Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Saviors of Earth - A message to the Corrupt - A MUST SEE! (Reupload)

So I also discovered that Brad deleted his "message to the corrupt" off of his 101408blogspot youtube account thus making it unviewable from his 101408 blog or on youtube itself. I have to say Brad it was rather sneaky and not very lightworker like of you to cover up your tracks like that.

Too bad you forgot you uploaded it here:
I guess you must have abandoned it after all of 19 people viewed it since 10/01/2009.

Here our friendly neighbourhood alien Jesus touts Saviors of Earth as being his holy powernode that he's going to stop SOSOE erm the powers of the dark ones with. Too bad the internet does'nt count as "corrupt media" in Brads books. Strange really. I guess he'd lose his whole audience if he said the internet was corrupt. Funny how Brads interpretation of the corrupt a couple of months ago closely matches himself today.

Rating: 0/5 stars
Tags: ego, meltdown
Views: 107


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Ozone Comment by Ozone on April 5, 2009 at 11:18am
Oh dear. Brad reminds me of this guy:

ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on April 4, 2009 at 2:37pm
Perhaps new years eve was a reminder that people with real lives were out partyin while he was stuck at home hiding from his family and tryin to get chicks online with his psychic con pick up lines so he just had to release a big "I'm a big powerful super hero and I'm gonna take on the evil illuminati"

He seems to be deleting all the videos that show what a know nothing tool he is and trying to rebuild himself as just a super nice and evolved knowledgeable new age teacher (and he will try to make money again, mark my words). Perhaps now he's learned what are dangerous water to wade into and wants to stay safe with all this whole crappy new age philosophy that has to be the most worthless fucking set of ideas ever created by shit for brains humans.

It's basically the philosophy that no one can be wrong or right or held accountable for anything ever, everyone just strings a bunch of vague words together and says a bunch of shit about souls and dimensions and abundance and love and yadda yadda and if anyone tries to say anything "this is wrong, i think this is wrong, I have a different opinion" then heerree comess Brads reply
"wrong is only what you make it you bring it all to your reality all you see and experience is you there is no right or wrong all is experiential of what you bring into your field energy quantification the syncronisity of your multidimensional soulforce reacts to the vibrational abundancitity of your wavelengthecal soul density"

now heres brads private response just to tony

"Ban him, ban him, ban him, ban him, ban him, ban him"
Choshu Comment by Choshu on April 4, 2009 at 1:56pm
>< after taking a while to stop laughing I still can't stop laughing. I haven't seen this one yet.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on April 4, 2009 at 8:45am
No chance :( The last time I viewed those ones was when Brad first released them a couple of months back.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on April 4, 2009 at 6:41am
If anyone has these four videos that he deleted can you please upload them. Ning will take them as flv's so no additional conversions are necessary.

Saviors of Earth - 2012 & Fear of Depopulation
Saviors of Earth - Beating Out The Chemtrails
Saviors of Earth - Dropping The 3D Veil To Accelerate Ascension
Saviors of Earth - The Plan of Action


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