And so Brad came online in the chat today under the alias of shootingstar. The underlined section is where I essentially hit a nerve exposing Brad in all his delusional viral marketing glory. Shootingstar stayed silent in the chat until the underlined was said in the chat.
31/03/2009 14:45:52 ‹james_uk› Such a pity that he never responded to poor old Betty Goodwinger.........
31/03/2009 14:46:00 ‹paradigmShift› rofl
31/03/2009 14:46:04 ‹Bumble› brad did say something about her having lypo, and putting it to her chest for she looks like a women rather then having moobs
31/03/2009 14:46:08 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 14:46:27 ‹DeusEx› wow wtf lol
31/03/2009 14:46:45 ‹Bumble› indeed he did... i take it he didnt like the 'hot astral sex' after all
31/03/2009 14:47:01 ‹DeusEx› gross
31/03/2009 14:47:09 ‹james_uk› Nah it just did'nt compare in the 3D world of reality........
31/03/2009 14:47:30 ‹DeusEx› I'd take 3d boobs over 5d anyday
31/03/2009 14:47:48 ‹Bumble› no, seriously he did insist on her having surgery on her belly because it is all mis-shapened and to get rid of her MASSIVE stretch marks after having 5 kids, one after the other
31/03/2009 14:48:14 ‹DeusEx› Really? That's really nasty to say to a woman
31/03/2009 14:49:26 ‹Bumble› women HAHAHA!!! i think ur mistaken
31/03/2009 14:50:20 ‹Bumble› brad wont reply to my post :'(
31/03/2009 14:50:38 ‹Bumble› prehaps some of his friends will rpely for him
31/03/2009 14:50:42 ‹Bumble› *reply
31/03/2009 14:51:33 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 14:52:53 ‹DeusEx› I saw the comment too ROFL
31/03/2009 14:52:53 ‹james_uk› His friends being his hallowed disciples of SOE cause he has no "friends" to speak of.
31/03/2009 14:53:09 ‹DeusEx› Followers
31/03/2009 14:53:21 * paradigmShift quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 14:53:24 ‹DeusEx› Wonder what happened to the guy he used to do the wrestling videos with?
31/03/2009 14:53:33 ‹DeusEx› You would think they'd still be best buds
31/03/2009 14:53:48 * candylily quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 14:53:52 ‹james_uk› Yeah I would've thought that.
31/03/2009 14:54:41 ‹DeusEx› I mean you don't get all hot and sweaty wrestling with another guy in tight clothes and just leave it like that right?
31/03/2009 14:55:22 ‹james_uk› With how frequent his schemes have been in the last 2-3 years he must have become quite self centered. Tragic really. I guess his friends did'nt make him money.............
31/03/2009 14:55:32 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 14:55:33 ‹shootingstar› im his friend, kinda, hes online now, he says bumble-is your mom still fucking that paedophile
31/03/2009 14:55:44 ‹james_uk› Right......
31/03/2009 14:55:51 ‹DeusEx› umm...LOL WUT
31/03/2009 14:55:53 ‹shootingstar› didnt he get sent down
31/03/2009 14:56:00 ‹Bumble› HAHA! he the paeodophile
31/03/2009 14:56:02 ‹DeusEx› That didn't even make sense lol
31/03/2009 14:56:06 * paradigmShift quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 14:56:06 * paradigmShift quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 14:56:06 * paradigmShift quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 14:56:06 ‹Bumble› nope
31/03/2009 14:56:11 ‹shootingstar› yeah she was fucking him for money or something
31/03/2009 14:56:22 ‹Bumble› lies...
31/03/2009 14:56:25 ‹DeusEx› English motherfucker, do you speak it?
31/03/2009 14:56:32 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 14:56:36 ‹shootingstar› he went to jail for it too lmao
31/03/2009 14:56:37 ‹Bumble› oh you talkin about kerry? fuckin him for money
31/03/2009 14:56:42 ‹dave147doh› ask kerry
31/03/2009 14:56:43 ‹james_uk› Lol I did I hit a nerve perhaps? You were silent all that time.
31/03/2009 14:56:52 ‹dave147doh› if baliey is lees
31/03/2009 14:56:58 ‹dave147doh› or a 16 year olds
31/03/2009 14:57:12 ‹dave147doh› shootingstar
31/03/2009 14:57:16 ‹DeusEx› So shooting, are you Brad?
