Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Take a read of that, of course we all know what happened with Miss Kerry but there is also the events with Nora which if needed I will find the info about that I can and post it here.

My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like. Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does. Or do you think that it all dosen't matter, its all just in the past or its all just truthy loveness or its all just no big deal?

Lets start being focused on this particular act of Brad then go from there and we'll see how willing you are to have this SOE Admin discussion, good luck to you


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Like trying to dig through a brick wall with your bare hands... Tony, man... pppppffffffffffff... I'm not even gonna try anymore... wast of time and energy, if somebody does not WANT to see... they WONT... simple as that... you will keep defending him just because you can... just because your good with words and throwing statistics around... well, I'm not that good with words and a disaster with statistics, so I'm not even gonna bother anymore.

The weather is wonderfull and I'm taking a looooooong walk with my little girl.



Tony said:
For future reference i would like to point out the "block messages" option available to any ning user in their mail box and the ning procedure for lodging complaints which would then be investigated depending on the severity.

Not knowing the "ins-and-outs" and each and every action-reaction makes it impossible to objectively justify or condem such interaction, such action which occurs daily in real life as it does on internet on millions of occasions between conculting adults. It does however take two to tango, if one member on ning feels unjustly approached/treated they have several options (mentioned above) on how to proceed.

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Tony, there is a huge part you are missing: 1) The dynamics of an individual and the community they wish to remain part of. 2) The relationship between those in positions of power and the individuals they pursue. Brad is the creator of the site and continuously puts himself to the forefront of SOE. Multiple female members have come forth stating that Brad approached them in ways not becoming of his supposed role in SOE. Keep in mind he was still married at the time. Understand that the average member has joined SOE to feel a part of something bigger, a community. If they are approached by someone in a position of authority and told things such as Brad has been recorded to, then clearly it could be seen how this presents a dilemma to the individual if they do not wish such advances to be made. Do they dare risk being banned from the community they wish so much to be a part of? Now consider how many cult leaders get away with predation of their women and children. Some of those members stay because they want to be part of the community and some stay because they have fallen for the words of that authority figure. Do you not understand how someone can be persuaded to go against their natural instinct when placed into situations such as those presented?

P.S. In this specific case, Brad had mobile phone number, personal email, Instant Messenger, and possibly other forms of contact. I guess her ignoring his calls, emails, etc didn't really send the right message, right?

Tony said:
For future reference i would like to point out the "block messages" option available to any ning user in their mail box and the ning procedure for lodging complaints which would then be investigated depending on the severity.

Not knowing the "ins-and-outs" and each and every action-reaction makes it impossible to objectively justify or condem such interaction, such action which occurs daily in real life as it does on internet on millions of occasions between conculting adults. It does however take two to tango, if one member on ning feels unjustly approached/treated they have several options (mentioned above) on how to proceed.

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The focus exists because Brad continues to put himself at the forefront of SOE with lies. He has admitted time and time again and most of it is saved here or on NSI/TheLastParadigm for all to see. I wish the statement about SOE overtaking Brad could be true but understand that as long as he has a grasp on SOE, he will use it to prey on the community. He tried it with EoS and failed. He tried with and that looks to be a failure. How many more tries are you willing to give him? You have the right to be proud of your work and be proud to be part of a community but you cannot let that justify the actions of Brad. Do you see the distinction now? Once upon a time you were proud of the framework for admins that you set up and were willing to leave SOE because of Brad's transgressions. This situation is not so far removed from that. If you truly love the community you are part of, then do something for it besides banning people or censoring them. See what is truly hurting your community. It's not SOSOE, dark psychics, sleeper cells, chemtrails, skeptics, etc. it's the person preying on the members of the community. Antonela and Clinton were onto something with their post today. If you can't trust us, listen to them.

Tony said:
just a realist, millions commit misadventures on a daily basis. I just don't have the fixation or inclination to focus on one in a million. SOE has long overtaken Brad and any individual member, transfer creator to mickey mouse and the community will continue to grow, the majority of reasons for joining are stated as "i was drawn here, directed here" and such.

Of the current 1249 members i know only a handful who treat brads posts any different from any other post made there. It's a community of diversity mirroring daily life. Anyone is free to set up an event on channeling and channel any entity they believe they are channeling. I for one believing i have no "abilities" am more reserved and call it perceived channeling

there are 93 groups with diverse beliefs and probably 3 or 4 members who actively set up events on channeling/soulmate readings/healing sessions all these "misadventures" as you call them are subject to members own interpretation. Brad is just one of them, anyone is free to set up a group or hold an event and its up to members if they find the content of groups or channeling BS or not. A quick count shows 2401members involved in "misadventures" over the diverse groups which means on average each member is a member of two groups.

