Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Ohoh! Brad starts to sweat as Galactic Federation says "Beware of false prophets"

April 23rd Blossom Goodchild channeling
You have learnt much whilst working with us and know that this is simply our energy as it visits you. It will ‘simmer down’ as we begin to unfold our words to you. Which are?

Beware of false prophets.

Whah! That’s a bit full on for you guys. I shall stop interfering and allow you to continue.

Many thanks. Your internet machines are exploiting much from that which is not Truth. It is confusing many … and many are becoming full of fear because of all that is so called ‘foretold’. To clear matters up from our point of view and our perspective on things we would care to mention a few things that appear to have been distorted by others who believe they are following Truth and yet are possibly doing much damage.

When we say to you we come in Truth … in Truth is how we come for we know of nothing else. This you are aware of Blossom. What we choose to divulge to those who read your communications with us is for a very specific purpose. It is our agenda to allow Love to take hold within each one so that fear cannot. However … we step in, in this manner, because it seems that although many KNOW they themselves are of LOVE they are also allowing the fear of different channellings that they indulge in to supercede that which is of Love. If one continues to allow this to happen, if one continue to feed that energy of fear then it shall grow stronger and stronger. This is not within our required plans for planet earth. Do people not see that every thought that goes out in/through fear is one little iota more to fuel that negative energy? It is imperative IN THESE TIMES to remember who you are. You cannot do this with your minds, but you CAN do it with you hearts. They tell you who you are when you live in LOVE and let go of fear. It is through recalling your ‘self’ that your strength will come and we say to you … NOTHING will be able to make you afraid when you stand in this TRUTH of yourself … FOR IT IS FEARLESS. We talk with you this day dear Lady to simply stress this point.

And I have to say I do feel and impressing urgency about this message though, as if you needed to say it ‘TODAY’ as opposed to later in the week. Is there reason for this?

Yes. And this reason is becoming more and more apparent to us … as it will do to yourselves. Be vigilant. Be on guard of your mind thoughts as you are learning to let go of them. It has such affect when you release this feeling of uneasiness and exchange it with a feeling of easiness. Allow everything you think, say and do, to be thought said and done with ease dear friends. Do you not see that as the time draws closer to the massive events and changes that are surely to arrive then there will be the lower vibration clinging on in desperation not to lose itself and it will try every trick in the book to create a fear within as many as it can grasp.


We have concern that so many of you are falling into the trap of apathy. The current times on your planet are spreading much fear into the hearts and souls of many of you.


Brad comes back and says:

So in less than six months, Brad has become the world's expert on channeling. LOL


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Replies to This Discussion

LIke I said in the room. Channeling or Channeled writting is alot like being on the internet. You never know what your channeling from the other side. Yeah they could say thier from the GFOL or whatever and send messages of love and light and then you develop a trust. Then all of a sudden it's "we must take over your body to give our message" and this lvoe and light being you've been channeling for months now turns out to be an astral nasty thats going to suck away your life energy untill your a puddle of goo on the floor.

If you pay attention to the books that channelers put out it's a good example. The first books will go on and on about how you must protect yourself when your channeling and you shouldn't just "give" your body completly to these astral creatures. Then all of a sudden BAM books later down the line say it's "ok" to do this as long as thier's a trust between you and the being.

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oh come on Brads a fake fucking liar who knows exactley what hes saying in each of the channelings, its like 10 billiions percent obvious from every conceivable angle that Brad is simply saying this shit putting on a complete half assed fucking performace.

Listen again to the rushed podcast where the so called "arcturians" are like "we come to you today dear ones dear ones dear ones to talk of what you call UFO DISCLOSURE, based on the as you call it "posted embedded youtube videos" that were viewed on your site known as saviors of earth dear one"

COME ON!! I mean I'm literally astonished that he's being allowed to go on with this, that so many people who must know when they listen to that and really think about it that this man is LYING and he is MAKING IT OBVIOUS. Are people that fucking stupid and desperate? Seriously someone who believes this shit or who knows its true and chooses to just not voice what they think cause they're scared of being banned come to this site and fucking explain yourselves.