31/03/2009 14:57:33 ‹shootingstar› i dont know anything about that just that your mom is a dirty ho
31/03/2009 14:57:41 ‹paradigmShift› HAHAAH
31/03/2009 14:57:51 ‹DeusEx› oh lord
31/03/2009 14:57:53 ‹shootingstar› that is one sick fucking woman
31/03/2009 14:57:54 ‹Bumble› fairdooes, if thats all you can come up with then whatever
31/03/2009 14:58:05 ‹dave147doh› wot like kerry
31/03/2009 14:58:11 ‹Bumble› true
31/03/2009 14:58:22 ‹shootingstar› i dont know her that well so i wont comment on that
31/03/2009 14:58:24 ‹DeusEx› LOL, shooting can you type a proper sentence?
31/03/2009 14:58:28 ‹Bumble› tried to fuck the landlord for lamitate flooring
31/03/2009 14:58:34 ‹Bumble› kerry that is
31/03/2009 14:58:39 ‹DeusEx› oh shit
31/03/2009 14:58:55 ‹Bumble› oooo the truth is coming out eh shootingstar
31/03/2009 14:58:58 ‹paradigmShift› i don't blame her, laminate flooring is balla
31/03/2009 14:59:03 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 14:59:07 ‹shootingstar› but y is your mom fucking someone like that, hes had his cock up some poor child then puts it up your mom wtf
31/03/2009 14:59:09 ‹DeusEx› ROFL
31/03/2009 14:59:32 ‹james_uk› Nah he does'nt have the qualifications or the mentality for that. It does'nt make Brad money....
31/03/2009 14:59:33 ‹DeusEx› Shooting, you care to explain what you are saying?
31/03/2009 14:59:39 ‹DeusEx› It doesn't make any sense at all
31/03/2009 14:59:40 ‹Bumble› you've got a sick mind for thinking bout that
31/03/2009 14:59:44 ‹shootingstar› fuck i think someones family is fucked up
31/03/2009 14:59:48 ‹Bumble› exacally - its lies
31/03/2009 14:59:55 ‹paradigmShift› shooting is in frustrated circus monkey mode, he doesn't have to explain shit
31/03/2009 15:00:08 ‹Bumble› monkey hahaha! hairy
31/03/2009 15:00:14 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:00:16 ‹james_uk› Why does he need to explain anything? It's his personal Truth............
31/03/2009 15:00:24 ‹DeusEx› He just wants to piss people off to deflect his own problems
31/03/2009 15:00:34 ‹shootingstar› mother is fucking a paedophile and dave is fucking his sister, thats one fucked up family right there dude
31/03/2009 15:00:47 ‹dave147doh› u wana c a monkey i got a pic of brad wiv his top off
31/03/2009 15:00:53 ‹Bumble› and he is trying to get a reaction out of a 14 year old and he says my family is fucked up LOL
31/03/2009 15:00:54 ‹dave147doh› rrrrr sick shit
31/03/2009 15:00:59 ‹paradigmShift› HAHAHH
31/03/2009 15:01:02 ‹Bumble› haha jesus
31/03/2009 15:01:03 ‹james_uk› Dear lord why you fantasise of such thoughts is beyond me to say the least.
31/03/2009 15:01:19 ‹DeusEx› Now now, don't tell us about the Porn you like to watch, dear Brad
31/03/2009 15:02:01 ‹DeusEx› I know you need to watch some sick shit to get it up, but come on
31/03/2009 15:02:16 ‹Bumble› well i like the way that i fucked my own brother, atleast he wouldnt need vigra and booze!
31/03/2009 15:02:17 ‹james_uk› Why does Brad need to watch porn? He can just live out his hardcore sex fantasises with Kerry in the astral. Who needs porn?
31/03/2009 15:02:18 ‹dave147doh› will do 4 kerry
31/03/2009 15:02:19 ‹shootingstar› ok im off, but dave watch your girls for god sake, dont let your mom's BF look at them, ill look out for the newspaper report
31/03/2009 15:02:30 ‹paradigmShift› why do you always run
31/03/2009 15:02:31 ‹paradigmShift› cya
31/03/2009 15:02:32 ‹Bumble› HAHA sad lil person
31/03/2009 15:02:40 ‹DeusEx› Well that's nice and sweet to say, Brad
31/03/2009 15:02:41 ‹dave147doh› well kerrys gone so they will b safe
31/03/2009 15:02:41 ‹james_uk› Ever predictable...........
