Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Druanna and Brad get together to scam even more people

Brad's video is available here:

With your powers and 2 brain cells combined you'll be able to scam more people and accomplish your goal of being rich. Looks like SOSOE has some work to do ;)

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Tab Comment by Tab on July 23, 2009 at 1:22pm
Why would Druanna associate herself with Brad? Because she's a stupid delusional greedy attention whore with a ginormous arse. They are indeed twin flames.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on July 23, 2009 at 1:09pm
Lol yeah. But Promotion Genesis was a failure because it was founded by Brad and basically everything masterminded by Brad fails. Truth be told it makes me wonder why Druanna would even see a business opportunity in Brad after the consistent stream of failures that he shits out.

In all seriousness if Both Brad and Druanna go into this as a business and they dont declare their profits to the government (which I of course no doubt they wont do if they take payment for their classes "cash in hand" like what Brad did with the first channeling class after he stated that money was to paid at the door. Cited from: ) they both WILL get thrown in the slammer for tax evasion/avoidance no two ways about it. If they do not declare their "earnings" from their "business" to the government they will be breaking the law. Not even love, light or even blindly shouting out Namaste will help them in a court of law.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 23, 2009 at 12:35pm
Ah yes. Thanks for the reminder, Ben. How could I have forgotten Promotion Genesis?!?
Ben Comment by Ben on July 23, 2009 at 12:19pm
@LeavingSOE, Brad's been there done that too:
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 23, 2009 at 11:26am
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 23, 2009 at 11:25am
A Proposal for Brad and Druanna

So you've picked a very easy target to scam, the New Age community. The New Age community is saturated with people ready to eat up your every promise, so where's the challenge in that? I propose that you move on to ponzis, pyramid schemes, and lottery scams that don't have a spiritual focus or undertone. At least then you can be proud to know you didn't take the easy win. Can you imagine the sense of pride when you've found that one sucker out of a sea of skeptics? Now that would be scammed money you can truly say you earned. Oh wait, Druanna's already in an MLM, huh? How's that working out for ya, Dru?
Ben Comment by Ben on July 23, 2009 at 11:12am
Same thing goes for you, Dru: if you have such great news to share, why do you look and sound so grumpy? And no, you and Brad don't have a lot in common. Yes, you're both full of yourselves, you're both liars, and you're both incapable of making a video that looks half-way decent. But whereas Brad is a weak man-child who likes to come across as tough, you have a dominant personality and a short fuse. You'll probably start with wanting the final say so in everything and in all likelihood you'll end up kicking him out. No, I'm not a psychic but one doesn't need to be to see right through people like you (I'm a poet and don't even know it).
james_uk Comment by james_uk on July 23, 2009 at 10:44am
One thing to remember Brad........... "Celebrity" marriages NEVER LAST.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 23, 2009 at 9:41am
I think I agree with you Tab. While I do think it's a fair assesment to call brad "insane" "mentally ill" "in need of help" I'm not so sure he's quite russel crowe in a beautiful mind, the victim of some disease that is forcing him to see and think all these things.

He is the disease, he is his own worst enemy. I keep trying to ask Sean and Brads sister what he was like before this, if he was that kind of person that would always exagerate and brag about themself, if he was obsessed with fame, they dont seem to be wanting to answer those questions and I'm not sure why (or maybe they just missed them) But for me the most likely scenario is that he is driven by the same thing that drove him to make comments as eseow. Just an instense sadness, a desperation, a need to be important to be special, things that probably boiled over during his lackluster marriage, things that boiled over even more as he spent all this time on the internet trying to get big with projects that keep failing. Really the whole new age idiotic thing is just the perfect fit for him, for him to forget about his real life and comfort himself with make believe fantasies while trying to make himself like some big important smart person with special knowledge that other people should look up to (vomit)

But yes Brad most likely dosent need medication, (well maybe it would help) Brad needs to be smacked in the face and told to GROW THE FUCK UP. and stop lying.

Brad has had to admit of course that he was eseow2007, that he made comments like "wow brad your so talented" and even though he was still using this up to and PAST oct 14th (he was using it essentially until he got caught) he wants us to believe that this can all be explained because this was before his trueee awakening and "ohh yes i was very egotistical back then but now i judge no one and am a super being and the reason i always look like a douche is because thats what happens when you awake"

When Brad made those comments as eseow2007 he knew what he was doing, he knew he was lying, HE HAD TO. Are we really supposed to believe that he has changed so dramatically since then? he has only gotten worse, he has only found new ways to lie. and yes he pretty much deserves to be thrown in a pit and left to die at this point now that he's dealing in the fucking metaphysical truths of reality being all like

"yah lol dont worry everyone i confirm that there's no such thing as death and that when we die its the most amazing thing ever heres adronis"
"hay guyz adronis here first of all if your a hot girl let brad fingerbang you second of all yah everything brad has said is right i confirmed it with my future power"

Likely I think Sean and his sister are gonna have to wait for awhile while brad decends into even more get rich quick internet insanity and whill likely have to wait until he reaches rock bottom and comes begging for a roof over his head. This is the point where you have to sit him down and say that the cost of your hospitality is HONESTY. Not just honesty to you, but honesty to the internets, Brad should come out and tell everyone that this entire thing was one big egotistical lie
Tab Comment by Tab on July 23, 2009 at 8:33am


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