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Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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The Oversoul Seven Trilogy: The Education of Oversoul Seven, the Further Education of Oversoul Seven, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time by Jane Roberts

The Oversoul Seven Trilogy is a work of fiction based on the Seth material. The Seth sessions are a series of trance communications Roberts dictated from 1963 to 1984, which provide an explanation from Seth (a multidimensional being Jane speaks for while in trance) on what it means to be human. For example: "The personality can dwell, and does dwell, in many worlds at once" (Seth, Session 180, page 212). The Oversoul Seven Trilogy is the culmination of Seth's teachings, distilled into a novelized format to explore his ideas on the nature of consciousness and reality creation.

Sound familiar? It's actually really addictive reading, particularly if you're into the New Age spirituality. I read this over 10 years ago along with some of the Seth material, but I would love to go back and read it again after this recent experience with channelers.

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For MR D if you haven't read it already:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Amazing and touching book. Soon to be a movie.

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Thanks! Added to my list of stuff to buy. Damn, I need to quit my job so I can focus on reading and growing my spiritual guru business...

TheTabarnac said:
For MR D if you haven't read it already:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Amazing and touching book. Soon to be a movie.

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It's really awesome you'll love it....and McCarthy is a great writer.

DeusEx said:
Thanks! Added to my list of stuff to buy. Damn, I need to quit my job so I can focus on reading and growing my spiritual guru business...

TheTabarnac said:
For MR D if you haven't read it already:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Amazing and touching book. Soon to be a movie.

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Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger Williams is really good and totally not as pretentious as the title makes it out to be. It's actually pretty vulgar and tends to go for shock value, so it's entertaining at least...and it's FREE!

In the best possible future, there will be
no war, no famine, no crime,
no sickness, no oppression,
no fear, no limits, no shame...
...and nothing to do.

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Also my favorite short story of all time: Isaac Assimov's The Last Question you can probably knock through it in 20-30 minutes. Also free.

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Just finished this one as it was short. A really good story and I love the sense of humor :)

ParadigmShift said:
Also my favorite short story of all time: Isaac Assimov's The Last Question you can probably knock through it in 20-30 minutes. Also free.

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I found a copy of James Randi's "Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions at a local bookstore this weekend. Should be an interesting read :)

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Gods of Eden by William Bramley. A book recommended by Alex Collier. This book is packed with information on human beings being ruled by bad extraterrestrial which was expressed in the eariest recorded history in Sumer. the intention and conflict from the bad extraterrestrial are all expressed in this book from the beginning of time to the 21 century.

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The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook
A Defense Manual for the Coming Extraterrestrial Apocalypse
by W.H. Mumfrey

Ok, first of all, I hated this book. I didn't find it to be the least bit funny, and I read the damned thing cover2cover. Now to put this in perspective, I have NEVER EVER EVER been into the whole extraterrestrial scene. (The closest I've come is being a fan of Alien, the movie.) Now, putting all that aside, there is a wealth of valuable troll material in this book. You could really dick around with people just by pulling excerpts. Example:

Dear friends, we should be very, very afraid of aliens and what our government is hiding from us! I read that these documents smuggled out of the Soviet Union during the 1970s indicated that all aliens species encountered on this planet have the ability to focus electrogenic impulses to create a sustained discharge that would temporarily paralyze human beings by disrupting the electrical signals from the body's nerve cells and preventing the messages from getting from the brain to the body's muscles! We must join the resistance against our extraterrestrial enemies!"

Yeah, I know my attempt at an alien-related troll is a fail. But with the talented people here, I'm sure you would generate tons of lulz from this book.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I read this book after reading the 5-star God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. There's a line in this book that cracked me up because of just having finished Dawkins's book:

There are no antagonists more fearsome or committed to their objectives than those who believe their actions are sanctioned by their gods. [...] Let us hope alien invaders are atheists.

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Meh I couldn't stomach books about New Age spirituality.

I pretty much stick to stuff about Zen Buddhism and Samurai. Right now i'm reading:

Wanting Enlightenment is a Big Mistake
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Bushido: A Classic Essay on Samurai Ethics
The Unfettered Mind: Letters from the Zen Master to the Sword Master
The Book of Five Rings
The Art of War

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