Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

  • Female
  • Harrisburg,IL
  • United States

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wow Spearcarrier makes better vids then this. TIp one: don't record and talk when the windows are down. Tip 2: instead of saying wow alot when you have nothing to say do a little research on the places you visit so you have more then wow to say....
4 minutes ago
Remind you of something you have seen recently or someone...
5 hours ago are are saved! Do you feel the power you feel it? Then praise me with your money...yes I am doing God's (ahem) Adronis' work. I am gifted...I am in direct contact with a higher being. You are not. That makes me...
5 hours ago
I like roller coasters! I like the ones that go up and down, round and round, loop-de-loop, that's the truth!!!
6 hours ago
umm what the fuck is wrong with you brad, do you have any idea how insane you look. How many fucking DAYS ago was it you were talking about "ohh hey lets concentrate on the real world we're here in the 3D we need to take responsibility and see wh...
6 hours ago
Yeah you can tell that clip was just him with a synth voice. the least he could of done was had someone else do the voice.
6 hours ago
2 minutes in is pure gold...Brad's trying to gain street cred by saying he got threatened LOL
6 hours ago
Choshu added a video
6 hours ago
is it just me or does dru's lips remind anyone else of Mr. Ed?
12 hours ago
If he's such a great channeler why didn't he ask Adronis or Faggoth what was up?
hihihihihi... now that was funny!! Thank you Choshu ;-) ... that was just what the doctor ordered
on Friday
Choshu added a video
on Friday
wow I got all the way up to 2 whole minuets on this one. Him and Brad should get together and take notes off each other. :P
on Friday
on Thursday
I swear his videos are breading like rabbits.
August 3
The beginning of Fagoth adronis clip sounds like darth vader. I don't know whats creppier him on vid or on audio. LOL come watch as Brad accends his big mac and t urns it into a Veggie burger.
August 3

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Choshu's Blog


my memories

I remember living in a ivory tower castle place. I think it was gold or silver trimmed? Living there was one of my first memories. In that memory I was 5 yrs old when we were attacked and a servent let them in. I was put in a little hidey hole place and was there was a few days before having the courage to run away. Found a swamp lady and she raised me before sending me to this preistess place. From there I ended up being the next in line to take over the place but something happeend and I ended… Continue

Posted on February 9, 2009 at 9:42pm — 2 Comments


My Story

I'm not sure how to start this blog post. It's the obligatory "this is my story" post. I could start it "once upon a time" but seeing how every story starts with this line it's over rated and done with as are "Once upon a time in a galaxy far far way". So I guess I'll start it sooner or later when I decide on how to start my story and after I think of a title for this blog post. :D.

I've been an abductee and contactee for 10 yrs now. Maybe more maybe less 10 yrs is more of when I first became a… Continue

Posted on February 8, 2009 at 4:50pm — 3 Comments

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At 11:54pm on July 8, 2009, DeusEx said…
Yeah, Torchwood season 3 started and it's already at episode 3 :P
At 8:56pm on May 1, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Sorry I missed you in chat today. Here's a gift to make up for it (since you like the emoticon so much).

At 9:59pm on February 17, 2009, DeusEx said…
Missed you on chat, but saw the interesting conversation you had with Sarah.
At 1:01am on February 7, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome to SOSOE, Choshu! :)


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