeling of energies of the possibility of another crop circle manifestation occuring in the UK between the dates of June 11th - 14th. Feeling is that it will be a humanity consciously created crop circle. Feels like an energy gateway or portal is starting to open up to prepare it's manifestation. Again, just a feeling of energies. ;)

notice of course the addition of "again just a feeling of energies" meaning of course at the time he knew there was a chance it wouldnt happen because he knew he was just pulling this out of his ass and hoping to get lucky that this apparent pattern of crop circles coming out every few days would continue. Notice he puts out a blanket of 4 or 5 days to catch the first crop circle that pops up, notice how the ONLY thing he says about the crop circle is that it will be "created by human concioussness" which of course is something that can have nothing to do with a crop circle save for brads continuous assurances that thats what it is, he is of course very firm that the bird crop circle is a human concioussness one so it fits his prediction. But you see how he comes up with this vague prediction that hes even setting up with an excuse if he fails than as soon as he gets one he jumps on it, reminding everyone in the world that he predicted it.

Now we have his new prediction, giving himself 5 days hoping there will be another one of these crop circles that pop up on this like ONE site, and now like a two bit retarded david blaine he's trying to up to the ante by predicting the actual crop circles contents. However saying "it will contain circles" is the most pathetic and stupidly obvious attempt imaginable. The painful thing is that I'd say, assuming there will be another one of these crop circles popping up, that it could be very much CIRCULAR in nature, as most crop CIRCLES tend to be extremely circular in nature becuase, as I explained before, thats like the bread and butter of how these things are made. Hell maybe brad even researched how they are made and dosent give a shit whether they're aliens or not, he just wants to feel like a big important man flexing his psychic powers, maybe he thinks it'll get him a new astral girlfriend....either way the next line of shittastic brad products will be coming soon, mark my words
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 12, 2009 at 9:11pm

this is just getting sad, how many times is this guy gonna go around announcing this bullshit "premonition" that he set up for himself. Most of the time with shit like this its some famous psychic who has followers who will go around boasting about how their prediction came true. This douchebag gets lucky (not really THAT lucky though it seemed obvious more of these things were gonna pop up) ONE TIME and he's going around telling everybody in every way he can how this all "came about" because of his premonition. Most succesful phony psychic people know how to pretend to be humble but Brad just can't help himself. The funny is no one else really seems to care or be making any kind of big deal about his prediction cause they probably intuitively know how underwhelming this bullshit actually is
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 12, 2009 at 10:01pm
Nice writeup, Pies. I haven't seen his latest video but I'm sure it's the same bullshit. He has to keep tooting his own horn about his premonition because nobody in SOE seems to give a damn about it even though he keeps bringing it up over and over again. Like you said, it's a pathetic attempt to gain some type of fame off something he has absolutely no connection to. Just like all his other pitiful attempts. Grayshot->Cloverfield, 10-14-08->Blossom, etc... He's a disgrace.

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