Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Astralboi(Kerry's brother) questions and comments

As I was going on SoE to check something, I was just on chat to see what was going on and surprisingly a member name Astralboi said he was Kerry's brother and came to speak about his sister's break up with her husband and kids.
It's a shame that people have suffer like this. Is this what it's going to take for us to open our eyes?
How many more must suffer, before we realise something must be done?

At 5:00pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… just a question brad, you know my sister,
formally miss kerry, i know you have been flirtin with her and she has fallen for the crap,
she seems to have it in her head that she loves you and you love her, to the point of
breakin up her marraige and having her husband move out with the kids, now if this isnt
true then you best tell her because im not gonna have my sister loose everythin again, she
cant go on believing everythin is gonna work out by spendin almost 20hrs a day infront of
the pc chattin shite to you. something need to be done so that things can go back to
normall and you need to be shown for who you really are. the best thing you can do is not
talk to her and let her get back to her lovin family

read my post to brad i hope people will
understand what im trying to do here because i know she wouldnt break her marraige and
loose her kids for nothin

astraboi :
well she seems to think she is in a proper relationship together

astraboi :
wat so its right for kerry to leave her husband and 2 young children becuse of beliefs of
this site

sorry but it needs sortin out

astraboi :
well like i sayshe seems to think that brad loves her and to be honest i think its just a
load of rubbish, this is why i want to know what he doing about it

astraboi :
ive left him a comment but nothin

astraboi :
hey brad, just want to are you happy that you have broken a marraige?? not being rude or
nothin but this is my sister we are talkin about

y, i want this to be public, im not after a row, i just want the truth

Brad Johnson:
ok guys, i'm outta here.

astraboi :

astraboi :
thought he might go if i said somethin

astraboi :
ive read a load of chat logs between her and brad but he need to be told, i wont have my
sisters family torn apart because of some jumped up scroat who thinks he cn just fob me off
with crap like he did

astraboi :
right im out be back monday

At 6:07pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… well to be honest i wont have you tearin my family apart, my brother-in-law is goin mad because of what you are doing, just leave her alone so she cn get back to normal life withe him and the kids



DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 21, 2009 at 7:49pm
Thank you for posting this as I missed the beginning part. I feel so sorry for everyone affected by this. Brad is out of control. His hunger for fame will not be stopped by anything or anybody. He even says it himself in his channeling. "The only thing that matters is what you want"
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 21, 2009 at 7:56pm
the other thing about this is Brad dosent strike me as the kind of guy who wont just get kerry to leave her family and all this shit but then puss out when it comes to him leavin his family, or maybe hell meet some other prettier girl and ditch out on miss kerry, leaving her completely alone and ruined. When your relationship is based on this sad manchilds sci fi fantasy sitting in his basement ignoring his wife and kids you have to be completely out of your mind if your willing to give up your family for that kind of relationship.
But of course this is the power of the comforting lies sold to people by assholes like brad
PrincessHeart Comment by PrincessHeart on February 21, 2009 at 10:29pm
*sigh* every newish person that comes along and is shocked that Brad will just disregard what they have to say just makes me facedesk again.

This is just saddening though.. I can't fathom why this is going down with grown adults who have families and kids to look after.
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on February 21, 2009 at 11:20pm
This is fucking ridiculous.

someone needs to go there and show that stupid mother fucker that its not right to ruin other people's families like that. What a stupid piece of shit, this is infuriating me!!!
iDom Comment by iDom on February 23, 2009 at 2:53am
There's too much to be dealt with in astral for 3rd dimensional concerns get addressed. All lines are dead. We are sorry we cannot take your call but if you are interested in Ascension, please check our website and meditation sessions. Thank you for your interest in evolving.

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