So how many members actively follow brads posts/channelings compared to other posts/channelings? he is just one of many putting content up which is deemned BS or not as are all posts.

DeusEx said:
Tony, you must love deploying the smokescreen for Brad's misadventures.

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"No one at soe focusses on brad like here, we are just not interested."

Why don't you?!? Even if he were, as you say, simply another member, doesn't one have a responsibility to protect a more vulnerable member from a more predatory member? That's what's really fucked with this whole situation. "La la la, I don't see anything bad because I'm not interested, la la la, oh look another chemtrail!"

I'll be moving on to the next topic, since you are immovable on this one. I, for damned sure, am unconvinced that the cult leader type attention given to women followed up with suggestions that they be united in person is morally permissible. I also am unconvinced that a community should lack interest in such "misadventures".

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You can read my response to the blocked messages idea on the previous page. Screenshots beat personal truth any day of the week so I'd prefer to see actual links or something more tangible than your word as you've lost integrity due to some of your more recent actions on SOE. My usage of "your boy" was one of the most benign things I could have said so it's interesting that it invoked such a response. I would appreciate your not mistaking my concern, care, and compassion for SOE members for a Brad fixation. Who was the one that brought Brad into the Control blog entry from Moon Rider?!

Tony said:
No, i am stating thats its impossible to make judgement (let alone if so inclined) on one half of the mails. Also that anyone has the choice of clicking on "block messages" or telling someone to FO.

I do not take SS of conversations thinking that one day i may need to repost it as proof. I know what i have seen/read.

hmmm i just tried to find one example of why conversations/interactions have various sides to them but alas clinton has deleted his account. In his final post i am sure you have read that he stated that he never saw any energy surrounding brad, only brads energy. Yet only last week he replied to one of the channelings (regardless if it was brad or an energy) stating that he loved the channeling and could feel the energy of adronis. But once again who is interested? members dicern for themselves what is truth/bs. Who am i to judge it for others, they can draw their own conclusions.

The mere statement "your boy Brad" and reference to a link indicates fixation. I have nothing with Brad other than i am a member of a community he initiated and which has long outgrown him or any other member. As stated somewhere else Brad, me or any member is not important, we don't matter. We wont be causing galaxys to explode or anything. So yes hunting down links, posts, sites etc etc is a fixation. People either do or do not listen to brad, there is plenty of content to chose from at soe. People not interested in what he has to say or posts won't be following up links relating to him Only those fixated with him will. Not a quality expressed by any soe member that i know of?

DeusEx said:
You are keen to ask the women that have come out against Brad to provide more evidence in hopes that you can vilify them. Maybe you'll actually take the time to read my link before you come back with the witty remarks about us being fixated on your boy, Brad.

P.S. - You have seen Brad perform such readings for males and use such wording? Please go ahead and provide the screenshots for a few of them.

Tony said:
I have seen brad give similar readings to males where he speaks of them being full of love, beautiful, angelic and such.
As for being a sex offender i believe that thought is brought on by your fixation on the person.
here some statistics on infidelity/adultry:

DeusEx said:
Tony, have a look at: Common Characteristics of Sex Offenders

I hope you are not implying that Twilight Child led Brad on or deserved the nasty type of attention he gave her.

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This is my last reply for the night as well. The choice to leave a community is always there but given the pressures exterted from one's need to be part of the community and from members of the community itself, you can see how difficult it would be to choose that option. If one is being preyed upon and does not wish the advances to further, it might not be easy to just block messages due to the situations mentioned above and the effors of the authority figure. There have been multiple incidents on SOE concerning women. Does Nora or Mischa sound familiar? I guess we can't really count Kerry since she fell for it hook, line, and sinker so that's a success story not a horror story like the others. You know that most of the relevant posts would have been removed or censored hence our backing it up here. Feel free to click around and have a look here and on NSI/TheLastParadigm.

Tony said:
the wife is screaming we go shopping, so one last response for now. More later.
- 1) The dynamics of an individual and the community they wish to remain part of. on its own merrit the above can also include the option of leaving such a community

2) The relationship between those in positions of power and the individuals they pursue.
- anyone who feels pursued can click on "block messages" forcing the pursuer to post in public.

Brad is the creator of the site and continuously puts himself to the forefront of SOE.
- any member is free to do so, alas only 3 or 4 feel they can or are inclined to do so. Many chose to operate on a one-to-one basis. Three friends have been helped behind the scenes with cancer by some of the healers and have partially posted so but mainly inform me via mail that they have been greatly helped.

Multiple female members have come forth stating that Brad approached them in ways not becoming of his supposed role in SOE.
- I have honestly only seen that here, the post in the first link directs me to a member called "thetruthisoutthere" i have no idea who that is. My advice there is given in point 2 above. NING i am sure would also act if they received a complaint warrant action.

