Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

I figure I might as well post this incident before Brad and Tony make their pitiful attempt to pin it on SOSOE. We here at SOSOE are above this sort of thing and face it, if we wanted to troll SOE we would do a way better job at it :)


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Who the hell are they?
That's crazy. A little extreme.

Totally not surprised by Tony's priorities though.

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this is failed stealth trolling attemp, but a nice try i'll give him/her that much.

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And yet another SOE-er is whining now about having enough of life and wanting to leave. Too much in a hurry now to take caps so check out the blog Not your usual blog post this is just me feeling sorry for myself. I'm off to buy popcorn! ;)

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If this is really their fucking selfish, piss poor attitude towards the gift of life and the families we've all had bestowed upon all of us perhaps someone should point them in the general direction of that assisted suicide topic........... That'll be a sure fire way to get a one-way ticket off of the face of the planet.

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It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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Ben, there is a story of true success and joy. May we all evolve like him and enjoy the satisfaction that he has. Praise Jewawan.

Ben said:
It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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Vaddix’s tale of woe has disappeared off the SOE radar. What happened yesterday looks like more and more like an attempt of Tony to indirectly remember the community to be obedient, to keep a low profile, and to keep posts about depression or other real life problems to an absolute minimum. How long until the SOE rules will be officially supplemented with: Blogs, forum posts, and comments that fail to focus on conspiracy theories and shallow praise of other members are to be ignored by the community and will be deleted a.s.a.p. by an admin.

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I guarantee you that deep down in his soul Tony is probably just as fucking depressed and sad and lonely and desperate as most people on there. Thats what SOE is about, forgetting the truth of your shitty life by convincing yourself a make believe la la land is real, any example of that sadness, that fear THE REAL cause and reason for all this bullshit coming out will be swept under the rug so Tony can go on thinking his shitty life has some magical alien rainbow coming to it verrry soon, people like that will probably keep on pretending until they're dead

Ben said:
Vaddix’s tale of woe has disappeared off the SOE radar. What happened yesterday looks like more and more like an attempt of Tony to indirectly remember the community to be obedient, to keep a low profile, and to keep posts about depression or other real life problems to an absolute minimum. How long until the SOE rules will be officially supplemented with: Blogs, forum posts, and comments that fail to focus on conspiracy theories and shallow praise of other members are to be ignored by the community and will be deleted a.s.a.p. by an admin.

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As blind as you are dumb

Ben said:
It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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Yah well I see what your getting at I guess but I can't really follow that link anywhere because i'm banned from the site and refuse to take the time to go through your fucking dictatorship "moderated viewing"
welcome back tony, don't run away too soon

Tony said:
As blind as you are dumb

Ben said:
It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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I think Ben just meant the post disappeared from the Latest Activity list on SOE, not that it was deleted somehow.

Tony said:
As blind as you are dumb

Ben said:
It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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Doubt it deux, vaddix home page shows he posted his last comment in that blog 19 hours ago, the last of the 20 replies which can be shown in the activity log at any one time was posted 10 hours ago.

DeusEx said:
I think Ben just meant the post disappeared from the Latest Activity list on SOE, not that it was deleted somehow.

Tony said:
As blind as you are dumb

Ben said:
It still amuses me how quickly Tony showed up to point out all the obvious flaws in Charlotte’s ramshackle story and used it to re-establish SOE as a place of warmth and love where the only ones talking about suicide are harm-meaning fakers. I don’t want to sound paranoid here but I think you know what I’m implying. Seems like it was all for naught though as only a day later one of the regulars starts to whine about his crappy life, as they tend to do every so often. Will there ever be a SOE-story that goes something like: I’m living life to the fullest, I have a great family, many friends, and I worked hard to fulfill many of my dreams. Oops, I forgot, someone like that wouldn’t be on SOE in the first place. *munches on popcorn*

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