Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
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"and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules"
1247 members would disagree with you, anyone speaking ill of anyone is dealt with. Such matters are to be taken offline, with or without admin mediation. As is happening now between three parties and myself.
Hmmmm LSOE...... have that arm checked, i did not delete the post.
LeavingSOE said:And the whole thread is gone. I should have known too. I performed the following muscle test on myself:
Will Tony delete the whole thread before the day is out? (Strong arm) YES!
ilikepies said:Tony you asshole maybe the reason those accounts are "sleeping" is because those people know that their opinions aren't wanted.
So Brad's saying that everyone should just shut up because he's realized Adronis is fake and now hes going to work on it but do you really expect us to believe that if these innapropriate responses wouldn't have happened Brad would have still admitted that Adronis was BS? NO!! he would have gone on with it, so what the hell is this zero tolerance fucking rule anyway? its not about non duality or unconditional love or non personal or negativity. Its negative because Brad dosen't like it, just like how when Brad starts saying that Blossom goodchild isn't to be trusted would be negative to her. So why don't you stop being a fucking bunch of lying pussies and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules, thats exactley what you've been doing, thats exactley what has caused the bannings and deletings, nothing else has ever been deleted other than people speaking out against Brads lies
20-30 sign up each day and i am sure they are not all from here.
DeusEx said:Stop throwing numbers at us when you know most of those members are inactive "sleeping members" and every time one stands up you censor or ban them.
Tony said:"and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules"
1247 members would disagree with you, anyone speaking ill of anyone is dealt with. Such matters are to be taken offline, with or without admin mediation. As is happening now between three parties and myself.
20-30 sign up each day and i am sure they are not all from here.
DeusEx said:Stop throwing numbers at us when you know most of those members are inactive "sleeping members" and every time one stands up you censor or ban them.
Tony said:"and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules"
1247 members would disagree with you, anyone speaking ill of anyone is dealt with. Such matters are to be taken offline, with or without admin mediation. As is happening now between three parties and myself.
In general terms an admin can undertake no admin rule actions against an owner of a site. But to lift the vail so to speak, i did mention in one mail to Brad that by the rules i would have had to ban him (an action some months ago).
You call it pick and chose, i call it lack of time and interest. I don't examine all posts there or here. In fact 90% of my reading stems from the main page subjects and Q&A SOE checking. The rest on welcoming new members, mail queries and working on the new member section and own development.
I am not fixated on Brad as you guys seem to be, so the blossom thread you refer to is not known to me. If no members complain via mail about posts by Brad then there is a 95% chance i won't have read his post. I have enough complaints coming in as it is. The last one which can be verified was a post of the dutch attack on the royal family. All dealt with via post by the member compalining and with the member who made the post in a certain section which other found offensive. The poster was asked to move his thread and did so.
Whether you believe it or not there are hundreds of active members, my 3000 mails are a testimony to that.
As for running away, yes, i am now going back to SOE to inform someone they have been nominated for admin. Work calls, i gurantee it will deserve its own thread here. Catch you next ime.
ilikepies said:here's the problem Tony you pussy ass who carefully picks and chooses what you respond to
People weren't "speaking ill" of brad in the way that perhaps others on your site were reprimanded for, what those other people were doing is essentially exactley the same as what Brad was saying about Blossom Goodchild. These people were trying to give brad all the respect and love they could but they were just stating their opinion, an opinion I wholeheartedly agree with that Brads channeling is obviously fake and its an
irresponsible thing to be claiming you can give people guidance and hope with a make believe character. Maybe you should go back and give brad a warning for "speaking ill" of Miss Kerry's husband while goading her to leave her family behind and have an astral affair with him, I assume he was reprimanded for that...
Oh and since you've found your way back here Tony why not check out that other thread where you used my evil quotes to show how this is hate site, there's a few questions for you I believe
So feel free please Doctor Tony to stay here and have a discussion with us seen as how you just replying here and running away as we own your ass logically would just go further towards proving all of our points
My fixation is not on "the one" as it is here. The need of the many outway the need of the few, or "the one".
anyone is free to voice their opinion within reason, "eat shit and die" or similar is not within reason. Anything not within reason is dealt one-on-one or via admin mediation .
DeusEx said:You missed the point. You claim those members would disagree with what LS has asserted. They will never have a chance to voice their opinion on it due to your constant censorship and banning. I'm glad that the 20-30 that sign up each day make you feel accomplished though.
Tony said:20-30 sign up each day and i am sure they are not all from here.
DeusEx said:Stop throwing numbers at us when you know most of those members are inactive "sleeping members" and every time one stands up you censor or ban them.
Tony said:"and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules"
1247 members would disagree with you, anyone speaking ill of anyone is dealt with. Such matters are to be taken offline, with or without admin mediation. As is happening now between three parties and myself.
My fixation is not on "the one" as it is here. The need of the many outway the need of the few, or "the one".
LeavingSOE said:One thing I know for sure about you, Tony, is that you'll protect SOE at any cost. You would rather be a big fish in a small pond than be a small fish in a big pond. Sad, really.
Tony said:20-30 sign up each day and i am sure they are not all from here.
DeusEx said:Stop throwing numbers at us when you know most of those members are inactive "sleeping members" and every time one stands up you censor or ban them.
Tony said:"and admit that the site is there for Brad to spread his greatness and any attempt at speaking ill of the great Brad is against the rules"
1247 members would disagree with you, anyone speaking ill of anyone is dealt with. Such matters are to be taken offline, with or without admin mediation. As is happening now between three parties and myself.
No Tony. Just shut up and leave before someone breaks it to you that most of your actions have revolved around protecting the image of a single member on SOE.
Tony said:My fixation is not on "the one" as it is here. The need of the many outway the need of the few, or "the one".
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