Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Consolidated archive of Brads failed ventures.

Here is a current list of Brads past (and present) failures to date. (Note you'll need to copy and paste the URLs into your web browsers address bar to view these). I tried making hyperlinks out of them but the links would'nt appear at all. Many thanks to the members of this site who helped with the discoveries of these.

Credits to Kahless for this one.
This appears to be a central hub for Brads current line up of sites. Also contained inside are some of his other sites which are not documented here as there is'nt any sufficient writeups on them to make them noteworthy of viewing. According to one of the PS3 articles (scroll down to the site appears to have originally been created as a community ps3 site.
Used to be a pc repair business the url is dead but a remnent of the site can be found here.
Click on "Cached" near the one which has "The Honest PC Expert" near it :D ***How original***

A classifieds advert on a local website.

He appeared to advertise his pc repair business quite a bit in the "kidsinvictoria" forum.
Presumably a site for Brads PC/Web based business. Only a dead domain remains.

Brad trying to promote his Ebook

Profiles that nobody cares about.

Fake PR releases

Brad appeared to be touting this one as the next youtube where its users could upload and discuss video clips filmed in first person (i.e Cloverfield, the blair witch project) The link today is dead.
(Click on the above one and when it takes you to google results click on the first one)

Credits to ilikepies for finding this one

Brad tries to promote on digg.
Here we see Brad fooled by a fake viral marketing campaign.

Promotion Genesis
This scheme appeared to have been created with the purpose of helping people create a money making site. ROFL Brad clearly never read his own work. He could seriously do with it right now. :D :D Nowdays his website is dead.

Fake PR regarding promotion genesis.

One of his other video tutorials can be found here:

Brads failed attempt at leaking his own video. This site (not owned by him as it's still afloat) appears to allow the user to put in an URL and then allow the user to put a fake title so it appears on google like this: YouTube - Promotion Genesis - Leaked! - About | Diigo

Want to give some money to this scoundrel? Buy Promotion Genesis now!

Planet X Fiction/Cades War
This site was created with the intent of supposedly giving the people around the world a chance to write their own comic books and have them published. Brad also made it in an attempt to sell his rather amateurish attempt at a comic book "Cades War". Of course this venture is nothing more than a dead domain.

Credits to ilikepies for finding the first two.

Credits to ben for finding this blog promoting planetxfiction

Brad promoting his comic on digg.

Brad getting scammed over getting Cades War converted into a film
Credits to aynrandtheman AKA ilikepies for originally finding this.
The original post is'nt there anymore but Brad basically got Duped by a company called The Screenplay Agency over getting Cades War being converted into a film.

Scroll down a bit on the below link and you can find

Credits to Vera for finding the one below. Here people seem to be under the impression that the user is Brad. Given how Brad has a rather nasty habit of posing as concerned netizens it would'nt surprise me at all.

Greyshot/Cloverfield game
This was a game Brad was making that initially started with the name of cloverfield but changed it to greyshot after he got butthurt over people advising him about copyright infringement in the forums. It appears as if he transferred the rights to this game over to this group (Who as seen in the link are still afloat because they dont have Brad leading them)

Credits to DuesEx for finding this one. Here you'll find the ***real*** reason as to why Brad changed the name from Cloverfield to Grayshot.

A fake PR release discussing the change of name to grayshot (presumably as damage control after he got his ass handed to him in the forum.

Credits to ilikepies for this one.

Credits to Adam for finding the one below.

One of Brads duplicate youtube accounts quietly promoting Grayshot. He also used this one to favourite his own videos in his other accounts.

Here you'll find videos of Brad pretending to be a professional game developer. You'll also find videos for his shortlived,shitty and unfunny spritesapiens series (clearly made by his own hand due to the fact that no effort has clearly been put into them)

Brad tries promoting his grayshot game on digg.

Brad promoting his grayshot game through stumbleupon

Brad posting over at turbosquid to try and recruit a 3D NPC modeller.

Brads steam account touting the Grayshot name Add him as your friend and frag the shit out of him plz.
Self explainitary really. This was basically a news site for the upcoming Jurassic Part 4 film. Only a dead domain remains.
Also contained inside is yet more evidence of his shameless self favouriting on his 101408blogspot youtube account. appeared to be a community put up to discuss upcoming films. Only a dead domain remains.
Again this is self expanitary. It appeared to have been created to give the latest news on global warming. Only a dead domain remains.

Youtube account promoting his site whilst also being used to self favourite his other sites.

On this one Brad basically states the obvious about global warming as well as ***warming*** up his destined to fail viral marketing campaign. Bad pun I know :P
Again self explainitary. This proably used to be a site where Brad would try his hand at making podcasts about wrestling.Once again only a dead domain remains.

