Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Brads petition to the governments of the world whining for free energy

Ok so I typed Brads email into google and fell over this petition he created on which in turn also unveils another one of what appears to be Brads blogs: which was clearly a roaring success.

I'm pretty sure this has to be one of Brad blogs because:
1) It follows the same art direction as his other blogs.
2) It's full of useless information that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
3) None of the information is new or created by his own hand
4) The petition itself is linked to via the blog and vice versa (lol self promotion?)

And so here is the petition. I swear to god with all the petitions that nobody cares about on that someone should create a petition banning petitions.............

All of one person signed it. 3 guesses who this one person was that signed it.

Who else but our friendly neighbourhood alien Jesus! How fucking predictable to say the least.


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LMAO... nice find James :-)

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I'm sure Brad will be spending every waking minute on his computer burning up fossil fuels to make videos about sustainable energy resources. I love how the petition is addressed to ALL WORLD GOVERNMENTS, he might as well have tried to petition the Illuminati... I wonder if this means Brad is ready to abandon the FAILtanic and move on to his next set of money making schemes.

Really awesome find, James :)

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LOL oh yes petition online ALWAYS WORKS

I'm sure when all the worlds governments meet the first thing on their docket will be to check out all the online petitions and when they come across this one I'm sure they'll only need to take a second to let a single tear fall from their eyes before they instantly divert all energy and resources to making this little child brads wish come true

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Hahaa... now theres 2 ....

This petitions on fire! And what a reputable signature ... Project Horse Team 9 :P

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wow 2 whole signatures and STILL all the worlds governments havent caved and granted brads request? clearly this is the work of some meddling reptillians.

Seriously though how idiotic is this "change the energy now" I mean its hilarious on his site hes all like "here's david wilcock talking about concioussness energy change all energy to this now" ummmm what the fuck, how about if your gonna have a site with a petition asking all the world governments to change the energy you have a little bit more information and science and suggestions on different energy sources. There are MANY sites out there where people are putting actual thought into REAL ideas about how we can revolutionize energy, and Brad REALLY thinks that if he starts some blogspot like "none of the energies you think will work will work because the sun will attack everything except concioussness energy here's a youtube change the energy now" that anything will happen at all, DO YOU REALLY THINK ANYONES GONNA TAKE THIS BULLSHIT SERIOUSLY??!!
Brad really is just a child

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Erm, if Brad's ascending this year and the rest of us are ascending by 2012, why do we need to "Change Our Energy" by 2012?

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Project Horse Team 9? LOL WTF :P

I can't wait for Brad to make a post on SOE about how they are making so much of a difference with the 2 e-signatures :P World goverments, just stop with the bad energy. Give up now and give into Brad's delusions before 2012 or else he'll have to send you a nasty email!

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You know what I find really strange about this is if you do a google boolean search on Project Horse Team 9:
It brings nothing back. On the contrary.........

If you do a boolean search on
It brings back the link to this site. Hmm project horse team 9 cant be that successful I guess. Then again it would'nt be if it was thought up by or founded by Brad.

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lol ... project horse team 9 is just some shit i made up for TAFE ... thought it sounded funny on the petition :P
And i mean .. who wouldnt believe a team of project horses? Especially the 9th team!?
And i mean .. .. i mean .. he had such an AWESOMELY written petition .... with only one signature on it ... i felt sorry for Brad ... /endsarcasm

I also second the suggenstion of brad lighting farts ... id pay to see that lol ...
Oh .. and 100,000 points to the owner of signature #3 ... :P

james_uk said:
You know what I find really strange about this is if you do a google boolean search on Project Horse Team 9:
It brings nothing back. On the contrary.........

If you do a boolean search on
It brings back the link to this site. Hmm project horse team 9 cant be that successful I guess. Then again it would'nt be if it was thought up by or founded by Brad.

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Yeah I did signature 3 :P I just had to leave a small token of my appreciation behind for him.

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LOL, that's perfect :P

james_uk said:
Yeah I did signature 3 :P I just had to leave a small token of my appreciation behind for him.

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