Fok u guys guys I'm getting dunked and baptized ASAP. 144k? Holy shit move out of the way and let me on this gadam ship! Is it a ship or does Jesus just come down to WTFPWN the planet and leave us a little spot?
Hey question how many members does the church have at present?
Only 144,000 people being saved and there's an estd 6,706,993,152 people on the planet. If thats the case then thats bordering on supporting Genocide on an insurmountable scale. I had no idea that Jehova's Witnesses effectively supported the Genocide of near enough the population of the Earth. What about the other 6,706,849,152 people on the planet? Would they get condemed to a life of hell which they dont deserve if they dont pass the communism test? Some asshole god that is.
Hmm, come to think of it Jehovah's Witness and Brad's take on New Age have nothing in common with each other at all *sarcasm*
"Since its inception, the Watch Tower Society has taught that humanity is experiencing the last days of the present world order. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that after the current world order is destroyed, righteous survivors and resurrected dead individuals will have the opportunity to live forever on a paradisaical earth, ruled by Christ and 144,000 people raised to heaven."
how exactley did i attack or try to discredit jehovahs witnesses? really tell me. How is jokingly saying tha tmaybe brad was left on the doorsteps of the church he belonged to when he was a mutant baby in any way even discussing the rightness or wrongness of a certain religion. Like Tab said there shouldnt be any beliefs off limits to discussion but like you said this is a site for discrediting new age cult idiots not JW'S and I dont think there's been any discussion whatsoever about it so...yah... I honestly take offense to you saying shit like "prejudice is not cool" in response to what i said, maybe I am willing to say at this point that perhaps JW's aren't very good at raising smart rational people. Maybe your not the best people to be the ones trying to help this delusional idiot whose gonna end up going crazy and killing himself.
And although I can appreciate the quaintness of tradition, I find it completely preposterous that religion or silly beliefs like it are all of a sudden "off limits" and we have to respect them, otherwise we're stepping over this line. And what beliefs qualify to be under this protection? Whatever has been around for a while and has lots of people following it, I guess.
JW's beliefs are as silly as the ones on SOE and the thing they have in common is we don't have one iota of proof of what they teach ppl to believe in.
Ummmm...You're right WishIwas, people can believe in whatever nonsense they want, like dudes that walk on water, messages of love from spaceships, virgin births, paternal sky fairies that hear/judge our every thought, and exciting sky battles of angels that sunder the earth and saves our souls etc.
It's really your choice if you want to go with the bullshit made up 2000 years ago or the one being made up today.
i think what probably happened is a brother and sister had two children a boy and a girl who then went on to have sex and conceive brad and then his mother probably drank a bottle of 151 every day while pregnant with her double incest mutant baby. Either that or some wild hermit woman had sex with a dog thinking it was a safe way to have wild unprotected sex without having to pay for an abortion but then nine months later brad pops out and she leaves the mutant baby thing on the doorsteps of the nearest jehovah's witness church. Either of these scenarios may explain Brads severe retardation and oily ugliness
hey you swift tool, one needs to be active, i.e WORKING a FULL TIME JOB to have muscle tone! hahaha
HEY PAL stop talking SHIT out of your ASS, TONES... in ears indicated TELEPATHIC "CONTACT" lmfao YOUR SUCH A FUCKING FUCKER FUCKWAD. you BAG BITER!
You really have NO SCIENCE education do you?
****SCIENCE 101 FOR BRAD********
Ringing" in the ears is called tinnitus. It happens when delicate cells inside your ear that send sound messages to your brain are injured or over-stimulated. These cells have projections on them that look like hairs, and they are called "hair cells". The perception of sound starts when pressure waves moving through the air reach your ears. This causes your eardrums to vibrate, and these movements are transferred to the fluid in the inner ear, where the hair cells are located.
Movement of the inner ear's fluid leads to bending of the tiny hairs on the hair cells. This bending excites the hair cells, and causes them to send electrical signals to your brain through a nerve called the "auditory nerve". Your brain interprets the electrical signals from the auditory nerve as sound. The ringing sound of tinnitus is often a high squeal, like the sound of a computer monitor, but it can also be a low roar, and it can affect one or both ears. Usually your ears ring for a brief time after youve been exposed to loud noise, but for about 44 million Americans, ringing in the ears is a constant and annoying problem. It most often happens because people expose themselves to damaging levels of sound over long periods of time and dont protect their ears. You can tell a sound is too loud for safety if you have to shout to make yourself heard over it. Other causes of tinnitus can be an ear canal plugged with ear wax, abnormal blood pressure, allergies, ear infections, medications, and even specific kinds of food!
LOL .. BRAD YOU HAVE TAKEN .. "DUMB" to a whole different level... just a quick question for brad... based upon your mental retardation, and downs syndrome look, "Were your parents BROTHER AND SISTER?"
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