Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Using his very own YouTube stills, I've put these images in historical order. It's about 8 months worth of stills, but he has deleted a few videos. This still shows what acceleration means: Aging, going bald, a forehead that seems to be bulging and getting shinier through time and a definite weight increase. If you missed the animation the first time, refresh the page :P


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not working for me.

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this just in, brad attempts to stage professional interview from his motel 6 room and fails

by the way this gif looks exactly like the scene at the end of raiders of the lost ark with the melting faces, at first I thought you were just posting a gif from that movie but then i realized it was actually brad

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You can really tell that his long line of failures over the months/years have really taken their toll on him most probably irriversibly. Brad will have to ask him self one day. Was it really worth it? It really is sad in a way how he cannot see the harm he's not only doing to himself but to those around him and around the world.

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I wonder why he even made a video if it was just an audio interview. It sounds like Brad is doing Darth Vader style breathing while talking to her. Maybe he's doing a bit more than stroking the ego, eh? :P You would think if she really believed in her psychic friends and her own powers that she would wonder why there was so much inteference. Could it be her psychic friends were trying to tell her something?

ilikepies said:
this just in, brad attempts to stage professional interview from his motel 6 room and fails

by the way this gif looks exactly like the scene at the end of raiders of the lost ark with the melting faces, at first I thought you were just posting a gif from that movie but then i realized it was actually brad

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I had to listen to the audio again because it reminded me of something. I am in no way an expert but his technical issues seem to stem from having the microphone's sensitivity set too high and a really shitty sound card that is receiving inteference from the USB bus. The problem really manifested itself because both Brad and Jessica Mystic love the sound of their own voices. Brad kept trying to interject so he could weave his own bullshit in with hers and that's when you'll notice the inteference at it's highest. Luckily she kept blabbing which actually forced Brad to shut his trap longer than he wanted to.

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