Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

kerry facebook.jpg

^ ^ this is what miss kerry posted on her facebook
i did post this on SoE but something tells me it will be deleted, so i posted it on here aswell.
i am putting this post up beause you think kerry is a loving person, so i thought i would put her facebook post up, so you can see her true colours and why she is so suited to brad. did you honestly think i wouldnt see what you put on your facebook? im disgusted in you, im not angry that you left me but im so angry that you say you dont love the girls in the way a mother should and that when you have brads children, you will love them more, dont feel you have to keep in contact with my girls. how dare you blame me for leaving your other kids, if i recall child services put them on the at risk register for neglect thats why they stayed with thier father, who has since had them taken off of him. you then told me that the girls were your life and you would do anything for them. i believed you, the other day i asked if you would keep in contact with the girls, you started crying i thought you were really upset leaving them, now i know they were just crocodile tears. you asked me if i understood why you were leaving the girls cos you had to be selfish and think of youself, well kerry i cant understand how you can leave your children but i knew eventually you would, im just glad you've done this now while the girls are young enough. i honestly hope you dont have children if you can pick and choose what children you want and love. what if your other children read what you put, how would they feel? they havent got no one and are in care. you got brad to write that testimonial and that was a lie you only lost 16lbs, still good but if you dont eat and only drink water wont you lose weight? kerry just wounderin did you ever think y Elle was not so clingy to 2 as she was in the past? could it be that you spent all your time on the computer? you dropped her like you dropped Clo just like when Elle was born. i cant see why they (brad, clinton(oh clinton hope you get over yu dark energy thing, kerry told me that you tried to attach yourself to her but she was too 'powerful')etc) say you have so much love cos you clearlydont your just selfish. i know to some people, this will loook like an all out attack on kerry but i love my girls so much and to read what she put on facebook has upset me, she kept me away from them only seein them on wkends when she didnt want them, you should have moved out so they still had the attention and love they deserve. danny boy im sorry for that rant on SoSoE but i was getting so much shit from kerry sayin that i was spying on her and if i didnt stop i wouldnt see my girls, were you someone else that kerry led on? i know that she said that simpleman had a thing for her if it is you bud dont give her a second thought, she and brad are laughing at you.
kerry even you friend is digusted with you shes been tellin me how you left the webcam and mic on when i came round, thats why i kept staying in the middle room, i was going to wave to brad but i didnt want to rock the boat. she also told me how you fall asleep during the day and the girls made a mess, well you should have gone to bed at a decent time. then you told her that it was mine and the girls fault that Bailey went last year. well no it weren't, you had a chance to have one of your children back so you picked him thinking that he would be like he was a little 3 year old who craved your attention, but he wasnt, he wanted t do his own thing, you just couldnt accept that and used the girls as an excuse to get rid of him and you even said you hated him cos he wasnt playing nice with the girls. with you its Always someone elses fault but Never yours, well who should grow up kerry?
these last couple of weeks you couldnt be bothered to keep the house tidy even in you new pictures of SoE you can see the washin out on the tabe, forget about the house work ill just chat to brad, never mind what im giving to the girls, rather then something proper to eat ill just open a can of beans and nasty hotdog things that are what 20p a can? did you not think to tidy up and give the girls something better to eat that when i cam around? all that money you had, you gave some to brad, you got your ticket, you brought some clothes and jewellery for youself, you brought brad a present, what did you get for the girls? did you take them out anywhere? course you didnt, just got economy food, microwave dinners and sweets to keep the girls happy so you wouldnt have to get off your fat ase and was able to stay on the computer. oh i read what brad put about leavin his baggage behind and sleeping under that stars, all that crap, what about you kerry can you leave you baggage behind? all that shit not feelin loved cos you were adpoted? brad had all that then the crocdile tears about her other kids, looks to me that you dropped a bit of baggage and gained a whole lot more with kerry. i cant understand kerry how you can say brads wife is a bad mother and never should have had children, she might have problems but she trying to look after her kids unlike you and shes an unfit mother lmfao, it makes more sense you looking after brad littlens then the canadian government funding a spiritual hospital where you would work as you will be a powerful healer. brad, kerry told me that you started work last tuesday and you were staying with friends until you got a house, so whats it is then hobo or business man workin in a office?it does explain why she got some trousers with an amazing amount of pockets n them, so she can rummage through random bins, well they wont be random bins, they'll be mc donalda bins (more things you have in common with brad)
on a more serious not can you give your address to my solicitor, she needs to know where your living so she can get the divorce papaers sent out for you to sign, be it that you live in a house, brads friends place, prads parents house or a cadboard box.
before everyone on SoE starts sayin that it was kerrys free will and all that... read what i am sayin, im only pissed off what she about her children in particular what she said about my girls and how she treated them. brad duno about saviour of earth, but you are my family's saviour and i cant thank you enough. if you just told me from the start how you fely about the girls kerry, i wouldnt of posted this, but to put it on your facebook it seems you like the attention and everyone to read what you put, well they know the truth about you now. Just one questions for you kerry, do you need revenge for bein adopted and the only way you can get that is to screw up your own childrens lives? it worked for you firsst three but i wont let it happen to my girls. I hope brad can heal you sick, twisted head.