31/03/2009 15:02:45 ‹shootingstar› ffs
31/03/2009 15:02:52 ‹paradigmShift› btw shootingstar, what happened to EoS?
31/03/2009 15:02:52 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:02:55 ‹paradigmShift› I'm just curious
31/03/2009 15:03:05 ‹DeusEx› oh shit that must sting
31/03/2009 15:03:17 ‹shootingstar› well just watch them with the peado man thats just sick shit dude
31/03/2009 15:03:26 ‹paradigmShift›
31/03/2009 15:03:27 ‹Bumble› and you think bout it !
31/03/2009 15:03:32 ‹james_uk› Really Brad tell us about how you like to take advantage of mentally handcapped people like Bob Berger.
31/03/2009 15:03:37 ‹shootingstar› what was your mom thinking
31/03/2009 15:03:41 ‹james_uk› *handicapped
31/03/2009 15:03:51 ‹shootingstar› she must be fucking desperate
31/03/2009 15:03:53 ‹dave147doh› wot?
31/03/2009 15:04:01 ‹dave147doh› like brad?
31/03/2009 15:04:05 ‹Bumble› wat like you, going after a man ?
31/03/2009 15:04:10 ‹dave147doh› goin n4 kerry
31/03/2009 15:04:17 ‹paradigmShift› your mom jokes...a grown man using your mom jokes to insult someone
31/03/2009 15:04:30 ‹Bumble› thats so cute!
31/03/2009 15:04:41 ‹DeusEx› yo momma is so fat ROFL
31/03/2009 15:04:55 * paradigmShift quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 15:05:01 ‹dave147doh› my ex wife is so fat
31/03/2009 15:05:04 ‹james_uk› Brad I dont suppose you can tell us how much you actually made out of EOS?
31/03/2009 15:05:55 ‹james_uk› If anything at all.
31/03/2009 15:06:02 ‹dave147doh› yeah just £250 off kerry
31/03/2009 15:06:21 ‹Bumble› i thought that was postrutue money
31/03/2009 15:06:27 ‹paradigmShift› JUST 250?
31/03/2009 15:06:44 ‹paradigmShift› can't even properly scam someone that falls straight into his lap
31/03/2009 15:06:48 ‹dave147doh› all ahe had after all her pies
31/03/2009 15:06:54 ‹james_uk› Also Brad it was very nasty of you to ignore poor Betty Goodwingers email to you asking for help.
31/03/2009 15:06:58 ‹paradigmShift› i like pies
31/03/2009 15:07:12 ‹dave147doh› so does kerry
31/03/2009 15:07:34 ‹paradigmShift› yeah i coudl tell
31/03/2009 15:07:37 ‹DeusEx› ROFL
31/03/2009 15:07:42 ‹Bumble› and brad like pies out of the bin thats why he came the lil lost hobo
31/03/2009 15:07:43 ‹paradigmShift› water pies are probbaly not so tasty thogh
31/03/2009 15:07:50 ‹shootingstar› think what you like, brads really happy with miss kerry, so u can say what u want, i know they're really happy together
31/03/2009 15:08:02 ‹Bumble› fairdooes little man
31/03/2009 15:08:06 ‹paradigmShift› ROFL lil lost hobo
31/03/2009 15:08:28 ‹shootingstar› if it makes you feel better to say all this shit then so be it, but u cant split them up
31/03/2009 15:08:39 ‹Bumble› do i really want to
31/03/2009 15:08:45 ‹paradigmShift› why are you referring to yourself in third person
31/03/2009 15:08:45 ‹james_uk› Yeah screwing up the lives of children on either side of the pond would make Brad happy.
31/03/2009 15:08:52 ‹Bumble› ill just let her crush him in 3d sex rather then astral sex
31/03/2009 15:09:01 ‹DeusEx› OMG LOL
31/03/2009 15:09:02 ‹paradigmShift› and if you're not, why is brad such a fucking coward?
