Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
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# dafishies August 6th, 2007 at 9:02 pm
ok your all bitchy cause ur website sucks. I know your going through personal issues and im sorry but people here are being jerks to brad, he’s doing fine work and you should not be angry with him. All the information you have, he has and more. so ur basically calling whatever to him, to urself cause this site has basically the same info. just stop being jerks. No one wants to read someone swearing constantly and talking about whores on a movie site, he has every rite to take those posts down. He doesn’t want himself to be associated with you and him given a bad name because of the people swearing, would you like it if someone called you gay because someone in your website was posting gay comments?? I don’t think so, you’d delete them so your not being thought of for being gay. SO don’t be mean just get along and if you go and delete my post right here about this, that means your avoiding the problem and it will only get worse, we over at have the manpower to find as much info as fast as we can. so please just leave us alone? and I’m not representing or brad, I’m just a nice guy who doesn’t want anything to start over something stupid as this.
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