Love and Light Dave.



james_uk Comment by james_uk on March 27, 2009 at 8:30am
If your talking about "" yes thankfully that one got taken down sometime around the 20th IIRC. I dont think anyone around here was aware that she actually sent him money for that website. What was the money originally intended for?
dave147doh Comment by dave147doh on March 27, 2009 at 9:58am
she told me it was for a bond on flat
iDom Comment by iDom on March 27, 2009 at 10:25am

The repercussions and ramifications of this whole thing never cease to disgust me at the highest level.
Yes Dave, that EoS website is down. Kerry will have to get used to it. That's the Brad Johnson way…
But since she lied about it, well I guess she's just as much as a conspirator against herself as Brad always was and always shall be.
After all, maybe the law of attraction really works… These two are the sickest peas in the same pot.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if this world need be saved from something, it's from such people who are a disgrace to their species.

Take good care of yourself, Dave. You're a good man.

Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 27, 2009 at 12:06pm
I just hope divine intervention occurs and these 2 will not reproduce.
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 27, 2009 at 12:08pm
such despicable people have no place here on earth.
Serenitywhisper Comment by Serenitywhisper on March 28, 2009 at 10:34am
Wow, I'm coming in late on this one but wow, this is utterly unbelievable. *sigh*. I have two children and I would not do this, this is just disgusting. Outright disgusting!
teddycool Comment by teddycool on March 28, 2009 at 3:27pm
This is the way their childrens nightmare began.Every child who has ever lost a parent goes through the same denial.The same hope that they will walk through the back door. All trace of the beings had taken to calling mom and dad, gone. Parents aren't suppose to leave their childrens.They're supposed to be there for their first report card, to give him advice about how to cope with the bullies at play ball with him.Parents are supposed to stay .
teddycool Comment by teddycool on March 29, 2009 at 11:20am
I see your point,so when someone gets hit in a emotional way, they start to put their minds to it and this is where they start to realize it so much that their aspiration for preventing and solving this will automatically come to them. It is like a burning desire for truth. When I was lazy I always ask my self I needed motivation to and make myself shine,since I don't kow how to motivate myself. Then I begin to find out that when I was being afffected mentally and emotionally, it gave me the motivation to be a little stronger than I was before, and thus stopped the laziness within me.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 30, 2009 at 12:00pm
Teddy, I think you're absolutely right in your original response. Parents are supposed to be there...unless they are abusive, then it's better if they're gone. Good points to you and Jayden :)
dave147doh Comment by dave147doh on March 31, 2009 at 11:41am
okay brad i will post the email u sent me

Dave, Kerry was just showing me what you were putting up on SoSoE in regardsto her and me. Now I'm not here to tear you a new asshole or slam youdown or anything. But what I am asking you to do is to let it all go. Seriously, all your doing is throwing more fuel on the fire with allthis business. What has been done has been done. I really do not seeyour purpose in continuing all this junk. First off, your accusationswith Kerry on Facebook are counterfeit as you obviously have access toher old account and are attempting to stir up shit. No offense man,but grow up. You are aware that Kerry still keeps in contact with your solicitorand has the right to report any form of abuse that you are bringingout? Are you truly willing to jeopardize your family with yourbehavior? Are you also aware that I have been keeping records of yourbehavior as well from what Kerry has been telling me when you werethere? That you were nearly arrested for stealing Kerry's cell phone,that the money Kerry generously gave you went towards you partying itup? That the times when you were coming over to see the kids, youconstantly pulled no shows and that Kerry had them most of theduration of the time she was there. That you threatened her saying shewas a whore and that you hope her plane crashes? All this and more isdocumented on my end man. And I'm truly concerned with your behavioras well. That you still have this grudge. She has moved on and Ihighly suggest you move on as well. So if you want to put this up on SoSoE, that's fine as I don't evenbother with that site anymore as they're all anti-Brad over there.That's fine. And i can see you have a liking to such a site's nature.Again, all ok. But this is just a heads up man that everything yourdoing is being documented on my end regards to your behavior. I hopeyou can let all this go and move on with your life and your family.This will be the only email you get from me. Hoping you can move onman and get away from this thirst for vengeance. Brad.

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