31/03/2009 15:09:16 ‹Bumble› im surpised that brad hasnt got his mummy on here
31/03/2009 15:09:19 ‹DeusEx› Come on, you're Brad, admit
31/03/2009 15:09:48 ‹shootingstar› no im not brad, i dont think brad wants to talk to ppl like u
31/03/2009 15:10:00 ‹DeusEx› oh lord
31/03/2009 15:10:01 ‹Bumble› what people hu tell the truth ?
31/03/2009 15:10:15 ‹shootingstar› god u really love brad dont u, hes the only think u lot talkj about
31/03/2009 15:10:16 ‹shootingstar› wow
31/03/2009 15:10:19 ‹Bumble› people hu aint got their head up their arse like you
31/03/2009 15:10:25 ‹james_uk› Really Brad you really ought to consider a career outside of internet marketing, Viral Marketing, and computing in general. Your just no good at it.
31/03/2009 15:10:26 ‹paradigmShift› ohhh brad
31/03/2009 15:10:32 ‹Bumble› yeah ... he's jesus and jesus loves us all
31/03/2009 15:10:37 ‹Bumble› Haha nice icon
31/03/2009 15:10:38 ‹paradigmShift› yes I'm obsessed with his shapely man tits
31/03/2009 15:10:42 ‹james_uk› Flipping burgers would suit you fine.
31/03/2009 15:10:50 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:10:50 ‹Bumble› HAHAA
31/03/2009 15:10:56 ‹shootingstar› fuckoff little girl, get back to fucking your brother you dirty ho
31/03/2009 15:11:02 ‹Bumble› fairdooes
31/03/2009 15:11:03 ‹paradigmShift› HAHAHAHA
31/03/2009 15:11:09 ‹paradigmShift› so fucking obvious
31/03/2009 15:11:14 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:11:15 ‹paradigmShift› predictable
31/03/2009 15:11:30 ‹DeusEx› shooting is so pissed he got a lemon
31/03/2009 15:11:42 ‹Bumble› shootingstar, maybe when you come out of childhood and begin to embark on adolsence maybe you can fuck ur brother too
31/03/2009 15:11:44 * shootingstar quit
31/03/2009 15:11:50 ‹DeusEx› ROFL
31/03/2009 15:12:00 ‹james_uk› Repeat after me Brad "Is that with Fries?"
31/03/2009 15:12:02 ‹paradigmShift› I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE
31/03/2009 15:12:03 ‹DeusEx› back to flipping burgers viatch
31/03/2009 15:12:08 ‹DeusEx› *biatch
31/03/2009 15:12:11 ‹Bumble› anymore of what
31/03/2009 15:12:11 ‹james_uk› Aww bless his little cotton socks.
31/03/2009 15:12:13 * shootingstar joins Main
31/03/2009 15:12:20 ‹DeusEx› Hey welcome back, Brad!
31/03/2009 15:12:25 ‹Bumble› oh he is back
31/03/2009 15:12:28 ‹DeusEx› Don't get fired because of us now
31/03/2009 15:12:29 ‹Bumble› Praise to jesus
31/03/2009 15:12:49 ‹DeusEx› Praise to brad johnson!
31/03/2009 15:12:57 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:13:03 ‹shootingstar› ha ha im not brad, but if u wana think that then fine dude
31/03/2009 15:13:05 ‹Bumble› he's back from raiding the mc donalds bins
31/03/2009 15:13:06 ‹DeusEx› Hey did you think of something snappy to say, shooting?
31/03/2009 15:13:10 ‹Bumble› okay kerry
31/03/2009 15:13:12 ‹dave147doh› i do he took the skank away
31/03/2009 15:13:16 ‹Bumble› ur ack from raiding the bins
31/03/2009 15:13:18 ‹james_uk› Repeat after me Brad "Is that with Fries?" "Medium or Large Coke?"
31/03/2009 15:13:19 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:13:22 ‹paradigmShift› shootingstar, ask brad why he's such a coward
31/03/2009 15:13:28 ‹paradigmShift› that's all I'm wondering
31/03/2009 15:13:29 ‹Bumble› lool
31/03/2009 15:13:31 ‹DeusEx› Do they still do supersizing at McDs?
31/03/2009 15:13:36 ‹Bumble› haha
31/03/2009 15:13:38 ‹shootingstar› coward? y?