If you goto and then click on prowrestlingpodcasts and then click on episodes you can find the first (and presumably last) podcast he did for the site. (Site NOT owned by Brad)
Articles written by Brad which led to the discovery of the four other websites he tried to start.
A website that had supposedly had pc tutorials on it. which is now a dead domain.

This was a blog posting he wrote promoting his pc tutorial site as well as referencing his crack-adsense product.

Here are some more fake PR releases promoting his pc-tutorials site.
An IT information site which is now a dead doman

Which also leads to the discovery of more PR releases:

Dont know what this is but it's referencing the above site and has Brads name on it.
This one is some kind of insurance directory which covered auto insurance, auto insurance quotes, homeowner insurance, travel insurance, health insurance ect. Once again only a dead domain remains. Nowdays the site can be found here.

Further inspection of the site shows that it has nothing but non descript links which leads me to believe that he advertised the site to lure people onto in turn making money out of the traffic and advert views.

Strangely enough Brad actually did PR releases for this site even though it contained non descript links. I smell a money making scamming adsense rat.

A blog posting advertising his site.
This one appeared to be a site to help wannabe web entrepreneurs with developing original, optimized content quickly through emergency content services. Like the other ones only a dead domain remains. Backups of the website as it appeared during its happier days and up to it's death are available on the internet archive.

The website as it appered during happier times.

The company released a closing statement due to plagiarsm ***cough not a money spinning success cough***

As usual the PR releases:
This site like the ones above is nothing more than a set of links to random ipod giveaways. Today the website is dead but is preserved in the internet archive.

Further inspection of the site shows that it has nothing but non descript links which leads me to believe that he advertised the site to lure people onto in turn making money out of the traffic and advert views.
This does'nt really serve much of a purpose. But was touted by him in his blink listing. Today the website is dead but is found in the internet archive.
This site like the ones above is nothing more than a set of links. Fragments of the site can be found in the internet archive.
This one was referenced in Brad Blink listing. The site is dead today but can found in the internet archive.
This one appears to have some painfully generic information about getting free ipods, ps3's ect.

The series of sites below are Brads current project with the clearly intended mission of taking money from insecure weak minded people.

On the February 27, 2009 at around 3:04pm a user who went by the name of Mr Blobby dropped this legendary bombshell.

Contained in the above link is irrifutable proof that Brad Johnson is a deceitful con artist who had planned to make money out of this all along. Below is a list of other sites which dont really have anything to do with money but due to the deceptive tactics of viral marketers it would'nt surprise me at all if they were anything to do with it from the off. At around the middle of March Brad pulled the plug on this site for reasons unknown.
This one is a site promoting his lyra/earth connection bible/storybook
This was to be one of Brads next projects until some people started confronting him over the fact that he said he basically had cures for Cancer and other scientifically incureable diseaseas. At the moment it's nothing more than a barebones site.
This site promotes his potentially mind twisting solfeggio ascension frequencies that he once said would allow people to ascend in a matter of weeks. (Below is the video where his electronic puppet did his bidding for him)
In this one Brad basically babbles on about high healing ect. He also advertised a live seminar there (which unsurprisingly nobody attended)
His now abandoned blog which is where his spiritual healing scam was clearly derived from. (update) He's recently resurrected this one advertising Blossoms april 10th visualization.
Another one of his abandoned blogs. Here he used to post on about his supposed spiritual ***cough viral marketing*** journey.

(Credits to ilikepies for finding this) His newly opened blog which deals with his lies of entering a channeled state to receive collective flow information from an outside consciousness. Has'nt been updated for around three weeks now so I'd assume Brads abandoned it.
A disused blog advertising his ***cough paid for*** free energy healings.
This site was going to be a place where Brad would've been uploading his lies and ego filled channelings regarding Andronis but a backlash from Clinton and several other members when Brad was trying to charge money for attending some event made him back pedal on this one. An alternate link can also be found on Brads ps3-unlimited hub.

Credits to Dues for pointing this one out. Brad touting Adronis on a travel site?
This site just contains information regarding energy change. As usual absolutly nothing is new here and Brad has just taken the information from other sources. NOT owned by Brad.

At somepoint in the past Brad appeared to have done some stuff for a company called userful. The company itself appears to be based in Victoria. (Which obviously is still afloat as it's not owned by Brad).
In the past Brad wrote some articles for the company which can be found here.

