Ok so today I decided to test out Brads all hallowed channeling logic. Cause Brad likes to reel in the chicks I decided to create a character. Her name is Joanna Davison and her photo was the result of doing a google image search for "Myspace chick" (images have been made safe)

Clicking on the picture reveals that her real name is Daphne Rosen being showcased on Ebaums World.

Using the above picture I took on the ID of Joanna Davison (who obviously does'nt exist under the true ID per the original photo) I emailed Brad asking him three questions.

To which Brad responded. The original attachment should be at the end of the blog posting.

Oh no Brad! Incoming cock block!!!

To which Brad prophetically responded.

Oh dear Brad. You seem to have contradicted yourself again. You say the automatic writing was for the individual in the photograph yet the real person in the photograph (Daphne Rosen) never requested you to do automatic writing so in effect you've effectively just pulled this crap out of your ass like you always do. (Not only that but you broke one of the rules of channeling which is if my memory serves me correctly you must'nt probe the mind of someone that did'nt give you permission to do so) Being an employed computer technician I was'nt aware that computer images that consist of nothing more than pixels were capable of storing magical powers that enable you to locate anyone else anywhere in the world.
Forensic analysis of the document shows that even with a massive stream of money coming in through donations Brad is unable to afford a copy of Microsoft Word to put this document together. (Images only seem to load in Wordpad) The images do not show in Microsoft Word at all. I mean if your going mainstream you need to start using professional grade software.
So Brad my little hunnybunny. You still wanna get together? BFF? :'(
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