If your all stupid than at least admit you have severe retardation so the site can be changed to a proper message board for retards to converse with one another about their severe retardation

"bla di blah I know where the arcturians and voggoth are from I advise blossom get more creative in her lying like me"

eat shit and die brad

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Dear dear dear Brad. The golden channeler who your interviewing is warning the very people who follow your teachings against charlatons like YOU. Not only that but this supposedly came from the very entities that YOU pretend to channel. How does that feel Brad to have the very golden channeler your interviewing soon to be warning people about false prophets such as yourself?

By countering that and putting Blossom down you are belittling her abilties and her love for her spiritual beliefs. But because your Brad Johnson you can do that because you'll stop at nothing to be at the very center of big events.

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lol yea it couldn't get more obvious that he is trying to cover his own ass

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quote from brads latest reply on that thread
"That's all that's being said. Blossom should ask them more questions about them rather than the channeled messages that revolve around us, that's all."

Something Brad has said a billion times when pressed with questions about his embarrasingly fake channelings
"whats important is the message don't worry about how it works or whether I'm really contacting beings just focus only on the message or be banned"


is no one on this site even gonna call out this flagrant act of hippocritical douchebaggery? Should SOE have an IQ test required of every member to make sure they have an IQ of at least negative ten trillion cause everyone else would just have to be banned? This is pathetic people, fucking pathetic, please donate your brains to science in the hopes we can create a vaccine against gargantuan stupidity

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lol pies, yeah u speak the truth

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Pies, you beat me to it. I was going to post the direct quote from the Five Arcturians video... I'll do that tonight.

ilikepies said:
quote from brads latest reply on that thread
"That's all that's being said. Blossom should ask them more questions about them rather than the channeled messages that revolve around us, that's all." Something Brad has said a billion times when pressed with questions about his embarrasingly fake channelings
"whats important is the message don't worry about how it works or whether I'm really contacting beings just focus only on the message or be banned"


is no one on this site even gonna call out this flagrant act of hippocritical douchebaggery? Should SOE have an IQ test required of every member to make sure they have an IQ of at least negative ten trillion cause everyone else would just have to be banned? This is pathetic people, fucking pathetic, please donate your brains to science in the hopes we can create a vaccine against gargantuan stupidity

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It will be interesting to listen to the upcoming Blossom Goodchild interview. Can Brad slay Blossom so he can finally become the one true channeler of Earth? Only time will tell.

ilikepies said:
quote from brads latest reply on that thread
"That's all that's being said. Blossom should ask them more questions about them rather than the channeled messages that revolve around us, that's all."

Something Brad has said a billion times when pressed with questions about his embarrasingly fake channelings
"whats important is the message don't worry about how it works or whether I'm really contacting beings just focus only on the message or be banned"


is no one on this site even gonna call out this flagrant act of hippocritical douchebaggery? Should SOE have an IQ test required of every member to make sure they have an IQ of at least negative ten trillion cause everyone else would just have to be banned? This is pathetic people, fucking pathetic, please donate your brains to science in the hopes we can create a vaccine against gargantuan stupidity

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Brad's created a Channeling 101 group to help us poor wretches learn the right way. Thank you, Lord Jewawan!

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I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)

Here's a transcript of the introduction to the 5 Souls of Arcturian Inner Self - April 19th channeling.

I apologize if I mistaked an "umm" for an "uh" or visa-versa. Just pay attention to the bold bits if it's too long to read. Aaaaaaaaaaand, here we go...

Begin Transcript

Right, thank you everybody [sigh] for attending this. This is the first time I've contacted the Five Souls since February, I think. So, umm, for those of you who haven't been at a channeling session before, I just want to give you a bit of an an understanding of what it's all about. Umm, I'm pretty much entering a state of altered consciousness. Umm, it will just take me a few minutes to get into the altered states, kind of a deep trance channeling, umm, with another consciousness. And this is a higher conciousness. They're called the Five Souls of Arcturian Inner Self. Umm, this is what they have stated to me, of course. Umm, they're based in the Arcturus, around the Arcturus Sector. Umm, and they mostly just come through me and what happens is there's just kind of a duel link transfer of, uh, thoughts/consciousness. So it's kind of like a vibration wave that kinda connects with me and them. And, uh, what comes through is their consciousness. So they come through, and they're happy to (ask wha...) answer questions that come their way. Uh, they're probably talking on specific things today. Umm, there will be a question and answer period, so when that question and answer period comes up, uh, you guys'll know about it. So, uh, you can feel free to ask vocally or through the text chat, uh, whenever you like to, uh, ask a question. [inaudible] But, uh, yeah, if you want to ask a question through chat, uh, Chelley will be kinda like the co-host and she'll be happy to read your question out when the question/answer period arrives. So again, umm, it's really not important about how the channeling happens. What's really important is checkout is just, you know, look at the message that's being said. Umm, really don't think of it as, "Oh, well, look at the way he's channeling," or this or that. Umm, just, the the important thing is the message, not so much the messenger. So really, uh, take into account, uh, the message that's being expressed. Here, that's really all this is about. It's mostly just having someone else come through, a higher intelligence coming through me, uh, talking to you guys about what you want to know. So again, it's the messsage that's important, not so much how the messenger brings it out. So, umm, I'll go ahead and just get into the state right now, and, uh, I just ask your patience for a few minutes. And, uh, we'll begin. So thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy.