Brad trying to promote userful:

Brad made this video for the company at some point in the past which follows the same direction as his crappy spritesapiens youtube series. (Brads voicing the PC)

Brad used a Blink account in the past to presumably "feature" his websites in some way, shape or form.

This leads to a discovery of another one of his ventures.
This website appears to be one that advises users on adsense stuff (dont have a clue what it is)
Goto this one and do a web page text search for "Brad J" and you can see that he references (see below)
As I said above he also references it in his blinklist.

With the discovery of another one of Brads web listings comes more discoveries
This appears to be some kind CV back when he was supposedly doing computer maintenance.
Made presumably because there was something wrong with the old perhaps? Only a dead domain remains.

Brad desperately tries promoting his site on digg......

The rest of his digg submissions if anyones interested
This site appears to be trying to sell some kind of pc guide. The site today is dead but a backup of the site resides in the internet archive.

Brad advertising his site on a forum.

Brad trying to recruit a freelancer for his site.

PR regarding a book made under the outofthisworldpc

Brads escapade at

Here Brad was unable to fulfill a contract with a user: As per the quote
"Bradjohnson316 (the seller) agreed in their Seller Contract to upload all deliverables to the site by the deadline or they would forfeit the project. bradjohnson316 did not do so. All funds in escrow were returned to Fastlink2 (the buyer)."

His original account on RentACoder is here:

Credits to Anonymous for finding the set below: (Website does'nt appear to belong to Brad as it's still afloat)

Here (dated march 4th 2009) Brad writes an article for the above site which appears to be some kind of Viral website about a film called District 9. (Confirmation needed on weather this is owned by Brad)
This is an abandoned blog about the viral marketing campaign for district 9. There is a video link on the page to one of Brads viral marketing analysis's.

On the youtube link below Brad posts his analysis of the district 9 viral marketing campaign.

Listing of Brad youtube accounts
His account he used when he was promoting his working on Spritesapiens, Grayshot and his general web entrepeneur fantasisies in general. He used this account to favourite videos on his 101408blogspot account. More recently he favourited his own video at consciouscontact79.
Brad used this account for attacking other people when they tried to provide criticism.
(Credits to pies for finding this) Brads newly made youtube account containing a Conscious Contact video. He also five starred this using his ootwpcs account.
This was Brads attempt at a viral marketing campaign for his failed Grayshot game. He also favourited his own videos from this account.
Brad used this one for distributing news that he knowingly ripped off from IMDB. He also used it to favourite his own videos.
Brad presumably made this one to promote a news on global warming website which presumably had it's news stolen from other sources just like his other stuff that totally lack originality. He also favourited his own videos from this account.
On this one Brad used to post his Saviors of Earth video series. (The name of course was eventually passed onto his Ning) Funnily enough he did'nt favourite or appear to rate the videos on his other youtube accounts. Guess they must have been roaring successes.
Brad used this on to self favourite,rate and given nothing but appraisal to his own videos. A comment from his "Use The Dark Side Of The Fart" video on his ootwpcs account.
"LMFAO!! Hilarious! Farting Mace out the window was priceless! FFFRRRRRTTTT...The Force is strong with you!...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...THE BEST! WELL DONE! Still guttin' myself! LMAO!"

Misc links
The above is Brads wikipedia account.

Brads machinima postings.....



Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 5, 2009 at 4:22pm
no I don't *think* that brad johnson is a fraudster. its more like I just cannot deny this fact in face of all the evidence provided on this site. Anyone who denies or ignores all this empirical evidence is either a dumb blind sheep or an accomplice.

you attacking this site's members virginity(or lack of?) shows just how desperate you really are. pathetic.
Ben Comment by Ben on March 5, 2009 at 4:25pm
Bust3d/Chelley, I am gonna ban you for your typical SOE unwilligness to contribute to the discussion in a constructive way and resorting to petty insults.
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 5, 2009 at 4:31pm
off with his head!
bust3d Comment by bust3d on March 5, 2009 at 4:54pm
Well at least I'm not dumb enough for people to keep thinking I'm a woman named Chelley.

And what evidence is that in which you think he is a fraud? Frauds usually scam people out of their money and high tail it. Why do you think he's a fraud when all that he's done on Saviors of Earth is care about people and help out for free? If anything all of you should take an example of this and try helping everyone else. You call yourselves the SAVIORS of saviors of earth? What exactly are you saving? So by slamming down Brad and all who are friends with them, calling his site a cult, stalking him like he was some young hot blond teenager and you're a 40 year old fat guy virgin wanting some of that tail, you are saving him? You guys are without a doubt the biggest joke I've ever seen.

