Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Crop circles, Disclosure, and the Venus Project

Hey everyone this is Brad Johnson reporting for yet another Saviors of Earth episode about shit I've already talked about but since I have nothing else to do in life I'll make another video for you.

P.S. - Hope you like my shirt

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DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 9, 2009 at 10:40pm
Bradsturbation 2009 continues:
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 9, 2009 at 7:00pm
Hmm, looks like Brad is so excited because Blossom is:

27. June 6th.
Good morrow my friends! It is always exciting to start a channelling with you and see what’s on the menu today. Although I would like to enquire about the amazing amount of crop circles and ‘clusters’ of UFO Lights that are turning up in the UK and other countries at the moment. Are you able to enlighten us on this … as it does make one wonder as to what actually it’s all about? Or what it is leading to?

Are such circles not a site to behold? Mankind ponders over their vastness and indeed the precision in which they are derived. And yet it is understood that these ‘patterns’ are much more than just visions of wonder. There are codes and analogies within them that are there for those who are of that nature to decipher and interpret. And indeed we would say such souls are doing their work unbeknown to many. We do not present them in order for them to be ridiculed as manmade misinterpretations and yet there are those who consider attempts to reproduce such works in order to fool those of your planet. We find this of amusement for anyone with any ‘nouse’ about them can instantly recognise the difference in structure from base level upwards.

I know White cloud has spoken of them a few years ago, but is it appropriate to tell us the reason behind them?

There are many reasons that shall presently unfold. In particular you are seeing in your minds eye the image of the ‘dragon fly’ circle that was presented earlier in a place of England. Although it may appear to many as a more complicated replica of such an insect of your planet we say to you that within the detailed account of each blade of grass is a magnetic field that is allowing energies to be released into your atmosphere. We would say also that these energies are sending out codes to your very planet. Codes that are received and understood. As if within their very vibration they are ‘changing’ polarities that need to be adjusted in order for certain vibrational frequencies to resonate with that which is necessary to enhance further developments to the ongoing plans of renewal upon planet earth. There shall indeed be many more of these occurring and in places that one would least expect. In situations where one would deem it impossible for such phenomena to occur and yet we say to you they shall. We would say also that they are ‘signposts’.

Ok … for who? Because clearly your average bear can’t find out in which direction they are pointing or what they are pointing too?

Yet they may not be signposts for the human race!

Upon your planet in these current days you are experiencing much that once would have been instantly denied and cast aside. So all we can offer you is to understand if you will, that what we may say to you in this particular day in this particular time may not be of clarity NOW, and yet we say without fail there will be a time when you would read back upon these words and giggle … as if to say ‘it was written there all along’.

It will also be recognised that there is a pattern TO these circles. By this we mean differently than the pattern OF these circles. As more and more are presented to you on a much more regular basis it will become apparent that they tell a story … one leading on from the other … and yet until a certain amount are visible the story cannot begin. We say to you … they DO make sense.

They are formed from a blue print if you like. The speed in which they ‘arrive’ baffles your scientists and men of the land. Why are they never seen whilst in their creational moment? How is it they suddenly appear? For us it is simple. The ‘ground work’ is done ‘off the ground’. It is then a matter of magnetic energy more or less instantaneously ‘pulling ‘everything’ into place. Every blade of grass, every ‘ear of corn’ is in harmony with our desires. They bend and mould themselves at our bequest. They are in tune with us and vice versa. These circles are designed to impose
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 9, 2009 at 4:38pm
LOL, yeah I saw that response from him and was flabbergasted. Nobody is perfect? Well damn Brad, nobody claims to have accelerated faster than any other human. Nobody claimed the stupid fish crop circle was Sirian or some shit. Nobody got so excited they had to make a new video about it. Oh wait, you did you jackass.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 9, 2009 at 4:02pm
basically someone pointed out that there was clear evidence of using the board technique and brad replies with

"Hmm, oh well, no one's perfect.

Still quite an interesting one even if it involved boards I must say"

just what youd expect from an idiotic asshole like that "nobodys perfect" I assume he'd say the same thing after charging someone 100 dollars for a psychic reading that turned out to be completely false. I assume he will keep up with this whole crop circle bullshit and just think of this one as the one exception, the one time when a crop circle happened to be made by humans while all the others are clearly magical crop circles..just like everytime he gets caught being fake he'll just say "oh that one time i was wrong becuase i was excited" Does he really expect us to believe that its only the times he gets caught being wrong when hes a false liar? or have people moved beyond the mental age of 2 year old yet and thus should be able to realize this dipshit is a 100 percent phony lying shit pile
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 9, 2009 at 1:17pm
Oh oh, looks like someone wants to create some duality. Tony get email her and tell her to pipe down :P I'm not sure what Simone's purpose on SOE is. She left SOE after witnessing some of Brad's antics and actually came out against him with theories about the solfeggio tones affecting his pineal gland. Why go back to SOE after that?
Tab Comment by Tab on June 9, 2009 at 1:06pm
requesting SS pl0x
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 9, 2009 at 12:54pm

haaahaaahaaaaa thank you Simone and I hope you continue being a voice of sanity with regards to this crop circles lol Brad with his whole "hmm most likely sirians....." I love how these assholes just pick an alien race out of a hat rather than giving any rational thought to ANYTHING
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on June 9, 2009 at 12:42pm
ROFL, James :P
james_uk Comment by james_uk on June 9, 2009 at 11:12am
This massive energy Brad is feeling is probably just a severe case of sexual frustration building up inside of him because he's yet to hook up with his next girlfriend erm posession.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 9, 2009 at 10:35am
whoaaa amazing the morning before this crop circle came out brad was ALREADY feeling a massive energy wow even though he didnt say anything about feeling some special energy on that day until this video I'm sure we can all take his word for it and apologize to him for not realizing he's the king of all new age psychics

just like Tab said why the fuck would alines trying to contact us do it by drawing a bunch of fish, and why can't the FOR ONCE make a crop circle not so based around circular patterns which always imply that people are making it using the wooden board and rope technique.
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