Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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selling 10 dollar tvs and walkmans "cmon man it dosent have a cord but it'll work good" is what CRACK ADDICTS DO

Brad must be hurtin for that next happy meal

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I bet he could get a few dollars more if he added "worn by the famous YouTube star Brad Johnson"

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I say Brad you must be making bundles out of your business................

The image quality is absolutely stunning to say the least....... /sarcasm

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lol hes selling off his tv "waah dah blah thats an illuminati device" is probably the excuse he tells himself but he probably just wants 20 bucks pay for 2 large pizzas and sit on his apartment floor and cry while eating them, thinking of the next thing he can sell

I notice that in Brads videos hes either sitting on a couch directly behind him and or apparently at a desk where you can see a couch and a chair sitting right next to each other behind him. So like, does he just have his two pieces of furniture sitting there facing the computer desk? does he just move the labtop around from desk to chair depending on whether hes masterbating or not. So he's selling of his tv and will get all information about the world from the creaziest shit he can find on youtube..this should go well

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You can tell he used his cheap webcam to take the pic which makes the TV even worse but you can see a nice reflection of Brad's place on the TV screen. Looks worse than most college students apartments :P

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