I see all the stuff on this site and it truly makes me cringe. I hope Ning knows about what you guys are putting on here because you guys have gone over the line IMO quite a few times. Brad's talked on working to shut you guys down, you know what? Good. Because as far as I'm concerned, there's no purpose for this site other than to bash others and the lot of you truly need to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of 6 year olds trapped inside 40 year old virgin cult bodies. Truly people...Grow up.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 5, 2009 at 5:05pm
Chelley, first of all. I have put myself on the line for you. Please lets discuss things reasonably.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 5, 2009 at 5:20pm
baaahaa Brads actually delusional enough he thinks he has the right to talk about having this site shut down and not make himself look like the most egotistical narrow minded douchebag in the world who dosent know the first thing about love and light and positivity and all beingness. Thanks bust3d for coming here and making brad look worse and worse
iDom Comment by iDom on March 5, 2009 at 6:59pm

Well, well… "Chelley" — that one is just an "Internet" name, a secret code, if you like, just like Shaini Goodwin's "Dove Of Oneness", you know the mad woman who whines "Nesara Now!", insisting she uses a pen name for security reasons when the whole world knows who she really is.

It's the same with Chelley/Bust. Same kind of online syndrome. Let's just call her by her real name: Michelle — which is the name I used in my reply to the Official Press Release that was delivered by appointed messenger, in another thread.

Now for your information dear "bust3d" (*wink*wink*) — I wonder what planet you are coming from? Maybe you were lucky to have been informed of your origins? Just so you know, all the information gathered by James here, has been already discussed previously on such blogs as the defunct 10-14-08-FRAUD as well as The Northern Irregular and my own blog, The Last Paradigm, all of them precious sources of information for the gullible, in order to demonstrate the obvious ridiculous claims by some figures of the "UFO community" and other ascended spirituals.

It is quite convenient such information can be found in one place, avoiding back and forth on several websites and blogs, and I thank James again for taking the time to do it.

"many of you waste hours away putting together a pointless list in regards to somebody who actually does stuff with his life which is the least I can say for any of you", you say.
Well the least we can say is that "someone" REALLY "does stuff": so much that in doing, "someone" keeps doing and doing but it kind of looks — forgive the picture, but it's quite clear — like pissing in a violin, for in the end, apart thin air molecules moving — well, not so much thanks to cyber-espace —, the pedestal still seems dim uncertain.

As for the last part of your sentence: it sounds like you assume too much, dear. "[…] the least I can say for you"… LOL What can you say actually? I suggest you tap into your higher self. Do you have any idea who I am???

"And Jesus, I'd rather support some one who you think is a fraudster rather than a pack of 40 year old stalking virgin cult members."
Ahem… I think — especially in regards to the last part of your sentence — that you got confused. You're not on Saviors Of Earth, here. *wink*wink*

PrincessHeart Comment by PrincessHeart on March 5, 2009 at 7:42pm
I don't really know the chelley person, but off the top of my head I had you pegged as bloodshotbuddah..XD. Just because he's shown us already how hard he beats off at night to the thought of winning an argument.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 5, 2009 at 7:57pm
bust3d, if you have some time tomorrow, come in to our chat to discuss things.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 5, 2009 at 8:04pm
honestly the fact that people come here and act like this just shows that the stuff we're saying here is really getting to them, not because what we're saying is wrong or inaccurate, but because it stings them in the way only cold hard truth can.

Take the fact that Brad desperately wants this site shut down as an example. The only explanation for that is,, he really really hates that we're right all the time, that we have evidence against him, that he couldn't for the life of him survive a debate with us and not make himself look stupid. If he was indeed what he says he is, super accelerated all being who sees the divine in everyone and judges no one then he wouldn't care at all about this sites existence, If anything this site should be a great test for these people to see if they really are living this evolved lightworker existence.

Again to me the verdict is pretty much in at least on someone as crazily obvious as Brad and anyone who wants to know why we think what we do can easily be confronted with a ridiculous ammount of evidence and logical arguments. People lash out because they know we're right, they know we make more sense, they know our predictions come true, the only problem is we're not telling them one day some alien somewhere will push a button and their rotten life will be fixed.

Brad is seriously acting like hes the fucking illuminati, he wants to be able to make all these mistakes and do all these horrible things and jack his ego off spreading disgusting brad ego semen all over the place then he expects the entire world to just ignore everything he does and not question anything he does and keep on seeing him as some evolved spiritual coach who deserves your hundreds of dollars.

I realllly can't wait till the inevitable day when Brad abandons all this for something else, or maybe he just goes crazy and kills himself, hopefully by then hes safely away from his poor family and its just him and miss kerry jumping off a cliff or something

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