- Keep in mind he was still married at the time. Understand that the average member has joined SOE to feel a part of something bigger, a community. If they are approached by someone in a position of authority and told things such as Brad has been recorded to, then clearly it could be seen how this presents a dilemma to the individual if they do not wish such advances to be made.
--- i don't see the dilemma, although i am no female i am sure i would immediately click on block messages or speak out that i am not amused by such advances. The blocking of messages forces it into the open where all can see, any objection to such advances made in public if persisted in would warrant and intitiate intervention from other members. There again the persons in question along with a few other members frequently ALL participated in what could be classed as adult converstaion causing some to leave chat or avoid chat.

- Do they dare risk being banned from the community they wish so much to be a part of?
--- blocking messages is not a banning offense, see above for what i believe would happen.

- Now consider how many cult leaders get away with predation of their women and children.
---- here you go again overeacting, i see no cult leader. Frequent posts at soe also debunkt this idea

- Some of those members stay because they want to be part of the community and some stay because they have fallen for the words of that authority figure. Do you not understand how someone can be persuaded to go against their natural instinct when placed into situations such as those presented? P.S. In this specific case, Brad had mobile phone number, personal email, Instant Messenger, and possibly other forms of contact. I guess her ignoring his calls, emails, etc didn't really send the right message, right

----all the forms of communication you mention involve consent to add someone as a friend (so you can delete someone on MSN) , give out your phone number or personal email (i admit here that admins can see personal email addresses) or other form of consent to contact you via those applications. Once again seeing only one half of the mails makes it impossible to identify what was communicated back and forth.
I do understand how the situation you sketched could come about in some situations but also the many "out clauses" open to people subjected to it, leasst of all their own verbal communication skills. All that i can offer here is the advice to always contact an admin in these matters.

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Come on Tony, this is just silly.

If Brad is really just "a member of SOE", why do you expect people to deal with Brad's shit rather than suggesting that he adjust HIS antisocial behavior. People shouldn't have to face the option of leaving a community because a supposed "single SOE member" is going around being an insufferable douchebag. People shouldn't have to be victim to Brad coming onto whoever he finds attractive and impressionable enough, and go out of their way block him as he goes from one chick to another. Brad's behavior is not and should not be THEIR responsibility.

Instead, the creator of the site, ABOVE ALL OTHER USERS, should at least have the mental fortitude to realize that when people come to a spiritual themed website, they do not expect or want a creepy-ass sleazeball trying to woo them by acting like he's at craiglist personals with a new age angle, especially when it's the creator of the site doing it. He should assume responsibility for his actions, and if he can't do that (as he has proven to be quite the man-child) YOU Tony as the "Administrative Coordinator" should stop being a spineless sausage and hold him to it rather than saying that other people should deal with it.

Adding to that; Brad was, for a long time, THE source of drama in SOE for reasons aside from his romance fueled advances. How many other websites do you know of where the CREATOR above all other users is the object of scrutiny by other members? Not many; they tend to collapse unless they adopt some disgustingly fascistic procedures to stifle any dissent towards their leader's questionable actions. Oh wait that's right, Brad's just another member of no particular importance. That's why the rules were added to, modified, revamped, removed and in the end customized with a little bit of boohoo theatrics from you...because of one innocent little member.

Up yours. Do not insult us with this garbage.

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Well There's a lot of replies that happened here while i was sleeping but one thing I'll say right off the bat is that when Nora came forward complaining that Brad was hitting on her she was treated like SHIT by Brad and Clinton and her Concerns were far from treated with your "full attention"

Tony I find It sickening the degree to which your making excuses for this behavior, did you even get around to reading my posts about replying to individual lines? Anyway I have to go see what other threads happened up in hea so I might come back here and continue this discussion but it seems to me you will simply avoid the fact of what it is, making excuses like "oh they're both adults, oh i need to see the e-mails, oh my focus isnt on brad" blah blah blah whatever

Like I said, we all know what Brad was doing, we all know he was trying to use his bullshit new age credibility to get some girlfriend to save him from his wife and kids even if he knows he might be goading that person away from a husband and kids, we all know this, yet from what I see you still don't really want to deal with it, rather you want to grind away with the little battles you think you can win, and like many people have said..thats fucking sickening

This involved an internet predator and if the day ever comes when Brad does something really horrible that no one can ignore I can't wait to see you playing dumb, shame on you

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I guess that's how you manage to sleep at night. Thinking that your members are capable of thinking for themselves which is quite the generalization and failure to understand group dynamics. You also fail to understand how it would difficult it would be for someone to choose to block messages from a person of authority within the community let alone the founder.

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Read the "Introduce Yourself" section of SOE, Tony.

