Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Clinton, say it ain't so!

Updated with Video and MP3 links

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wonder how long it'll be before brad unveils some new service that will charge money for his "expertise" I mean he has to get money to pay for that lawyer that he threatened us with from SOMEWHERE right? It's not like Brad would lie about stuff....

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It's like he's come full circle. First it starts with the alien DNA shit, then meditations, Solfeggio frequencies, and soon enough he's be back to channeling. Congrats, Brad, you managed to stick to something for over 6 months

ilikepies said:
wonder how long it'll be before brad unveils some new service that will charge money for his "expertise" I mean he has to get money to pay for that lawyer that he threatened us with from SOMEWHERE right? It's not like Brad would lie about stuff....

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LMAO the "Out of Body experience channeled euphorica by Clinton" was once being touted on EOS as a freebie. I guess Brad has been reduced to recycling old content in compilations much like those waste of time episodes of the simpsons that were nothing more than highlights of certain episodes whilst the family were gathered around. Perhaps we should all do a "mass meditation" to rid the world of douchbags.

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Clinton Doherty said:
Why the fuck is my meditations up there you know what fuck you, fuck everyone. Im so fucking fucked at everything. Fuck spirituality. Im over this fucking shit.

Hello Clinton
If you really disagree with ****Jewawan**** about having your meditation thing on there then why dont you confront him yourself to get it removed? Whoopsy daisy I almost forget that would be called creating duality if someone disagrees with holy lord Jewawan of SOE's unquestionable logic . Really though if it's your hobby then there's really no need to throw a shitfit over it and quit entirely (especially considering that this is Brad thats done it and we know what he's like).

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hey clinton have you finally come to your sense?

Clinton Doherty said:
Why the fuck is my meditations up there you know what fuck you, fuck everyone. Im so fucking fucked at everything. Fuck spirituality. Im over this fucking shit.

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thank you for showing your emotions

Clinton Doherty said:
Yeah I got pissed this morning. Dont even know what to think anymore man. I try so hard with my meditations and shit. But its to much. I wont help anyone anymore.

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Put it this way Clinton. By all means carry on helping others and all but for the sake of your own development and sanity just make sure you distance yourself as far away as you can from the epic fail tornado © that is Brad Johnson and the sham of a community that is SOE in general. Brads already ruined the lives of two families on either side of the pond I would hate to see another one added to that list. If all else fails just carry on helping those people around you in the real world. You and the unfortunate community of SOE deserve more than to be led and let down by an egotistical moron time and time again I can assure you. Rise above it. You know deep down that you're better than him.

"Epic fail tornado" © ilikepies

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man, your acting like a spoilled brat !! "i wont help anyone anymore" waaaaaa boehooooeeeeee... my 6 year old is more mature then you!!... this was your buddy, remember??? ... the one that told a load of SHIT to a whole bunch of people... inculding you!! ... you do know that being here means a ban from SOE, right?... specially now that you have posted... ok, Gestapo Tony, where the FUCK are you now??? ... ban his F'n ass from SOE... he's violating the duality rule... gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr now i'm really mad... whining when he does something you dont like... where the hell have you been all this time, Clinton?? had your head up your ass or something??... he's building his cult and you've been acting like there's nothing wrong all this time...

Plz Clinton... do me a favour... go bloody whine somewhere else !!!!!

Clinton Doherty said:
Yeah I got pissed this morning. Dont even know what to think anymore man. I try so hard with my meditations and shit. But its to much. I wont help anyone anymore.

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OK, I'm already sorry for getting so mad and posting what I did, but I'm not going to delete it... no way...

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Alright... now we can talk again... I just DONT want anything to do with that whining Clinton... Clinton, I KNOW you are a good guy... you are a great healer at the very least... I'm sorry Antonella left you, but honestly, what else did you expect from an "astral" relationship???... Earth to Clinton!!! get your feet back on the ground, my friend and start working with your hands, heal real people in real life, instead of cybering with a totally egocentric completely out of his mind wanna be cult leader FREAK...

I can only speak for myself, but I really dont want or need an apology... I just wanted you to see that whining guy doesnt work here, that's all... there's no need for apologies here, Clinton...

Clinton Doherty said:
Ok sorry guys I am been a dick. Sorry linda fuck im such a idiot. I really mean it. I am a good person I just thought things would get better. My girlfriend left me and today ive been really fucked. I hope you can accept my apology. Everyone here.

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Clinton, sorry to hear about your girlfriend but I am sure you guys will work it out. No need to apologize, but it's just sort of hard to understand what you are mad at. Are you upset that Brad put up your meditatons or did you give him permission to do that?

Clinton Doherty said:
Ok sorry guys I am been a dick. Sorry linda fuck im such a idiot. I really mean it. I am a good person I just thought things would get better. My girlfriend left me and today ive been really fucked. I hope you can accept my apology. Everyone here.

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