Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

DeusEx - 1994 called and wants it's shitty website design back

"Adronis is the name of a Higher Dimensional Entity existing 300 years in our future. He is Channeled Through the consciousness mediumship of Brad Johnson."

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Antonela to Tony:

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Now they understand the tyranny:

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So true, how come Brad can come out and say whatever the fuck he wants about whose right and whose wrong but all things pertaining to whether kind brad is right or wrong must be kept private and hidden?

Whats wrong Tony? were you one of the people who attended all the Adronis channelings and took hope in his promises of gum drop spaceships? Good on you Antonela, I hope that the many more people who I KNOW must agree with you (lets face it there just isnt that big of percent of people who have had their brains surgically removed and replaced with saw dust) come forward and put a stop to this useless ego maniacal plot of brad that has nothing to do with helping people or spreading truth or well thought out ideas

also anyone kind of find it funny that Brad is STILL using the picture of him from like 10 years ago for EVERYTHING.

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Brad with the cumshot finish:

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yup just like the last time we started speaking out against the obvious fakeness, first brad tried to argue against it, realized he looked like an idiot, probably whined and cried a bit then finally decided to delete all the comments that made him look bad

Now that will happen here and if Antonella keep its up she'll probably just be banned

Realllll beacon of love and light they got over there...

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For christ sake Brad for once in your fucking life stand up for yourself instead of behind a fucking ban hammer.

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Zero tolerance :P

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Original post from Antonela and Clinton. It has been removed from this site and most likely will be removed from SOE:

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Tony you asshole maybe the reason those accounts are "sleeping" is because those people know that their opinions aren't wanted.

So Brad's saying that everyone should just shut up because he's realized Adronis is fake and now hes going to work on it but do you really expect us to believe that if these innapropriate responses wouldn't have happened Brad would have still admitted that Adronis was BS? NO!! he would have gone on with it, so what the hell is this zero tolerance fucking rule anyway? its not about non duality or unconditional love or non personal or negativity. Its negative because Brad dosen't like it, just like how when Brad starts saying that Blossom goodchild isn't to be trusted would be negative to her. So why don't you stop being a fucking bunch of lying pussies and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules, thats exactley what you've been doing, thats exactley what has caused the bannings and deletings, nothing else has ever been deleted other than people speaking out against Brads lies

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And the whole thread is gone. I should have known too. I performed the following muscle test on myself:

Will Tony delete the whole thread before the day is out? (Strong arm) YES!

ilikepies said:
Tony you asshole maybe the reason those accounts are "sleeping" is because those people know that their opinions aren't wanted.

So Brad's saying that everyone should just shut up because he's realized Adronis is fake and now hes going to work on it but do you really expect us to believe that if these innapropriate responses wouldn't have happened Brad would have still admitted that Adronis was BS? NO!! he would have gone on with it, so what the hell is this zero tolerance fucking rule anyway? its not about non duality or unconditional love or non personal or negativity. Its negative because Brad dosen't like it, just like how when Brad starts saying that Blossom goodchild isn't to be trusted would be negative to her. So why don't you stop being a fucking bunch of lying pussies and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules, thats exactley what you've been doing, thats exactley what has caused the bannings and deletings, nothing else has ever been deleted other than people speaking out against Brads lies

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god these are some fun times in SOE land

Here's a question I'd like to pose.

This is as far as I can remember the second time that Brad has openly admitted to "accidently" doing a channeling himself that is not legitimate that is not him in contact with some being and "accidently" doing it all himself.

Here's what I want to know, if we are to believe that Brad is in fact a legitimate channeler who legitimately connects with beings like voggoth and the 5 arcturians and all that shit then HOW THE FUCK DOES HE NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE??!!

This is why Brad is such a moron, he dosent think any shit through, to him all channeling is the same, its all a performance that he probably prepares so he dosent think about shit like this he just says whatever he thinks he needs to to keep whatever credibility he thinks he has left.

If Brad was really making contact with other beings, if he was really allowing these beings to be channeled through him, then how come he can't fucking tell during these times where he admits there was no beings, that it was all him thinking it up and responding, all just because he was "excited"?? Seriously people, just think about something for a damn second and you'll realize that at this point we can pretty much make it a universal law that Brad is in fact lying, performing (badly), and deliberately trying to trick people into believing he can channel when he in fact knows that he can't, that its all being done by him (badly)

Like I have said many times before, Brad may think this is all a fantasy role playing game but he is claiming something that is a BIG DEAL, and because of people's desperation and stupidity they will buy into it.
Having actual contact with another life form not of this world is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. And I don't give a shit what fucking excuses these idiots throw at me I refuse to believe that is possible for someone to be able to do this succesfully while at the same time SOMETIMES ACCIDENTLY doing a channel where they're not contacting a being, and it sounds THE SAME as all their other supposed real channelings, and he can't tell at the time that its not real, and he's able to do this all because of...excitement?????


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