DeusEx said:
I guess that's how you manage to sleep at night. Thinking that your members are capable of thinking for themselves which is quite the generalization and failure to understand group dynamics. You also fail to understand how it would difficult it would be for someone to choose to block messages from a person of authority within the community let alone the founder.

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I wonder why more people don't come out and speak against Brad's actions? Is it because they end up getting choice responses from Brad such as:

"Rather than staying behind and work to become more aligned with yourselves for a community that has been with you since the beginning, who is literally your FAMILY, you decide to pack your bags, advertise your site and move on. I have always relied on this community to pick me up when I am down. Whenever I am ever out of alignment, which does happen, the wonderful people here pick me back up and we work this it together...Bailing out on the community is not the way to go"

WTF? What kind of cult like guilt trip shit is that?

That's right, Tony. I got the entire post from Antonela and Clinton where Brad pulls out his best Shakespeare woes onto me material. Oh, there will be popcorn...lots of it.

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My oh my! Sorry I'm late :P
I haven't had a chance to read everything but I already have my two cents to add- however I don't have time right now because I do have a life outside seducing married men on the internet.

I'll confirm just from my firsthand experience YES BRAD IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR & my next post I will detail why I know this for a fact. I shouldn't have to do this- but it seems Brad will attempt to manipulate anybody and everybody who will listen. What really grinds my gears is that it doesn't matter what I say or believe to be my PERSONAL TRUTH-
that this greedy smug strap-on Clinton wannabe will never take responsibility for himself, his actions or words when it doesn't benefit him or make him look good.

I left SoE because I'm devastated. Brad let me down & lied to me, he tried to use his 'powers' to his own advantage and thats just sickening....yet he will continue to do the same with others and walk free.

Heres something you should know:
I never provoked Brads actions- initially I was an avid Brad supporter when the 10-14-08 blogspot begun through to the creation of SoE- a place I found to be wonderful- full of amazing open minded kind hearted people. I sent Brad a message immediately upon joining SoE. I praised Brad on his work and got nothing. A man too arrogant to even respond to my ego stroking compliments....that is until a chance chat on Ventrillo made him check on my profile picture and all of a sudden he had all the time in the world for me?
All of a sudden-after never aknowledging my existance until seeing a photo- here was the "All Knowing Brad Johnson" doing personalised readings for me declaring we were soulmates. Didn't I feel lucky? 'Grooming' I believe the peoper term is.

Sure- in a perfect 5d world we can all pretend like I was hitting on Brad- like hes really my type- old, unemployed, married, mentlly unstable; complete with man boobs. Lets say I was smitten by the creepy picture he photoshopped for me.We can all asssume I gladly welcomed his advances & led him on when he repeatedly publicly declared to me & others we were soulmates- because lets face it- I was pinned as the "flirty" one on SoE wasn't I?

BUT is it so hard to fathom the VERY REAL possibility that Brad took advantage of my kindness? Maybe, mistaking it for caring? Is it that far fetched that Brad used his so called "status" to prey on a young girl who had put so much faith into a con man? I'm not proclaiming my innocence- far from it- BUT Brad definately took advantage of my fascination with spirituality, filled my head with over the top lies & abused my trust. What a lightworker.

Shame on you Tony- who has known me from the start for making me feel like any of this is my fault. You of all people should be familiar with the universal laws that lightworkers follow?
Theres some universal law of freewill I believe- which was breached when Brad overstepped his boundaries with me. He had told the whole community we were soulmates and loved each other- without even running this by me first. Brad basically presumed we were now a "couple" & announced to the SoE community he was leaving his wife & young kids to run off into the Aussie sunset to do ascension seminars & be with his soulmate. Pfft. No wonder community members were saying negative things about me- I mean- it doesn't look great when you plan to seriously leave your family for a young girl you have never met b4 & justify it though a pathetic excuse for a channelling?

Two to Tango you say? I never gave any indication of a future with Brad- nor did I give him a reason to think he had a chance of one with me. And theoretically- if I did- I'm too young to know any better- Brads at an age and life stage where he really SHOULD know better... he could have found himself in much more serious trouble!

Jewahan should thank his lucky stars I didn't keep all the peada-files I received. More than worthy to discredit & shame him. The ones featured in the thread were weak in comparison. I never kept any of the other bullshit because a) I am a nice person- and b) never wanted it to come to this... more fool me!

I'm gonna leave it there becuse I'm feeling my blood boil as I type. This is just beyond a joke guys- how much more will it take for it to be apparent that BRAD JOHNSON NEEDS HELP! Not encouragement!!! (TONY!!!)

Its so difficult to explain to anyone who didn't experience the things I did, and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Sorry I was a bit jumbly & waffled on a bit- but for fucks sake. I am not to blame at all for what Brad did. Who wants to disagree?

Lots of Love and Light hahaaaaaaaaaa Twi xoxo

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