31/03/2009 15:13:45 ‹Bumble› i dont think that is enough for his gf
31/03/2009 15:13:46 ‹paradigmShift› why is he such a pussy, why can't he handle his own business
31/03/2009 15:13:55 ‹paradigmShift› why do you have to do it for him
31/03/2009 15:14:00 ‹DeusEx› at least Brad can use his pick up lines ..."hey baby you got fries with that shake?"
31/03/2009 15:14:34 ‹Bumble› LMFAO
15:14:34 ‹Bumble› LMFAO
31/03/2009 15:15:14 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:15:25 ‹Bumble› << i didnt ur face was a smily emotion kerry
31/03/2009 15:15:43 ‹shootingstar› u may out kerry down but ive seen her yesterday and shes lost loadsa weight from what she looks like in her pics so saying shes fat is laughable
31/03/2009 15:15:54 ‹dave147doh› lmfao
31/03/2009 15:16:01 ‹james_uk› You never did tell us how much you made off of EOS...... Was it from the advertising only like your other escapades?
31/03/2009 15:16:03 ‹paradigmShift› whether he's letting you come here and defend him, or whether it's really Brad hiding behind the screenname
31/03/2009 15:16:07 ‹DeusEx› So you're Brad then
31/03/2009 15:16:08 ‹paradigmShift› either way brad is a pussy
31/03/2009 15:16:21 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:16:23 ‹paradigmShift› tell him I said that
31/03/2009 15:16:29 ‹DeusEx› ROFL
31/03/2009 15:16:36 ‹dave147doh› r poor kerry still a fat fuck n always will b
31/03/2009 15:16:40 ‹Bumble› i always suspected brad swung both ways
31/03/2009 15:16:44 ‹shootingstar› brads one of my best mates so u cant say anything to me that i dont already know
31/03/2009 15:17:01 ‹Bumble› he has a mate
31/03/2009 15:17:02 ‹james_uk› Course he is.........
31/03/2009 15:17:20 ‹paradigmShift› yeah you guys are both equally douchy so I wouldn't be surprised
31/03/2009 15:17:23 ‹DeusEx› Brad has friends
31/03/2009 15:17:31 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:17:40 ‹james_uk› His right hand more like.........
31/03/2009 15:17:45 ‹DeusEx› LOL!
31/03/2009 15:17:49 ‹DeusEx› You beat me to it
31/03/2009 15:17:58 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:17:59 * candylily quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 15:18:04 ‹paradigmShift› LOL deus you know he does, but they don't really exist in this dimension so he has to type for them
31/03/2009 15:18:18 ‹paradigmShift› shootingstar is probably a highly evolved astral being
31/03/2009 15:18:18 ‹Bumble› shootingstar you say that brad is one of your best mates, do you mean durex... something to protect and cum into ?
31/03/2009 15:18:28 ‹DeusEx› oh that's right 5 of them, the for each finger on his right hand
31/03/2009 15:18:38 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:19:08 ‹paradigmShift› in a way though, we're brad's friends...I don't imagine many other people would give him the time of day
31/03/2009 15:19:10 ‹DeusEx› I sure hope he uses a condom
31/03/2009 15:19:36 ‹Bumble› spes with her - half jesus, half jabba the hut
31/03/2009 15:19:49 ‹DeusEx› ROFL
31/03/2009 15:20:12 ‹james_uk› When you run away again Brad give my regards to your poor unmarried mother.
31/03/2009 15:20:32 ‹dave147doh› lmao
31/03/2009 15:20:34 ‹Bumble› haha, thats was very clever
31/03/2009 15:21:02 ‹dave147doh› 15:20:13 ‹shootingstar› yeah, you have been upsetting her but not to worry you will get whats coming, brad and i have it sorted, you wont hurt her ever again
31/03/2009 15:21:02 ‹DeusEx› LOL
31/03/2009 15:21:08 ‹dave147doh› lol
31/03/2009 15:21:15 * shootingstar quit (timeout)
31/03/2009 15:21:20 ‹DeusEx› PWNED
31/03/2009 15:21:26 ‹dave147doh› oh kerry makin up friends again
31/03/2009 15:21:28 ‹james_uk› Guess I hit a nerve again.............
31/03/2009 15:21:37 ‹dave147doh› bye
31/03/2009 15:21:47 ‹DeusEx› haha