Thanks anyway Saviors of Earth- you now have validated everything I was suspicious of. I saw a Dr Phil episode on Cults which could easily be likened to Brad & Tony's behaviour- quite fascinating.
I just want to say to you Tony if you are thinking of writing something onto this post- DON'T. I decided just because I feel like it that you are banned from replying or having an opinion differing to mine. How dare you have your right to express your
"personal truth" on the internet. *NOTE MY SARCASM*
the great thing to know and which we are all reminded of is that bradjohnson(the lowlife asswipe)is constantly watching us here and we are hurting him VERY much, this is just how the coward fights back by taking preemptive actions and censoring all those who speak against his lies and bullshit not on his site but else where.
and tony you're fucking pathetic as well, eat shit and and die you bottom feeding liar cunt swapper