[Clears throat, begins heaving breathing...]

End Transcript

My observation: In the channeling intro, Brad reiterates that what is important is the message. In the referenced thread-run-amok, he and Clinton reiterate that what is important is to know your channeled entity. I like the second stance, Brad. Take your own advice and know yourself, since you're either a) "channeling" yourself, a.k.a. talking to yourself (that's my best, educated guess) or b) channeling your higher selves (something you've stated in the past, which I truly believe is bullshit... that's my personal truth, and I'm sticking to it).

Final word: HYPOCRITE!

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Umm Holy shit. Uh, thanks so much, LS. I, um do believe um that Brad is um being um a hypocrite and it umm clearly shows uh eh ummmm here. Uhh, I wonder umm why he uh has to umm keep umming so damn umm much.

LeavingSOE said:
I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)

Here's a transcript of the introduction to the 5 Souls of Arcturian Inner Self - April 19th channeling.

I apologize if I mistaked an "umm" for an "uh" or visa-versa. Just pay attention to the bold bits if it's too long to read. Aaaaaaaaaaand, here we go...

Begin Transcript

Right, thank you everybody [sigh] for attending this. This is the first time I've contacted the Five Souls since February, I think. So, umm, for those of you who haven't been at a channeling session before, I just want to give you a bit of an an understanding of what it's all about. Umm, I'm pretty much entering a state of altered consciousness. Umm, it will just take me a few minutes to get into the altered states, kind of a deep trance channeling, umm, with another consciousness. And this is a higher conciousness. They're called the Five Souls of Arcturian Inner Self. Umm, this is what they have stated to me, of course. Umm, they're based in the Arcturus, around the Arcturus Sector. Umm, and they mostly just come through me and what happens is there's just kind of a duel link transfer of, uh, thoughts/consciousness. So it's kind of like a vibration wave that kinda connects with me and them. And, uh, what comes through is their consciousness. So they come through, and they're happy to (ask wha...) answer questions that come their way. Uh, they're probably talking on specific things today. Umm, there will be a question and answer period, so when that question and answer period comes up, uh, you guys'll know about it. So, uh, you can feel free to ask vocally or through the text chat, uh, whenever you like to, uh, ask a question. [inaudible] But, uh, yeah, if you want to ask a question through chat, uh, Chelley will be kinda like the co-host and she'll be happy to read your question out when the question/answer period arrives. So again, umm, it's really not important about how the channeling happens. What's really important is checkout is just, you know, look at the message that's being said. Umm, really don't think of it as, "Oh, well, look at the way he's channeling," or this or that. Umm, just, the the important thing is the message, not so much the messenger. So really, uh, take into account, uh, the message that's being expressed. Here, that's really all this is about. It's mostly just having someone else come through, a higher intelligence coming through me, uh, talking to you guys about what you want to know. So again, it's the messsage that's important, not so much how the messenger brings it out. So, umm, I'll go ahead and just get into the state right now, and, uh, I just ask your patience for a few minutes. And, uh, we'll begin. So thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy.

[Clears throat, begins heaving breathing...]

End Transcript

My observation: In the channeling intro, Brad reiterates that what is important is the message. In the referenced thread run amok, he and Clinton reiterate that what is important is to know your channeled entity. I like the second stance, Brad. Take your own advice and know yourself, since you're either a) channeling yourself (that's my best, educated guess) or b) channeling your higher selves (something you've stated in the past, which I truly believe is bullshit... that's my personal truth, and I'm sticking to it).

Final word: HYPOCRITE!

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the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.
if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.

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