Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Ohoh! Brad starts to sweat as Galactic Federation says "Beware of false prophets"

April 23rd Blossom Goodchild channeling
You have learnt much whilst working with us and know that this is simply our energy as it visits you. It will ‘simmer down’ as we begin to unfold our words to you. Which are?

Beware of false prophets.

Whah! That’s a bit full on for you guys. I shall stop interfering and allow you to continue.

Many thanks. Your internet machines are exploiting much from that which is not Truth. It is confusing many … and many are becoming full of fear because of all that is so called ‘foretold’. To clear matters up from our point of view and our perspective on things we would care to mention a few things that appear to have been distorted by others who believe they are following Truth and yet are possibly doing much damage.

When we say to you we come in Truth … in Truth is how we come for we know of nothing else. This you are aware of Blossom. What we choose to divulge to those who read your communications with us is for a very specific purpose. It is our agenda to allow Love to take hold within each one so that fear cannot. However … we step in, in this manner, because it seems that although many KNOW they themselves are of LOVE they are also allowing the fear of different channellings that they indulge in to supercede that which is of Love. If one continues to allow this to happen, if one continue to feed that energy of fear then it shall grow stronger and stronger. This is not within our required plans for planet earth. Do people not see that every thought that goes out in/through fear is one little iota more to fuel that negative energy? It is imperative IN THESE TIMES to remember who you are. You cannot do this with your minds, but you CAN do it with you hearts. They tell you who you are when you live in LOVE and let go of fear. It is through recalling your ‘self’ that your strength will come and we say to you … NOTHING will be able to make you afraid when you stand in this TRUTH of yourself … FOR IT IS FEARLESS. We talk with you this day dear Lady to simply stress this point.

And I have to say I do feel and impressing urgency about this message though, as if you needed to say it ‘TODAY’ as opposed to later in the week. Is there reason for this?

Yes. And this reason is becoming more and more apparent to us … as it will do to yourselves. Be vigilant. Be on guard of your mind thoughts as you are learning to let go of them. It has such affect when you release this feeling of uneasiness and exchange it with a feeling of easiness. Allow everything you think, say and do, to be thought said and done with ease dear friends. Do you not see that as the time draws closer to the massive events and changes that are surely to arrive then there will be the lower vibration clinging on in desperation not to lose itself and it will try every trick in the book to create a fear within as many as it can grasp.


We have concern that so many of you are falling into the trap of apathy. The current times on your planet are spreading much fear into the hearts and souls of many of you.


Brad comes back and says:

So in less than six months, Brad has become the world's expert on channeling. LOL


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Jesus Cries said:
the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.
if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.

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xD I just realized the pun there. lol thanks Deus.

DeusEx said:

Jesus Cries said:
the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.
if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.

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Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban this guy, it'll be interesting to see

Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 32 minutes ago
Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF & answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out. kids seem to know it all...
Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)'s great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.
If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha

You children rest well.
Think happiness, be love.

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Somone just ripped Brad a new one ;D

Permalink Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 37 minutes ago
Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF & answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out. kids seem to know it all...
Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)'s great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.
If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha

You children rest well.
Think happiness, be love.

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FOLOL I should of checked to see if anyone else posted it but I think your right it will be interesting to see or he'll make up some BS story to justifiy his channeled beings being love nad light and blahblahblah

ilikepies said:
Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban this guy, it'll be interesting to see

Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 32 minutes ago
Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF & answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out. kids seem to know it all...
Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)'s great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.
If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha

You children rest well.
Think happiness, be love.

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Every response from Brad concerning him and the future is always on the same level of new age advice and just saying it's no big this suppose to make us feel better? Words can assist but they can never complete the task. Not all channelings are in the same form,they are many different forms and atleast a few are effective when one discovers through many experiment.Just like there are many different ppl in the world which is why there are many diferrent religions.Buddha teachings are great but the teaching are not 100% garuantee to reach in englightment because every soul is unique and different and whatever choices they make for themself is niether right nor wrong

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Mo-Dean said:
Here Brad, maybe this will help you "Channel" a little better......ROFL

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