Comment by Apocolypstick on July 11, 2009 at 11:36pm
PS... you'd think someone as spiritually aligned as Brad could work out how to get his camera straight... I feel like my whole existence is leaning to the left...
Comment by Apocolypstick on July 11, 2009 at 11:33pm
ZOMG my right ear is almost constantly ringing...err... toning... err.. something! The ET's are prank calling me! Maybe I should change my number?????
of course he never mentions anything about payment in these videos but the price for this 4 hour mp3 of brad probably just droning on about the same shit he always does is 10 dollars. 10 dollars for brad to tell you that all you need to do to channel is to meditate and breathe dramatically and that instead of teaching our kids about the real world ever we should encourage their ignorant childlike fantasies while indulging in our own ignorant childlike fantasies..... No Brad you are not qualified to give people any advise on raising their children, you are not even qualified to raise your own children
On a body language front this would have to be the first video that Brad has released which features his full upper torso in view of the camera (First video of the SOE saga that is). The excessive salesman arm movement tactic is in full swing here. Now you know you can trust someone like that............................ right? Brad must be channeling the poor unfortunate soul of Billy Mays forcing him to make a sales pitch to sell Brads next channeling course.
Oh and for the record the scientific term for getting "ringing" in your ears is called "tinnitus".
It's a perfectly naturual occurence. But try explaining science to Brad and it'll just go straight over his head.
first off Brad congratulations on being the saddest excuse for a man ever. Once again you have taken a perfectly rational and normal occurence and turned it into magical powers because thats all you can do when you dont actually have any powers at all. Ringing in your ears is perffeccttlyyy explainable, theres a perfectly rational bodily explanation for it so why should we all assume that every time it happens it means fucking ET is trying to contact us? YOUR GETTING OLDER AND YOUR EARS ARE SLOWLY DYING THATS ALL!! What the fuck is next Brad will all be like
"I have just experienced an amazing occurence, my penis has stopped working and my hair line is receeding, this is of course proof that I am slowly transforming into my final form which will unleash my true power as an accelerated all being medium youtube analyst, when my tranformation is complete I should look something like this:
This is definetely an exciting time to be me guyz and I am definetely not just getting older and degrading like some sort of physical creature, Namaste"
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