Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Take a read of that, of course we all know what happened with Miss Kerry but there is also the events with Nora which if needed I will find the info about that I can and post it here.

My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like. Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does. Or do you think that it all dosen't matter, its all just in the past or its all just truthy loveness or its all just no big deal?

Lets start being focused on this particular act of Brad then go from there and we'll see how willing you are to have this SOE Admin discussion, good luck to you


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Thanks for sharing that Twi, somehow I doubt Tony will have the guts to continue attempting crappy excuses for Brads insane behavior after reading that

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Thank you, Twilight. I know it was probably a hard thing revisiting the experiences to put them into words. As Pies said, I doubt Tony will be able to address this except with his lame Perry Mason "show me the email!" type response. You have not allowed yourself to succumb to Brad's manipulative behavior and do not fear retribution from him or his followers. You are stronger for this experience but no woman should have to be put through this emotional mindfuck.

To Tony, Twilight mentioned grooming. That's a good word for you to look up and reflect upon.

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Tony, you missed one.

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I managed to save this thread off. Here's the content before Tony scrubbed his shit clean.

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Nice work, LS!

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ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

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Tony was very picky about what he chose to reply to, he dealt with what he thought he could, sticking to things like "oh we dont see her e-mails so wah" and replying to individual things in a way that is extremely logically fallacious (i think thats the word...)

Take for example him saying "Of i've seen brad tell other guys that they have angelic origins ohh it dosent mean nothing"


He completely takes that one single point out of its context because he can reply to it because brad only has so many fake alien races to choose from when performing his pathetic fake psychic readings and like half of them will frequently be described as "angelic" so Tony jumps on that without even bothering to think through how to respond to the obvious whole picture, all he can think of is to make excuses.

Maybe because this Kerry thing is a bust and this whole situation might end up turning to be one big child life ruining clusterfuck Tony thought it best to get rid of all traces of him pathetically defending this dipshits actions

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Tony, I would like to take this discussion back over here, because I think this is the thread that really disturbed people the most. We'll let Ben deal with the other topic in the other thread. Here's the portion of your comment I would like to quote for the sake of my first question.

"I started to answer the questions, but what is the point if the answers only create more name calling instead of acceptance of how i see matters (not agreeing with that viewpoint is no problem, just each their own opinion). If the questions and answers take place in a civil manner then i would have no problem answering questions."

Let me phrase my question as civilly as I can. Mind you, civility is subjective. I'm sure I have a significantly different tolerance level, so I'll do my best to approximate yours. I'll start with just one question at first.

First question, do you think Brad was channeling another entity when he stated the following:

brad: Brad is here to guide you. brad: Brad sees himself as a mentor to yhou
brad: utilize his teachings as he and his friend Clinton, ared here
to help you and others to bring you on the path to ascension
brad: not to mention others that are veomcing of all being state
brad: There is ac connection between Brad and yourself. The two
of you have met in past lives

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Simply put I don't know. When i tried "channeling" i was surprised at the results. But also very sceptical. That is why i created the group "perceived channelings". Did i connect with an entity? I don't know, Was it myself? I don't know.

Here is the exact text of the group "Feel free to digest, add, delete or ignore posts made to the container. The container holds personally perceived channeling messages from members".

Never would i claim to be connected to "an entity". Simply because up to now I have no way to prove it. My first post in that group ended with "I have no idea what it is, that is what this container is for. I have only corrected major spelling mistakes and typing errors. The minor ones have been left alone. as has the rest of the message".

Even at the start of the "message" i clearly state that i was helped by a member and sources unknown as the member stated they were guided to help me. I left that member in their "dignity" but clearly stated "sources unknown" to clearly indicate i just don't know. Not for myself let alone for others who make such claims.

What i wrote looked jibberish to me but it was the result of what was on my screen at the time. So for now and the near future (i havent tried channeling since my last post in that container" i will always speak of perceived channelings.

p.s. sorry i only just noticed this post when i refreshed my screen on the main page.

LeavingSOE said:
Tony, I would like to take this discussion back over here, because I think this is the thread that really disturbed people the most. We'll let Ben deal with the other topic in the other thread. Here's the portion of your comment I would like to quote for the sake of my first question.

"I started to answer the questions, but what is the point if the answers only create more name calling instead of acceptance of how i see matters (not agreeing with that viewpoint is no problem, just each their own opinion). If the questions and answers take place in a civil manner then i would have no problem answering questions."

Let me phrase my question as civilly as I can. Mind you, civility is subjective. I'm sure I have a significantly different tolerance level, so I'll do my best to approximate yours. I'll start with just one question at first.

First question, do you think Brad was channeling another entity when he stated the following:

brad: Brad is here to guide you. brad: Brad sees himself as a mentor to yhou
brad: utilize his teachings as he and his friend Clinton, ared here
to help you and others to bring you on the path to ascension
brad: not to mention others that are veomcing of all being state
brad: There is ac connection between Brad and yourself. The two
of you have met in past lives

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At least some have the balls to put up their own pic and open to childish ridicule instead of hiding behind avatars pics.

LeavingSOE said:
ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

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@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

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Since you quoted me, I'll assume that was directed to me. Just so you know, putting my picture up on the internet is not a risk I'm willing to take. It's not because of worry of childish ridicule. I also really wouldn't correlate one's putting up their picture to the size of their balls, but that's just me. I just think it's better to err on the side of caution, particularly when dealing with religious zealots. All that having been said, I thought the reference was quite entertaining (not childish ridicule but a very smart reference), and the pose matching was just a coincidental icing on the cake.

Tony said:
At least some have the balls to put up their own pic and open to childish ridicule instead of hiding behind avatars pics.
LeavingSOE said:
ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

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