Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
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Tony you asshole maybe the reason those accounts are "sleeping" is because those people know that their opinions aren't wanted.
So Brad's saying that everyone should just shut up because he's realized Adronis is fake and now hes going to work on it but do you really expect us to believe that if these innapropriate responses wouldn't have happened Brad would have still admitted that Adronis was BS? NO!! he would have gone on with it, so what the hell is this zero tolerance fucking rule anyway? its not about non duality or unconditional love or non personal or negativity. Its negative because Brad dosen't like it, just like how when Brad starts saying that Blossom goodchild isn't to be trusted would be negative to her. So why don't you stop being a fucking bunch of lying pussies and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules, thats exactley what you've been doing, thats exactley what has caused the bannings and deletings, nothing else has ever been deleted other than people speaking out against Brads lies
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